dispel.data.devices module#

Data structures to support provenance on data acquisition devices.

class dispel.data.devices.AndroidPlatform[source]#

Bases: PlatformType

Android device used to record a reading.


Get a string representation of the platform.

Return type:


class dispel.data.devices.AndroidScreen[source]#

Bases: Screen

Screen properties of an Android device.


The exact physical pixels per inch of the screen in the X dimension.


The exact physical pixels per inch of the screen in the Y dimension.

__init__(width_pixels, height_pixels, density_dpi, x_dpi, y_dpi)[source]#
  • width_pixels (int) –

  • height_pixels (int) –

  • density_dpi (int) –

  • x_dpi (int) –

  • y_dpi (int) –

class dispel.data.devices.Device[source]#

Bases: object

A device used to capture the Reading.

__init__(uuid=None, platform=None, model=None, model_code=None, os_version=None, app_version_number=None, app_build_number=None, screen=None)#
  • uuid (str | None) –

  • platform (PlatformType | None) –

  • model (str | None) –

  • model_code (str | None) –

  • os_version (str | None) –

  • app_version_number (str | None) –

  • app_build_number (str | None) –

  • screen (Screen | None) –

Return type:


app_build_number: str | None = None#

The build number of the application running on the device

app_version_number: str | None = None#

The version of the application running on the device

model: str | None = None#

The model of the phone.

model_code: str | None = None#

The code used by the manufacturer to identify the model

os_version: str | None = None#

The OS or kernel version depending on the platform.

platform: PlatformType | None = None#

The platform on which the device runs (e.g., iOS, Android, …).

screen: Screen | None = None#

The screen properties of the device

uuid: str | None = None#

A unique device identifier. Can be a hardware or vendor identifier

class dispel.data.devices.IOSPlatform[source]#

Bases: PlatformType

iOS device used to record a reading.


Get a string representation of the platform.

Return type:


class dispel.data.devices.IOSScreen[source]#

Bases: Screen

Screen properties of an Android device.


The screen scaling factor to convert logical pixels into physical pixels.

__init__(width_pixels, height_pixels, density_dpi, scale_factor, width_dp_pt, height_dp_pt)[source]#
  • width_pixels (int) –

  • height_pixels (int) –

  • density_dpi (int) –

  • scale_factor (int) –

  • width_dp_pt (int) –

  • height_dp_pt (int) –

class dispel.data.devices.PlatformType[source]#

Bases: Protocol

A type specifying the platform used to record a reading.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)#

Get a string representation of the platform.

Return type:


class dispel.data.devices.Screen[source]#

Bases: object

Screen properties of a device.

__init__(width_pixels, height_pixels, density_dpi=None, width_dp_pt=None, height_dp_pt=None)#
  • width_pixels (int) –

  • height_pixels (int) –

  • density_dpi (int | None) –

  • width_dp_pt (int | None) –

  • height_dp_pt (int | None) –

Return type:


density_dpi: int | None = None#

The width of the screen in physical units

height_dp_pt: int | None = None#

The number of pixels along the diagonal of the screen per inch.

height_pixels: int#

The height of the screen in pixels

width_dp_pt: int | None = None#

The height of the screen in physical units

width_pixels: int#

The width of the screen in pixels