Source code for dispel.stats.reliability

r"""Reliability analyses module.

Intraclass correlation coefficients

This module contains functions to compute intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC)
models\ [1]_\ [2]_\ .

Those functions allow to compute single score or average score ICCs as an index of
inter-rater reliability of quantitative data. Additionally, F-test and confidence
interval are computed.

.. list-table:: Implemented ICCs
    :header-rows: 1
    :stub-columns: 1

    * - ICC
      - :class:`Model <ICCModel>`
      - :class:`Description <ICCDesc>`
      - :class:`Unit <ICCUnit>`
      - Function
    * - ICC(1, 1)
      - :data:`~ICCModel.ONE_WAY`
      - :data:`~ICCDesc.AGREEMENT`
      - :data:`~ICCUnit.SINGLE`
      - :func:`icc_oneway_random_absolute_single`
    * - ICC(2, 1)
      - :data:`~ICCModel.TWO_WAY`
      - :data:`~ICCDesc.AGREEMENT`
      - :data:`~ICCUnit.SINGLE`
      - :func:`icc_two_way_random_absolute_single`
    * - ICC(3,1)
      - :data:`~ICCModel.TWO_WAY`
      - :data:`~ICCDesc.CONSISTENCY`
      - :data:`~ICCUnit.SINGLE`
      - :func:`icc_two_way_mixed_consistency_single`
    * - ICC(1,k)
      - :data:`~ICCModel.ONE_WAY`
      - :data:`~ICCDesc.AGREEMENT`
      - :data:`~ICCUnit.AVERAGE`
      - :func:`icc_oneway_random_absolute_average`
    * - ICC(2,k)
      - :data:`~ICCModel.TWO_WAY`
      - :data:`~ICCDesc.AGREEMENT`
      - :data:`~ICCUnit.AVERAGE`
      - :func:`icc_two_way_random_absolute_average`
    * - ICC(3,k)
      - :data:`~ICCModel.TWO_WAY`
      - :data:`~ICCDesc.CONSISTENCY`
      - :data:`~ICCUnit.AVERAGE`
      - :func:`icc_two_way_mixed_consistency_average`

When considering which form of ICC is appropriate for an actual set of data one has take
several decisions (Shrout & Fleiss, 1979)\ [3]_\ :

 - 1. Should only the subjects be considered as random effects
   (:data:`ICCModel.ONE_WAY`) or are subjects and raters randomly chosen from a bigger
   pool of persons (:data:`ICCModel.TWO_WAY`).
 - 2. If differences in judges' mean ratings are of interest, inter-rater
   :data:`ICCDesc.AGREEMENT` instead of :data:`ICCDesc.CONSISTENCY` should be computed.
 - 3. If the unit of analysis is a mean of several ratings, unit should be changed to
   :data:`ICCUnit.AVERAGE`. In most cases, however, single values
   (:data:`ICCUnit.SINGLE`) are regarded.

The implementations of the ICCs are based on:


.. [1] Bartko, J.J. (1966). The intraclass correlation coefficient as a measure of
   reliability. Psychological Reports, 19, 3-11.
.. [2] McGraw, K.O., & Wong, S.P. (1996), Forming inferences about some intraclass
   correlation coefficients. Psychological Methods, 1, 30-46.
.. [3] Shrout, P. E., & Fleiss, J. L. (1979). Intraclass correlations: uses in assessing
   rater reliability. Psychological bulletin, 86(2), 420.


from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from enum import Enum
from typing import Dict, Literal, Tuple

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import stats
from scipy.stats import f as density

from import MeasureCollection

[docs] class StringEnum(Enum): """String enumerator.""" def __str__(self) -> str: return str(self.value)
[docs] class ICCKind(StringEnum): """The kind of ICC analysis.""" TEST_RETEST = "test retest" PARALLEL_FORM = "parallel form" OTHER = "other"
[docs] class ICCModel(StringEnum): """The model type used to perform the ICC analysis.""" #: Random subject effects ONE_WAY = "oneway" #: Random subject and repetition effects TWO_WAY = "two-way"
[docs] class ICCDesc(StringEnum): """The ICC description.""" #: Agreement between raters AGREEMENT = "agreement" #: Consistency between raters CONSISTENCY = "consistency"
[docs] class ICCUnit(StringEnum): """The ICC unit.""" #: Values analyzed are single values SINGLE = "single" #: Values analyzed are aggregates of multiple values AVERAGE = "average"
[docs] @dataclass class ICCResult: """ICC reliability analysis results.""" #: The model of ICC model: ICCModel #: The description of ICC desc: ICCDesc #: The unit of ICC unit: ICCUnit #: The kind of the ICC kind: ICCKind #: The ICC value value: float #: The lower bound of the 95% confidence interval l_bound: float #: The upper bound of the 95% confidence interval u_bound: float #: The p-value of the test must be under 0.05 p_value: float #: The subject sample size associated to the current study and ICC sample_size: int #: The number of sessions considered in the ICC analysis sessions: int #: The power of the study regarding the sample size and ICC power: float = 0.8
[docs] class ICCResultSetStudy(str, Enum): """The type of the study.""" STUDY_CONTROL = "control" STUDY_CLINICAL = "clinical"
[docs] @dataclass class ICCResultSet: """Class ensemble of ICC scores for multiple measures.""" #: Sort of study concerned either control or patient study: ICCResultSetStudy #: The null hypothesis reference for measure ICC scores p0_icc: float #: The ICC scores for each measure associated by their measure_id iccs: Dict[str, ICCResult] = field(default_factory=dict)
[docs] def to_data_frame(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Export ICC result set to a pandas data frame format.""" return pd.DataFrame( dict( study=str(, p0_icc=self.p0_icc, measure_id=key, icc_model=str(value.model), icc_description=str(value.desc), icc_unit=str(value.unit), icc_kind=str(value.kind), icc_value=value.value, lower_bound=value.l_bound, upper_bound=value.u_bound, p_value=value.p_value, sample_size=value.sample_size, sessions=value.sessions, power=value.power, ) for key, value in self.iccs.items() )
def _get_z_alpha(p_value: float, tails: Literal[1, 2]) -> float: if tails == 2: return stats.norm.ppf(1 - p_value / 2) if tails == 1: return stats.norm.ppf(1 - p_value) raise ValueError("tails can only be 1 or 2") def _get_f_p(k: int, icc: float, p0_icc: float) -> Tuple[float, float]: # Calculate Fp and Fp0 f_p = (1 + (k - 1) * icc) / (1 - icc) f_p0 = (1 + (k - 1) * p0_icc) / (1 - p0_icc) return f_p, f_p0
[docs] def icc_sample_size( icc: float, p0_icc: float, n_ratings: int, p_value: float = 0.05, tails: Literal[1, 2] = 2, power: float = 0.8, ) -> int: """Compute the sample size for an ICC reliability scoring. See [4]_. Parameters ---------- icc The ICC score expected during the study p0_icc The null hypothesis value of the expected ICC n_ratings The number of ratings for each subject p_value The desired ``p_value``. Set at ``0.05`` for statistical tests tails Unilateral (1) or Bilateral (2) test power The statistical power of the test. Always sets at 0.8 for clinical study. Returns ------- int The sample size of the study References ---------- .. [4] """ z_alpha = _get_z_alpha(p_value, tails) f_p, f_p0 = _get_f_p(n_ratings, icc, p0_icc) # Calculate N, rounded up to nearest integer n_raw = 1 + (2 * (z_alpha + stats.norm.ppf(power)) ** 2 * n_ratings) / ( (np.log(f_p / f_p0)) ** 2 * (n_ratings - 1) ) return np.ceil(n_raw)
[docs] def icc_power( icc: float, p0_icc: float, n_ratings: int, n_subjects: int, p_value: float = 0.05, tails: Literal[1, 2] = 2, ) -> float: """Compute the power of an ICC score obtained during a study. Parameters ---------- icc The ICC obtained during the study p0_icc The null hypothesis value of the obtained ICC n_ratings The number of ratings for each subject n_subjects Number of subjects during the study p_value The ``p_value`` of the study. Should have been set at ``0.05``. tails Unilateral (1) or Bilateral (2) test. Returns ------- float The power associates with the ICC study """ z_alpha = _get_z_alpha(p_value, tails) f_p, f_p0 = _get_f_p(n_ratings, icc, p0_icc) # Calculate z_b z_b = ( np.sqrt(((n_ratings - 1) * (n_subjects - 1)) / (2 * n_ratings)) * (np.log(f_p / f_p0)) - z_alpha ) # Calculate power return np.round(stats.norm.cdf(z_b), 2)
@dataclass(frozen=True) class _ICCParameters: """Ensemble of ICC parameter.""" #: The number of subjects n_subjects: int #: The number of raters n_raters: int #: The error risk alpha: float #: The mean square for rows ms_r: float #: The mean square for residual sources of variance ms_w: float #: The mean square for columns ms_c: float #: The mean square for error ms_e: float @dataclass(frozen=True) class _ICCBounds: l_bound: float u_bound: float def _icc_parameters(ratings: pd.DataFrame, confidence_level: float) -> _ICCParameters: """ Compute the parameters of the ICC computations. Parameters ---------- ratings Matrix with n subjects m raters confidence_level Confidence level of the interval. Raises ------ ValueError If only one subject is given. Returns ------- _ICCParameters The ensemble of ICC parameters """ ratings = ratings.values n_subjects, n_raters = ratings.shape if n_subjects < 2: raise ValueError("One subject only. Add more subjects for ICC.") ss_total = ratings.var(ddof=1) * (n_subjects * n_raters - 1) alpha = 1 - confidence_level ms_r = ratings.mean(axis=1).var(ddof=1) * n_raters ms_w = (ratings.var(axis=1, ddof=1) / n_subjects).sum() ms_c = ratings.mean(axis=0).var(ddof=1) * n_subjects ms_e = (ss_total - ms_r * (n_subjects - 1) - ms_c * (n_raters - 1)) / ( (n_subjects - 1) * (n_raters - 1) ) return _ICCParameters(n_subjects, n_raters, alpha, ms_r, ms_w, ms_c, ms_e) def _icc_single_confidence_interval( n_raters: int, alpha: float, f_value: float, df1: int, df2: int ) -> _ICCBounds: f_l = f_value / density.ppf(1 - alpha, df1, df2) f_u = f_value * density.ppf(1 - alpha, df2, df1) l_bound = (f_l - 1) / (f_l + (n_raters - 1)) u_bound = (f_u - 1) / (f_u + (n_raters - 1)) return _ICCBounds(l_bound, u_bound)
[docs] def icc_oneway_random_absolute_single( ratings: pd.DataFrame, confidence_level: float = 0.95 ) -> ICCResult: """ Compute the ICC(1,1) score. ICC(1,1) : One-way random effects, absolute agreement, single rater/measurement. Parameters ---------- ratings Matrix with n subjects m raters, i.e. array-like, shape (n_subjects, n_raters) confidence_level Confidence level of the interval. Returns ------- ICCResult ICC with its relative test information """ params = _icc_parameters(ratings, confidence_level) icc_value = (params.ms_r - params.ms_w) / ( params.ms_r + (params.n_raters - 1) * params.ms_w ) df1 = params.n_subjects - 1 df2 = params.n_subjects * (params.n_raters - 1) f_value = params.ms_r / params.ms_w p_value = 1 - density.cdf(f_value, df1, df2) bounds = _icc_single_confidence_interval( params.n_raters, params.alpha, f_value, df1, df2 ) return ICCResult( ICCModel.ONE_WAY, ICCDesc.AGREEMENT, ICCUnit.SINGLE, ICCKind.OTHER, icc_value, bounds.l_bound, bounds.u_bound, p_value, params.n_subjects, params.n_raters, )
def _icc_two_way_random_confidence_interval( alpha: float, ms_c: float, ms_e: float, ms_r: float, n_raters: int, n_subjects: int, v_d: float, v_n: float, ) -> Tuple[float, float]: v = v_n / v_d f_l = density.ppf(1 - alpha, n_subjects - 1, v) f_u = density.ppf(1 - alpha, v, n_subjects - 1) tmp = n_raters * ms_c + (n_raters * n_subjects - n_raters - n_subjects) * ms_e l_bound = (n_subjects * (ms_r - f_l * ms_e)) / (f_l * tmp + n_subjects * ms_r) u_bound = (n_subjects * (f_u * ms_r - ms_e)) / (tmp + n_subjects * f_u * ms_r) return l_bound, u_bound def _icc_two_way_random_absolute_single_confidence_interval( n_subjects: int, n_raters: int, alpha: float, ms_r: float, ms_e: float, ms_c: float, icc_value: float, ) -> _ICCBounds: f_j = ms_c / ms_e v_n = ( (n_raters - 1) * (n_subjects - 1) * ( ( n_raters * icc_value * f_j + n_subjects * (1 + (n_raters - 1) * icc_value) - n_raters * icc_value ) ) ** 2 ) v_d = (n_subjects - 1) * n_raters**2 * (icc_value**2) * f_j**2 + ( n_subjects * (1 + (n_raters - 1) * icc_value) - n_raters * icc_value ) ** 2 bounds = _icc_two_way_random_confidence_interval( alpha, ms_c, ms_e, ms_r, n_raters, n_subjects, v_d, v_n ) return _ICCBounds(*bounds)
[docs] def icc_two_way_random_absolute_single( ratings: pd.DataFrame, confidence_level: float = 0.95 ) -> ICCResult: """ Compute the ICC(2,1) score. ICC(2,1): Two-way random effects, absolute agreement, single rater/measurement. Parameters ---------- ratings Matrix with n subjects m raters, i.e. array-like, shape (n_subjects, n_raters) confidence_level Confidence level of the interval. Returns ------- ICCResult ICC with its relative test information """ params = _icc_parameters(ratings, confidence_level) icc_value = (params.ms_r - params.ms_e) / ( params.ms_r + (params.n_raters - 1) * params.ms_e + (params.n_raters / params.n_subjects) * (params.ms_c - params.ms_e) ) df1 = params.n_subjects - 1 df2 = (params.n_subjects - 1) * (params.n_raters - 1) f_value = params.ms_r / params.ms_e p_value = 1 - density.cdf(f_value, df1, df2) bounds = _icc_two_way_random_absolute_single_confidence_interval( params.n_subjects, params.n_raters, params.alpha, params.ms_r, params.ms_e, params.ms_c, icc_value, ) return ICCResult( ICCModel.TWO_WAY, ICCDesc.AGREEMENT, ICCUnit.SINGLE, ICCKind.OTHER, icc_value, bounds.l_bound, bounds.u_bound, p_value, params.n_subjects, params.n_raters, )
