dispel.providers.generic.tasks.gait.hip module#

A module specific to measures related to hip rotation.

class dispel.providers.generic.tasks.gait.hip.AggHipRotation[source]#

Bases: GaitBoutAggregateStep

Extract Hip Rotation related measures.

  • step_detection_id – The raw data set that contains the step detection generic data set. e.g.: lee.

  • hip_rotation_sign – A string indicating the sign of the hip rotation we want to keep either positive or negative.

__init__(step_detection_id, hip_rotation_sign, **kwargs)[source]#
  • step_detection_id (str) –

  • hip_rotation_sign (str) –

class dispel.providers.generic.tasks.gait.hip.AggHipRotationWithoutBout[source]#

Bases: AggregateRawDataSetColumn

Extract Hip Rotation related measures.

  • step_detection_id – The raw data set that contains the step detection generic data set. e.g.: lee.

  • hip_rotation_sign – A string indicating the sign of the hip rotation we want to keep either positive or negative.

__init__(step_detection_id, hip_rotation_sign, **kwargs)[source]#
  • step_detection_id (str) –

  • hip_rotation_sign (str) –

class dispel.providers.generic.tasks.gait.hip.ExtractHipRotation[source]#

Bases: CoreProcessingStepGroup

Group processing steps for Hip Rotation measures.

  • step_detection_id – The raw data set that contains the step detection generic data set. e.g.: lee.

  • on_walking_bouts – A boolean indicating if the computation should be made on walking bouts only.

  • kwargs (Dict[str, Any]) – Additional named arguments are passed to the process() function of each step.

__init__(data_set_id, **kwargs)[source]#

data_set_id (str) –

class dispel.providers.generic.tasks.gait.hip.ExtractHipRotationWithoutBouts[source]#

Bases: CoreProcessingStepGroup

Group processing steps for Hip Rotation measures without walking bouts.

  • step_detection_id – The raw data set that contains the step detection generic data set. e.g.: lee.

  • on_walking_bouts – A boolean indicating if the computation should be made on walking bouts only.

  • kwargs (Dict[str, Any]) – Additional named arguments are passed to the process() function of each step.

__init__(data_set_id, **kwargs)[source]#

data_set_id (str) –

dispel.providers.generic.tasks.gait.hip.HIP_SIGNS = ['positive', 'negative']#

Define the possible hip rotation sign.

class dispel.providers.generic.tasks.gait.hip.HipRotationGroup[source]#

Bases: CoreProcessingStepGroup

Group processing steps for Hip Rotation transforms.

  • step_detection_id – The raw data set that contains the step detection generic data set. e.g.: lee.

  • on_walking_bouts – A boolean indicating if the computation should be made on walking bouts only.

  • kwargs (Dict[str, Any]) – Additional named arguments are passed to the process() function of each step.

__init__(step_detection_id, on_walking_bouts, **kwargs)[source]#
  • step_detection_id (str) –

  • on_walking_bouts (bool) –

class dispel.providers.generic.tasks.gait.hip.SignHipRotation[source]#

Bases: TransformStep

Separate positive and negative Hip Rotation, keep absolute value.

  • step_detection_id – The raw data set that contains the step detection generic data set. e.g.: lee.

  • hip_rotation_sign – A string indicating the sign of the hip rotation we want to keep either positive or negative.

  • on_walking_bouts – A boolean indicating if the computation should be made on walking bouts only.

__init__(step_detection_id, hip_rotation_sign, on_walking_bouts)[source]#
  • step_detection_id (str) –

  • hip_rotation_sign (str) –

  • on_walking_bouts (bool) –

class dispel.providers.generic.tasks.gait.hip.TransformHipRotation[source]#

Bases: TransformStep

A transform step to compute hip rotation.

The Hip rotation is computed as the integration of the angular velocity along the rotated, vertical x-axis.

  • rotation_speed_id – The raw data set that contains the angular velocity series.

  • step_detection_id – The raw data set that contains the step detection generic data set. e.g.: lee.

  • component – The component defining the rotation.

  • on_walking_bouts – A boolean indicating if the computation should be made on walking bouts only.

__init__(rotation_speed_id, step_detection_id, component, on_walking_bouts)[source]#
  • rotation_speed_id (str) –

  • step_detection_id (str) –

  • component (str) –

  • on_walking_bouts (bool) –

dispel.providers.generic.tasks.gait.hip.compute_hip_rotation(rotation_speed, step_detection, on_walking_bouts)[source]#

Compute hip rotation between consecutive steps.

  • rotation_speed (DataFrame) – A series of angular velocity, typically the gravity-rotated, vertical x-axis.

  • step_detection (DataFrame) – The data frame that contains the step detection generic data set.

  • on_walking_bouts (bool) – A boolean indicating if the computation should be made on walking bouts only.


A data frame with a column hip_rotation indicating the hip rotation computed between consecutive steps.

Return type:
