dispel.providers.generic.tasks.ft.flags module#

A module containing all the finger tapping invalidations.

class dispel.providers.generic.tasks.ft.flags.FlagMinNumberOfTaps[source]#

Bases: FlagLevelStep

A Level Validation step to flag the miniumum number of taps.

flag_name: AV | str = Invalid number of valid taps (invalid_min_n_taps)#

The name of the flag

flag_severity: FlagSeverity | str = 1#
flag_type: FlagType | str = 'behavioral'#

The type of the flag

reason: str = 'Less than 20 valid taps for {level_id}'#

The detailed reason of the flag

task_name: AV | str = Finger Tapping Assessment (FT)#

The task name

class dispel.providers.generic.tasks.ft.flags.FlagOneSidedTaps[source]#

Bases: FlagLevelStep

A Level Validation step to flag one-sided tapping.

flag_name: AV | str = one sided tapping (one_sided_tapping)#

The name of the flag

flag_severity: FlagSeverity | str = 1#
flag_type: FlagType | str = 'behavioral'#

The type of the flag

reason: str = 'More than 7 consecutive taps in the same zone for {level_id}'#

The detailed reason of the flag

class dispel.providers.generic.tasks.ft.flags.FlagTappingInterval[source]#

Bases: FlagLevelStep

A Level Validation step to detect invalid tapping pause.

flag_name: AV | str = tapping pause (tapping_pause)#

The name of the flag

flag_severity: FlagSeverity | str = 1#
flag_type: FlagType | str = 'behavioral'#

The type of the flag

reason: str = 'A tapping interval greater than 3 seconds has been detected for {level_id}'#

The detailed reason of the flag

class dispel.providers.generic.tasks.ft.flags.GenericFlagsStepGroup[source]#

Bases: ProcessingStepGroup

Generic step group for finger tapping flags.

steps: List[ProcessingStep] = [<dispel.processing.level.ProcessingStepGroup object>, <dispel.processing.level.ProcessingStepGroup object>, <dispel.processing.level.ProcessingStepGroup object>, <dispel.processing.level.ProcessingStepGroup object>]#