Source code for dispel.processing.flags

"""Data entity flag module."""
import inspect
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Generator, Iterable, Optional, Tuple, Union

from import EntityType, Reading
from import Flag, FlagId, FlagSeverity, FlagType
from import Level
from import AbbreviatedValue as AV
from dispel.processing.utils import TaskMixin
from dispel.utils import set_attributes_from_kwargs

[docs] def flag(_func=None, **kwargs): """Decorate a function as a flagging function.""" def wrapper(func): func.__flagging_function__ = True func.__flag_kwargs__ = { **kwargs, **getattr(func, "__flag_kwargs__", {}), } return func if _func is None: return wrapper return wrapper(_func)
FlaggingFunctionGeneratorType = Generator[ Tuple[Callable[..., bool], Dict[str, Any]], None, None ]
[docs] class FlagStepMixin(TaskMixin, metaclass=ABCMeta): """A flag mix in class.""" #: The name of the flag flag_name: Union[AV, str] #: The type of the flag flag_type: Union[FlagType, str] # The severity of the flag flag_severity: Union[FlagSeverity, str] #: The detailed reason of the flag reason: str #: The stop_processing status of the flag step stop_processing: bool = False #: The flagging function flagging_function: Optional[Callable[..., bool]] = None
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs = set_attributes_from_kwargs( self, "task_name", "flag_name", "flag_type", "flag_severity", "reason", "stop_processing", "flagging_function", **kwargs, ) self.kwargs = kwargs super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_flag_name(self, **kwargs) -> Union[str, AV]: """Get the flag name.""" flag_name = kwargs.get("flag_name", None) or getattr(self, "flag_name") if isinstance(flag_name, (str, AV)): return flag_name.format(**kwargs) raise ValueError("Missing flag name.")
[docs] def get_flag_type(self, **kwargs) -> Union[str, FlagType]: """Get the flag type.""" flag_type = kwargs.get("flag_type", None) or getattr(self, "flag_type") if isinstance(flag_type, (str, FlagType)): return flag_type raise ValueError("Missing flag type.")
[docs] def get_flag_severity(self, **kwargs) -> Union[str, FlagSeverity]: """Get the flag severity.""" flag_severity = kwargs.get("flag_severity", None) or getattr( self, "flag_severity" ) if isinstance(flag_severity, (str, FlagSeverity)): return flag_severity raise ValueError("Missing flag severity.")
[docs] def get_reason(self, **kwargs) -> str: """Get the flag reason.""" reason = kwargs.get("reason", None) or getattr(self, "reason") if isinstance(reason, str): return reason.format(**kwargs) raise ValueError("Missing flag reason.")
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_flag_targets( self, reading: Reading, level: Optional[Level] = None, **kwargs ) -> Iterable[EntityType]: """Get flag targets. Parameters ---------- reading The reading to which the targets are associated. level The level associated with the targets (if needed). kwargs Keyword arguments from which the flag targets are to be extracted. Returns ------- Iterable[EntityType] An iterable of the flag targets. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_flagging_function(self) -> Optional[Callable[..., bool]]: """Get the flagging function.""" # unbind bound methods func = self.flagging_function if func is not None and hasattr(func, "__func__"): return func.__func__ # type: ignore return func
[docs] def get_flagging_functions(self) -> FlaggingFunctionGeneratorType: """Get all flagging functions associated with this step.""" if func := self.get_flagging_function(): yield func, {} members = inspect.getmembers(self, predicate=inspect.isroutine) for _, func in members: if func is not None and hasattr(func, "__flagging_function__"): yield func, func.__flag_kwargs__ # type: ignore
[docs] def set_flag_kwargs(self, **kwargs): """Set keyword arguments inside flagging function. Parameters ---------- kwargs The keyword arguments to be added inside the flagging function keyword arguments. """ _, parent, *_ = inspect.stack() getattr(self, parent.function).__flag_kwargs__.update(kwargs)
[docs] def get_flag(self, **kwargs) -> Flag: """Get the flag corresponding to the flag step.""" (all_kwargs := self.kwargs.copy()).update(kwargs) return Flag( id_=FlagId( task_name=self.get_task_name(**all_kwargs), flag_name=self.get_flag_name(**all_kwargs), flag_type=self.get_flag_type(**all_kwargs), flag_severity=self.get_flag_severity(**all_kwargs), ), reason=self.get_reason(**all_kwargs), stop_processing=self.stop_processing, )