Data model#


The basic container for all data processed is a Reading. _providers extend the library with reading functionality for specific file formats. The function read() allows automatically parse registered formats into the reading data model. The providers too come with functions that allow to read from files directly, if the format is known.

As an example, we will read a file using the parsing for Ad Scientiam’s file format. First you have to import and read in given a path:

from import read_ads

reading = read_ads('path/to/file.json')


Level definition#

Tasks used to assess the performance of a subject can be composed of multiple sub-tasks used to assess multiple aspects within a domain. To provide a logical structure for data capture, these sub-tasks are structured in so called levels. From a data analysis perspective a level is a logical unit of analysis. For example, the DRAW task asks the subject to draw four different shapes twice with both their left and right hand. Each attempt to draw a shape with one hand is considered a level as one would derive measures for analyses for each and everyone of them.

Identification of levels#

Levels are identified by their id that allows to uniquely select one scenario out of the above mentioned modalities. The ids are derived from the lower case name of the modality. Multiple modalities are separated with a dash (-).


  • Symbol-to-digit/digit-to-digit

    • Symbol-to-digit (symbol_to_digit)

    • Digit-to-digit (digit_to_digit)


  • Hand

    • Left (left)

    • Right (right)

  • Shape

    • Square counter-clock (square_counter_clock)

    • Square (square)

    • Figure 8 (figure_eight)

    • Spiral (spiral)

  • Attempt

    • 1st attempt (1)

    • 2nd attempt (2)

An example for DRAW would be left_square_1.


The following diagram illustrated the class relationships between Reading, Level, RawDataSet, LevelEpoch and MeasureSet.

classDiagram class Reading { -levels: Dict[str, Level] ... +get_level(id_: Union[str, LevelId]): Level } class LevelId{ +id: str +modalities: Tuple[str, ...] +from_modalities(*modalities): LevelId } class LevelEpoch{ ... } class Level{ +id: LevelId -_raw_data_sets: Dict[str, RawDataSet] -_measure_set: MeasureSet +get_raw_data_set(id_: str): RawDataSet +epochs: List[LevelEpoch] +get_measure_set(): MeasureSet +get_measure(id_: str): MeasureValue } Level "1" --> "1" LevelId Level "1" --> "0..*" LevelEpoch class RawDataSet class MeasureSet Reading "1" --> "1..*" Level Level "1" --> "0..*" RawDataSet Reading "1" --> "0..1" MeasureSet Level "1" --> "0..1" MeasureSet

Extracting a Level#

To get access to one of the use the method get_level():

level = reading.get_level('<level_id>')

where <level_id> has to be replaced with the desired level_id. e.g. if you have a reading of the CPS test, you can use level_id = 'digit_to_symbol'.

One can also extract all levels from a Reading using levels:

levels = reading.levels


LevelEpoch allow to describe specific time periods in levels with measures. They can be used to both process and extract data and measures for those specific epochs in time.


A RawDataSet is a data structure with a pandas data frame encapsulated with a RawDataSetDefinition composed with information about the data source, and a short description of the values in RawDataSet (see RawDataValueDefinition).

classDiagram class RawDataSet{ +definition: RawDataSetDefinition +data: pandas.DataFrame} class RawDataSetDefinition{ +id_: str +source: RawDataSource +value_definitions: Iterable[ RawDataValueDefinition] +is_computed: bool } RawDataSet "1" --> "1" RawDataSetDefinition

Extracting a RawDataSet#

To get access to one of the RawDataSet s contained in the Level, simply call

data = level.get_raw_data_set('<id>')

where <id> has to be replaced with the data set ids, for the cps example with level_id = ‘digit_to_symbol’ one may use id = 'userInput'.

Minimum working example#

We illustrate how to get a pandas.DataFrame with formatted data from a json file with an example, reading data from a CPS experiment at the level symbol-to-digit with key level_id = 'digit_to_symbol' and id set to id = 'userInput'.

from import read_ads

# path to json
path = "./tests/io/_resources/ads/CPS/example.json"

# read ads
reading = read_ads(path)

# extract dataset
data_set = reading.get_level('digit_to_symbol').get_raw_data_set('userInput')

# get dataframe from data_set
df =


Flags provide a structured way to mark entities as valid. Those flags can originate from both technical issues (TECHNICAL) with the underlying data capture or behavioural aspects ( BEHAVIORAL) of subjects performing tests not according to their respective protocol.

Flags are supported for Readings, Levels, RawDataSets and MeasureValues.

is_valid() indicates if a particular entity is valid and get_flags() allows to retrieve all reasons why a particular entity was flagged.

Flags contain both an identifier and a reason. The id contains three pieces of information:

  • task_name e.g. CPS etc.

  • flag_type e.g. technical, behavioral etc.

  • flag_severity e.g. deviation or invalidation

  • flag_name e.g. tilt_angle, pressure_range etc.

And the reason contains a more descriptive message of the data flag.

Flags can be defined as follows:


>>> from import AbbreviatedValue as AV
>>> from import Flag, FlagId, FlagSeverity, FlagType
>>> flag_id = FlagId(
...     task_name=AV('Pinch test', 'pinch'),
...     flag_name=AV('Tilt angle', 'ta'),
...     flag_type=FlagType.BEHAVIORAL,
...     flag_severity=FlagSeverity.DEVIATION,
... )
>>> flag_id

>>> flag = Flag(
...     id_=flag_id,
...     reason='The tilt angle of the phone is too flat during the Pinch '
...            'test.'
... )
>>> flag
Flag(id=pinch-behavioral-deviation-ta, reason='The tilt angle of the phone is too flat during the ...