Source code for dispel.processing.core

r"""Core functionality to process :class:``\ s."""
import copy
import inspect
import warnings
from abc import abstractmethod
from collections import abc
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum
from typing import (

from import EntityType, Reading
from import Flag, FlagSeverity, FlagType
from import Level, LevelEpoch
from import MeasureSet, MeasureValue
from import RawDataSet
from import AbbreviatedValue as AV
from dispel.processing.flags import FlagStepMixin

SourcesType = Union[Iterable[EntityType], EntityType]

TargetsType = Union[Iterable[EntityType], EntityType]

ParameterType = TypeVar("ParameterType")

[docs] class ProcessingError(Exception): """A base error class for errors that were caused during the processing. Parameters ---------- step The processing step that raised the exception message The error message """
[docs] def __init__(self, message: str, step: "ProcessingStep"): self.step = step super().__init__(f"{message} at step: {step.__class__.__name__}.")
[docs] class StopProcessingError(ProcessingError): """An error that halts the processing of a reading."""
[docs] class FlagError(ProcessingError): """An error that flags the processing results from a reading."""
[docs] def __init__(self, flag: Flag, step: "ProcessingStep"): self.flag = flag super().__init__(self.flag.reason, step)
[docs] class InvalidDataError(ProcessingError): """An error that flags the processing input."""
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class ProcessingResultBase: """The processing result base of a processing step.""" #: The processing step associated with the processing step: "ProcessingStep"
[docs] def get_kwargs(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get key word arguments for the additional class attributes. The additional arguments are passed to the setter function in :class:`` while assigning processing results and creating the data trace. It allows to handle the result to be set depending on the arguments passed. Returns ------- Dict[str, Any] Returns a dictionary of attributes of the instance omitting the step. """ kwargs = self.__dict__.copy() del kwargs["step"] return kwargs
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class ProcessingResult(ProcessingResultBase): """The processing result of a processing step.""" #: The sources used for the processing function sources: SourcesType #: The result of the processing function result: Union[Level, MeasureValue, MeasureSet, LevelEpoch, RawDataSet]
[docs] def get_kwargs(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get key word arguments for the additional class attributes. The additional arguments are passed to the setter function in :class:`` while assigning processing results and creating the data trace. It allows to handle the result to be set depending on the arguments passed. Returns ------- Dict[str, Any] Returns a dictionary of attributes of the instance omitting the step, sources, and result. """ kwargs = super().get_kwargs() del kwargs["sources"] del kwargs["result"] return kwargs
[docs] def get_sources(self) -> Iterable[SourcesType]: """Get the sources of the processing result.""" if isinstance(self.sources, abc.Iterable): return self.sources return [self.sources]
[docs] class ErrorHandling(Enum): """Different ways of dealing with an exception.""" RAISE = "raise" IGNORE = "ignore" @property def should_raise(self) -> bool: """Return ``True`` if the handling is to overwrite.""" return self is self.RAISE def __bool__(self) -> bool: return self is self.RAISE
[docs] @classmethod def from_bool(cls, stop_processing: bool) -> "ErrorHandling": """Create the error handling class from a stop_processing boolean.""" if stop_processing: return ErrorHandling.RAISE return ErrorHandling.IGNORE
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class ProcessingControlResult(ProcessingResultBase): """The processing result of a processing error.""" #: The captured processing error error: Union[ProcessingError, StopProcessingError, FlagError, InvalidDataError] #: The type of handling for the captured error error_handling: ErrorHandling #: The flag targets (if the error is an flag error) targets: Optional[TargetsType] = None def __post_init__(self): if not isinstance(self.error, ProcessingError): raise ValueError("Processing control result has to be an exception.")
