Statistical analyses#

Measure collection#

Measure collections can be used in order ease the handling of multiple readings and obtain a collection of measures wrapped in a class MeasureCollection.

In order to initialize a measure collection, one can use the following methods:

Measure collections can also be extended using the method extend() or simply by the + operator.

Measure collections can also be exported into a dictionary, a JSON file or a csv file using the following methods to_dict(), to_json() and to_csv().

Assuming you have a few readings

...     'raw-data-example-01.json',
...     'raw-data-example-02.json',
...     'raw-data-example-03.json',
... ]

The can be read into the data model using the reading functionality

>>> from import read_ads
>>> readings = [
...     read_ads(path) for path in EXAMPLE_PATHS
... ]

Assuming the readings have not been processed one can use auto_process() to do so:

>>> from dispel.providers import auto_process
>>> processed = [auto_process(r).get_reading() for r in readings]
>>> processed = [auto_process(r).get_reading() for r in readings]
>>> from import MeasureCollection
>>> MeasureCollection.from_reading(processed[0])
<MeasureCollection: 1 subject, 1 evaluation>
>>> collection2 = MeasureCollection.from_reading(processed[0])
>>> collection2
<MeasureCollection: 1 subject, 1 evaluation>
>>> collection = MeasureCollection.from_readings(processed)
>>> collection
<MeasureCollection: 3 subjects, 3 evaluations>

The collection can also be turned into a dictionary:

>>> dict_export = collection.to_dict()

Or stored as JSON or CSV files:

>>> collection.to_json('measure_export.json')
>>> collection.to_csv('measure_export.csv')

Reliability analyses#

The dispel.stats.reliability module provides tools to perform measure reliability analysis.

  1. Load the CSV export file containing the measures values into a MeasureCollection using the class method from_data_frame().

  2. Computing all the ICC test-retest score for all measures using the icc_set_test_retest(). It creates a ICCResultSet object, which contains ICCResult icc score for each measure.

>>> from dispel.stats.reliability import icc_set_test_retest
>>> from import MeasureCollection
>>> measure_collection = MeasureCollection.from_csv(EXAMPLE_PATH)
>>> measure_iccs = icc_set_test_retest(measure_collection)

An ICCResult object is composed of all the information relative to the ICC test retest analyses which have been performed. The kind of reliability (Test retest), the model used (two way mixed, absolute agreement, average measurement), the ICC score value, the bounds (upper and lower), the p-value and the sample size and the power of the test.

Learning analysis#

The learning module provides tools to perform measure learning analyses. A learning analysis is performed over multiple sessions performed by a subject related to a measure extracted from its corresponding task (i.e. CPS task for the measure cps-std-rt-mean).

In order to extract the relevant parameters from a learning analysis (i.e. learning rate,…), one has to provide the required data wrapped in a MeasureCollection.

from import MeasureCollection
import pkg_resources

EXAMPLE_PATH = pkg_resources.resource_filename(
    'tests.stats', '_resources/single-user-learning-example.csv'
# Extract a MeasureCollection from a .csv export.
collection = MeasureCollection.from_csv(EXAMPLE_PATH)

Extract learning parameters#

When the measure collection is created, one can extract the learning parameters. This can be done by passing the measure collection to the extract_learning_for_one_subject() function:

>>> from dispel.stats.learning import extract_learning_for_one_subject
>>> learning_result = extract_learning_for_one_subject(collection)

The function will then return a LearningResult class containing the whole learning analysis results.

One can access the learning parameters with the method get_parameters() that outputs a pandas object (data frame or series) containing the following information:

  • subject_id: the subject identifier,

  • measure_id: the measure identifier,

  • optimal_performance: the optimal performance of the subject for the measure in question,

  • slope_coefficient: the slope coefficient of the learning curve of the subject for the measure in question,

  • learning_rate: the learning rate of the subject for the measure in question,

  • warm_up: the minimum number of sessions needed for the subject to attain 90% of their optimal performance,

  • r2_score: the R squared measure that represents the goodness of the fit of the learning model,

  • nb_outliers: the number of rejected outliers during the fit of the learning model,

  • delay_mean: the average delay between sessions in days,

  • delay_median: the median delay between sessions in days,

  • delay_mean: the maximum delay between sessions in days,

One can also access the new data points without outliers with the method get_new_data().

Note that if one wants to extract learning parameters for all present subjects in the MeasureCollection, it can be done by passing this MeasureCollection and a 'measure_id' to the extract_learning_for_all_subjects() function. This function will in the same way return a LearningResult class containing the same types of information as previously described.

>>> from dispel.stats.learning import extract_learning_for_all_subjects
>>> learning_result = extract_learning_for_all_subjects(
...     collection, 'CPS-dtd-rt-mean-01')

One can then explore the learning parameters for all users as well as plot relevant results.