Source code for dispel.processing.modalities

"""A module containing functionality to process specific modalities."""

from typing import Iterable, Set

from import Level
from import AVEnum
from dispel.processing.level import LevelFilter

[docs] class HandModality(AVEnum): """Handedness for tasks that are applied to different hands.""" LEFT = ("left hand", "left") RIGHT = ("right hand", "right")
[docs] class HandModalityFilter(LevelFilter): """Filter for same hand modality."""
[docs] def __init__(self, hand: HandModality): self.hand = hand
[docs] def repr(self): """Get representation of the filter.""" return f"only {self.hand.av}>"
[docs] def filter(self, levels: Iterable[Level]) -> Set[Level]: """Filter levels performed with a specific hand.""" return set( filter( lambda x: "usedHand" in x.context and x.context.get_raw_value("usedHand") == self.hand.abbr, levels, ) )
[docs] class SensorModality(AVEnum): # FIXME remove class """Sensor types enumerator."""
[docs] def unit(self, order: int = 1) -> str: """Get the unit of the sensor signal. Parameters ---------- order The unit order. Returns ------- str The unit of the sensor. """ basis = {"acc": "G", "gyr": "rad/s", "itrem": "pixel"}[self.abbr] if order == 1: return basis return "/".join([x + f"^{order}" for x in basis.split("/")])
ACCELEROMETER = ("accelerometer", "acc") GYROSCOPE = ("gyroscope", "gyr") INTENTIONAL = ("intentional tremors", "itrem")
[docs] class LimbModality(AVEnum): """Type of limb exercises enumerator.""" UPPER_LIMB = ("upper limb", "upper") LOWER_LIMB = ("lower limb", "lower")