[docs] def get_targets(self) -> Iterable[EntityType]: """Get the targets of the flag.""" if self.targets is None: raise ValueError("Missing flag targets.") if isinstance(self.targets, abc.Iterable): return self.targets return [self.targets]
[docs] @classmethod def from_assertion_error( cls, step: "ProcessingStep", error: AssertionError, level: Optional[Level] = None, ): """Initialize object from a caught assertion error. Parameters ---------- step The processing step from where the assertion error has been caught. error The assertion error that has been caught. level The level corresponding to the :class:`~dispel.processing.level.LevelProcessingControlResult`. Returns ------- ProcessingControlResult The initialized processing control result object. Raises ------ ValueError If the level is passed. ValueError If the caught exception does not contain a message ot if the message is inconsistent. """ if level is not None: raise ValueError( "No level should be passed for ``ProcessingControlResult`` " "Initialization. If you would like to register the result in a level " "use ``LevelProcessingControlResult`` class." ) # Retrieve error message try: exception_message = next(iter(error.args)) except StopIteration: raise ValueError( f"Assertion {error=} must contain a message." ) from StopIteration # Retrieve error message components if isinstance(exception_message, str): error_handling = ErrorHandling.IGNORE returned_error = InvalidDataError(exception_message, step) elif isinstance(exception_message, abc.Iterable): if len((args := list(exception_message))) != 2: raise ValueError( "If the provided exception assertion message is an iterable. It " "ought to strictly contain two elements: a string error message " f"and an ``ErrorHandling`` action amongst {list(ErrorHandling)}." ) returned_error = InvalidDataError(args[0], step) error_handling = ErrorHandling(args[1]) else: raise ValueError( "The exception message accompanying the Assertion error must either " "be a string message or an iterable containing both a string message " f"and an ``ErrorHandling`` action amongst {list(ErrorHandling)}." ) return cls(step=step, error=returned_error, error_handling=error_handling)
[docs] @classmethod def from_flag( cls, flag: Flag, step: "ProcessingStep", targets: Iterable[EntityType], level: Optional[Level] = None, ): """Initialize processing control result from an flag. Parameters ---------- flag The flag from which the control processing result is to be created. step The associated processing step. targets The flag target entities. level The level corresponding to the :class:`~dispel.processing.level.LevelProcessingControlResult`. Returns ------- ProcessingControlResult The initialized processing control result object. """ assert level is None, "Level must not be provided." return cls( step=step, targets=targets, error=FlagError(flag, step), error_handling=ErrorHandling.from_bool(flag.stop_processing), )
ProcessResultType = Generator[ Union[ProcessingResult, ProcessingControlResult], None, None ]
[docs] class Parameter(Generic[ParameterType]): """A parameter defining aspects of processing. Parameters ---------- id_ The name of the parameter used to identify the configurable entity. default_value A default value to be used if the user does not specify otherwise. validator A callable that accepts values and raises an exception for any unexpected value. description A description of the parameter explaining its usage and influence on the affected processing steps. """ _registry: Dict[str, "Parameter"] = {}
[docs] def __new__(cls, id_: str, *_args, **_kwargs): """Create a new Parameter object.""" obj = super().__new__(cls) # inspect frame to obtain processing step defining parameter if (current_frame := inspect.currentframe()) is None: raise RuntimeError("Failed to inspect current frame") if (parent_frame := current_frame.f_back) is None: raise RuntimeError("Failed to inspect parent frame") location_spec = parent_frame.f_globals["__name__"] # check if we were defined inside a class if "__qualname__" in parent_frame.f_locals: location_spec += "." + parent_frame.f_locals["__qualname__"] full_id = f"{location_spec}.{id_}" if full_id in cls._registry: raise KeyError(f"Parameter already registered: {full_id}") cls._registry[full_id] = obj obj._full_id = full_id return obj
[docs] def __init__( self, id_: str, default_value: Optional[ParameterType] = None, validator: Optional[Callable[[Any], None]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, ): self._full_id: Optional[str] self._local_id = id_ self._value = default_value self.default_value = default_value self.validator = validator self.description = description
@property def id(self): """Get the ID of the parameter. The id will be set automatically based on the context of the creation of the parameter. Returns ------- str The ID of the parameter. It is comprised by the name of the frame in which it was defined and the specified ``id_``. """ return self._full_id @property def value(self) -> ParameterType: """Get the value set for the parameter.""" if not self._value: raise RuntimeError(f"Parameter was not set: {}") return self._value @value.setter def value(self, value: ParameterType): """Set the value for the parameter.""" if self.validator is not None: self.validator(value) self._value = value
[docs] @classmethod def has_parameter(cls, full_id: str) -> bool: """Check if a parameter was set.""" return full_id in cls._registry
[docs] @classmethod def set_value(cls, full_id: str, value: Any): """Set the value of a parameter.""" if not cls.has_parameter(full_id): raise KeyError(f"Unknown parameter: {full_id}") cls._registry[full_id].value = value
[docs] class ProcessingStep: r"""A processing step in a processing sequence. :class:`ProcessingStep` is the basic entity through which :class:``\ s are processed. The processing step's :meth:`process_reading` function is called with the reading and additional arguments passed to :func:`process`. Results from the process step are expected to be an instance of :class:`ProcessingResult`. For a comprehensive description see :ref:`measure-extraction`. The method :meth:`flag_reading` can be overwritten to ensure that the reading about to be processed is valid, and return :class:``\ s if that is not the case. Examples -------- .. testsetup:: processing-step >>> import pandas as pd >>> import numpy as np >>> from import Reading >>> from import Level >>> from import (RawDataSet, RawDataSetDefinition, ... RawDataValueDefinition) >>> reading = Reading( ... evaluation=None, ... levels=[ ... Level(id_='my-level', start=0, end=1, raw_data_sets=[ ... RawDataSet( ... RawDataSetDefinition('my-data-set', None, [ ... RawDataValueDefinition('dummy', 'dummy') ... ]), ... pd.DataFrame({'dummy': list(range(6))}) ... ) ... ]) ... ]) .. doctest:: processing-step >>> from import MeasureValue >>> from import ValueDefinition >>> from dispel.processing import process >>> from dispel.processing.core import ProcessingResult, ProcessingStep >>> class MyStep(ProcessingStep): ... def process_reading(self, reading, **kwargs): ... level = reading.get_level('my-level') ... raw_data_set = level.get_raw_data_set('my-data-set') ... data = ... yield ProcessingResult( ... step=self, ... sources=raw_data_set, ... result=MeasureValue( ... ValueDefinition('my-measure-id','max value'), ... data.max().max() ... ) ... ) >>> _ = process(reading, MyStep()) >>> reading.measure_set.get_raw_value('my-measure-id') 5 """
[docs] def __init__(self): self.predecessor = None self.successor = None
[docs] def process(self, reading: Reading, **kwargs) -> ProcessResultType: """Check reading for validity and process it. Parameters ---------- reading The reading to be processed kwargs Additional arguments passed by :func:`process`. Yields ------ ProcessResultType The results from processing readings. """ for flag in self.flag_reading(reading, **kwargs): yield ProcessingControlResult.from_flag( flag=flag, step=self, targets=self.get_reading_flag_targets(reading, **kwargs), ) try: self.assert_valid_reading(reading, **kwargs) except AssertionError as error: yield ProcessingControlResult.from_assertion_error(step=self, error=error) else: yield from self.process_reading(reading, **kwargs)
[docs] def assert_valid_reading(self, reading: Reading, **kwargs): """Assert that reading is valid."""
[docs] def flag_reading(self, reading: Reading, **kwargs) -> Generator[Flag, None, None]: """Flag the provided reading. Parameters ---------- reading The reading to be flagged. kwargs Additional arguments passed by :func:`~dispel.processing.process`. Yields ------ Flag The resulted flags. """ # pylint: disable=unused-argument yield from []
[docs] def get_reading_flag_targets( self, reading: Reading, **kwargs ) -> Iterable[EntityType]: """Get the reading flag targets. Parameters ---------- reading The reading that is concerned with flagging. kwargs Additional keyword arguments eventually used for flag targets extraction. Returns ------- Iterable[EntityType] An iterable of entities that are flagged. """ # pylint: disable=unused-argument return [reading]
[docs] @abstractmethod def process_reading(self, reading: Reading, **kwargs) -> ProcessResultType: """Process the provided reading. Parameters ---------- reading The reading to be processed kwargs Additional arguments passed by :func:`~dispel.processing.process`. Yields ------ ProcessResultType The results from processing readings. """ yield NotImplemented
[docs] def set_previous(self, step: "ProcessingStep"): """Set the previous step in a processing chain of this step.""" if self.predecessor is not None: warnings.warn( "Changing predecessors can lead to side-effects. Previous predecessor " f"was {self.predecessor}", UserWarning, ) self.predecessor = step
[docs] def set_next(self, step: "ProcessingStep"): """Set the next step in a processing chain of this step.""" if self.successor is not None: warnings.warn( "Changing successors can lead to side-effects. Previous successor was " f"{self.successor}", UserWarning, ) self.successor = step
[docs] def chain(self, successor: "ProcessingStep") -> "ProcessingStep": """Chain this step with the successor step.""" assert isinstance(successor, ProcessingStep), "Can only chain processing steps" self.set_next(successor) successor.set_previous(self) return _ChainedProcesses([self, successor])
def __and__(self, other): """See :meth:`ProcessingStep.chain`.""" return self.chain(other)
[docs] def get_parameters(self) -> List[Tuple[str, Parameter]]: """Get all parameters defined by the processing step. Returns ------- List[Tuple[str, Parameter]] A list of tuples of parameter name and :class:`Parameter` objects defined by the processing step. """ return inspect.getmembers(self, lambda x: isinstance(x, Parameter))
[docs] class CoreProcessingStepGroup(ProcessingStep): r"""A group of processing steps. The :class:`CoreProcessingStepGroup` allows to provide additional named arguments to the :meth:`~dispel.processing.process` function of the grouped :class:`~dispel.processing.core.ProcessingStep`\ s. The primary use case for this is to provide additional arguments to :class:`~dispel.processing.extract.ExtractStep` that use :class:``\ s. Parameters ---------- steps The processing steps of the group kwargs Additional arguments that are passed to the :meth:`~dispel.processing.core.ProcessingStep.process` function of each step. This allows to provide additional values, such as placeholder values in value definitions to the actual processing function. Examples -------- >>> from import ValueDefinitionPrototype >>> from dispel.processing.core import CoreProcessingStepGroup >>> from dispel.processing.extract import ExtractStep >>> steps = [ ... CoreProcessingStepGroup( ... [ ... ExtractStep( ... 'data-set', ... lambda data_set: 5, ... ValueDefinitionPrototype( ... id_='x', ... measure_name='{placeholder} x' ... ) ... ), ... ], ... placeholder='A name' ... ), ... ... ... ] The above extract step will result in a measure value with the name ``A name x``. For further applications of :class:`CoreProcessingStepGroup` see also :ref:`measure-extraction`. """ steps: List[ProcessingStep] kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {}
[docs] def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): """Instantiate a new ProcessingStepGroup.""" instance = super().__new__(cls) if hasattr(cls, "steps") and cls.steps: instance.steps = copy.deepcopy(cls.steps) return instance
[docs] def __init__(self, steps: Optional[List[ProcessingStep]] = None, **kwargs): self.set_steps(steps or self.get_steps()) self.set_kwargs(**(kwargs or self.get_kwargs())) super().__init__()
[docs] def set_kwargs(self, **kwargs): """Set the keyword arguments to be added to the processing.""" self.kwargs = kwargs
[docs] def get_kwargs(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get keyword arguments to be added to the processing.""" return self.kwargs
[docs] def set_steps(self, steps: List[ProcessingStep]): """Set processing steps part of the group. Parameters ---------- steps The steps contained in the processing group. """ self.steps = steps
[docs] def get_steps(self) -> List[ProcessingStep]: """Get processing steps within this group.""" return self.steps
[docs] def process_reading(self, reading: Reading, **kwargs) -> ProcessResultType: """See :meth:`dispel.processing.core.ProcessingStep.process`.""" (updated_kwargs := kwargs.copy()).update(self.get_kwargs()) for step in self.get_steps(): yield from step.process(reading, **updated_kwargs)
class _ChainedProcesses(CoreProcessingStepGroup): """A technical class to chain process steps inside a group.""" def chain(self, successor: "ProcessingStep") -> "ProcessingStep": """Add a processing step to the steps.""" assert len(steps := self.get_steps()) > 0, "No steps to chain in group" last_step = steps[-1] last_step.set_next(successor) successor.set_previous(last_step) steps.append(successor) self.set_steps(steps) return self
[docs] class FlagReadingStep(FlagStepMixin, ProcessingStep): """A reading flag class. Parameters ---------- task_name An optional abbreviated name value of the task used for the flag. See :class:`~dispel.processing.flags.FlagStepMixin`. flag_name An optional abbreviated name value of the considered flag. See :class:`~dispel.processing.flags.FlagStepMixin`. flag_type An optional flag type. See :class:``. reason An optional string reason of the considered flag. See :class:`~dispel.processing.flags.FlagStepMixin`. stop_processing An optional boolean that specifies whether the flag is stop_processing, i.e., raises an error or not. See :class:`~dispel.processing.flags.FlagStepMixin`. flagging_function An optional flagging function applied to :class:``. See :class:`~dispel.processing.flags.FlagStepMixin`. Examples -------- Assuming you want to flag reading information such as whether the user has finished the evaluation properly, you can create the following flag step: >>> from import AbbreviatedValue as AV >>> from dispel.processing.core import FlagReadingStep >>> step = FlagReadingStep( ... task_name = AV('Pinch test', 'pinch'), ... flag_name = AV('unfinished evaluation', 'ua'), ... reason = 'The evaluation has not been finished by the user.', ... stop_processing=False, ... flag_type=FlagType.TECHNICAL, ... flag_severity=FlagSeverity.INVALIDATION, ... flagging_function=lambda reading: reading.evaluation.finished, ... ) The flagging function will be called with the corresponding reading as argument. Another common scenario is to define a class that can be reused. >>> from import FlagType >>> from dispel.processing.core import FlagReadingStep >>> class UnfinishedEvaluation(FlagReadingStep): ... task_name = AV('Pinch test', 'pinch') ... flag_name = AV('unfinished evaluation', 'ua') ... flag_type = FlagType.BEHAVIORAL ... flag_severity = FlagSeverity.INVALIDATION ... reason = 'The evaluation has not been finished by the user.' ... stop_processing = False ... flagging_function = lambda reading: reading.evaluation.finished Another convenient way to provide the flagging function is to use the ``@flag`` decorator: >>> from import Reading >>> from dispel.processing.core import FlagReadingStep >>> from dispel.processing.flags import flag >>> class UnfinishedEvaluation(FlagReadingStep): ... task_name = AV('Pinch test', 'pinch') ... flag_name = AV('unfinished evaluation', 'ua') ... flag_type = 'behavioral' ... flag_severity = FlagSeverity.INVALIDATION ... reason = 'The evaluation has not been finished by the user.' ... stop_processing = False ... ... @flag ... def _unfinished_evaluation(self, reading: Reading) -> bool: ... return reading.evaluation.finished Note that the ``@flag`` decorator can take keyword arguments. These kwargs are merged with any keyword arguments that come from processing step groups in order to format the flag ``reason``. Also, one can use multiple flag decorators in the same flag class. """
[docs] def __init__( self, task_name: Optional[Union[AV, str]] = None, flag_name: Optional[Union[AV, str]] = None, flag_type: Optional[Union[FlagType, str]] = None, flag_severity: Optional[Union[FlagSeverity, str]] = None, reason: Optional[Union[AV, str]] = None, stop_processing: bool = False, flagging_function: Optional[Callable[..., bool]] = None, ): super().__init__( task_name=task_name, flag_name=flag_name, flag_type=flag_type, flag_severity=flag_severity, reason=reason, stop_processing=stop_processing, flagging_function=flagging_function, )
[docs] def process_reading(self, reading: Reading, **kwargs) -> ProcessResultType: """Process the provided reading.""" yield from []
[docs] def get_reading_flag_targets( self, reading: Reading, **kwargs ) -> Iterable[EntityType]: """Get flag targets for reading flag.""" return self.get_flag_targets(reading, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_flag_targets( self, reading: Reading, level: Optional[Level] = None, **kwargs ) -> Iterable[EntityType]: """Get flag targets for reading flag.""" return [reading]
[docs] def flag_reading(self, reading: Reading, **kwargs) -> Generator[Flag, None, None]: """Flag the provided reading.""" for func, func_kwargs in self.get_flagging_functions(): if not func(reading, **kwargs): (merged_kwargs := kwargs.copy()).update(func_kwargs) yield self.get_flag(**merged_kwargs)