Source code for dispel.processing

"""Processing functionality."""
from typing import Iterable, List, Union

from import Reading
from dispel.processing.core import ProcessingStep
from dispel.processing.data_trace import DataTrace
from dispel.utils import raise_multiple_errors

ProcessingStepsType = Union[ProcessingStep, Iterable[ProcessingStep]]

[docs] def process(reading: Reading, steps: ProcessingStepsType, **kwargs) -> DataTrace: r"""Perform processing steps on a reading. Parameters ---------- reading The reading to be processed. steps An iterable of :class:`~dispel.processing.core.ProcessingStep`\ s to be applied to the ``reading`` or a single processing step to be applied. kwargs Additional named arguments are passed to the :meth:`~dispel.processing.core.ProcessingStep.process` function. Returns ------- DataTrace The data trace corresponding to the provided reading after applying the processing steps. """ if isinstance(steps, ProcessingStep): steps = [steps] accumulated_errors: List[Exception] = [] trace = DataTrace.from_reading(reading) for step in steps: for output in step.process(reading, **kwargs): error = trace.populate(output) if error: accumulated_errors.append(error) raise_multiple_errors(accumulated_errors) return trace