[docs] def icc_two_way_mixed_consistency_single( ratings: pd.DataFrame, confidence_level: float = 0.95 ) -> ICCResult: """ Compute the ICC(3,1) score. ICC(3,1): Two-way mixed effects, consistency, single rater/measurement. Parameters ---------- ratings Matrix with n subjects m raters, i.e. array-like, shape (n_subjects, n_raters) confidence_level Confidence level of the interval. Returns ------- ICCResult ICC with its relative test information """ params = _icc_parameters(ratings, confidence_level) icc_value = (params.ms_r - params.ms_e) / ( params.ms_r + (params.n_raters - 1) * params.ms_e ) return _icc_two_way_mixed_consistency(ICCUnit.SINGLE, icc_value, params)
def _icc_oneway_random_absolute_average_confidence_interval( alpha: float, ms_r: float, ms_w: float, df1: int, df2: int ) -> _ICCBounds: f_l = (ms_r / ms_w) / density.ppf(1 - alpha, df1, df2) f_u = (ms_r / ms_w) * density.ppf(1 - alpha, df2, df1) l_bound = 1 - 1 / f_l u_bound = 1 - 1 / f_u return _ICCBounds(l_bound, u_bound)
[docs] def icc_oneway_random_absolute_average( ratings: pd.DataFrame, confidence_level: float = 0.95 ) -> ICCResult: """ Compute the ICC(1,k) score. ICC(1,k): One-way random effects, absolute agreement, multiple raters/measurements. Parameters ---------- ratings Matrix with n subjects m raters, i.e. array-like, shape (n_subjects, n_raters) confidence_level Confidence level of the interval. Returns ------- ICCResult ICC with its relative test information. """ params = _icc_parameters(ratings, confidence_level) icc_value = (params.ms_r - params.ms_w) / params.ms_r df1 = params.n_subjects - 1 df2 = params.n_subjects * (params.n_raters - 1) f_value = params.ms_r / params.ms_w p_value = 1 - density.cdf(f_value, df1, df2) bounds = _icc_oneway_random_absolute_average_confidence_interval( params.n_raters, params.alpha, f_value, df1, df2 ) return ICCResult( ICCModel.ONE_WAY, ICCDesc.AGREEMENT, ICCUnit.AVERAGE, ICCKind.OTHER, icc_value, bounds.l_bound, bounds.u_bound, p_value, params.n_subjects, params.n_raters, )
def _icc_two_way_random_absolute_average_confidence_interval( n_subjects: int, n_raters: int, alpha: float, ms_r: float, ms_e: float, ms_c: float ) -> _ICCBounds: icc2 = (ms_r - ms_e) / ( ms_r + (n_raters - 1) * ms_e + (n_raters / n_subjects) * (ms_c - ms_e) ) f_j = ms_c / ms_e v_n = ( (n_raters - 1) * (n_subjects - 1) * ( ( n_raters * icc2 * f_j + n_subjects * (1 + (n_raters - 1) * icc2) - n_raters * icc2 ) ) ** 2 ) tmp = (n_subjects - 1) * n_raters**2 * icc2**2 * f_j**2 v_d = tmp + (n_subjects * (1 + (n_raters - 1) * icc2) - n_raters * icc2) ** 2 lb2, ub2 = _icc_two_way_random_confidence_interval( alpha, ms_c, ms_e, ms_r, n_raters, n_subjects, v_d, v_n ) l_bound = lb2 * n_raters / (1 + lb2 * (n_raters - 1)) u_bound = ub2 * n_raters / (1 + ub2 * (n_raters - 1)) return _ICCBounds(l_bound, u_bound)
[docs] def icc_two_way_random_absolute_average( ratings: pd.DataFrame, confidence_level: float = 0.95 ) -> ICCResult: """ Compute the ICC(2,k) score. ICC(2,k): Two-way random effects, absolute agreement, average raters/measurements. Parameters ---------- ratings Matrix with n subjects m raters, i.e. array-like, shape (n_subjects, n_raters) confidence_level Confidence level of the interval. Returns ------- ICCResult ICC with its relative test information. """ params = _icc_parameters(ratings, confidence_level) icc_value = (params.ms_r - params.ms_e) / ( params.ms_r + (params.ms_c - params.ms_e) / params.n_subjects ) df1 = params.n_subjects - 1 df2 = (params.n_subjects - 1) * (params.n_raters - 1) f_value = params.ms_r / params.ms_e p_value = 1 - density.cdf(f_value, df1, df2) bounds = _icc_two_way_random_absolute_average_confidence_interval( params.n_subjects, params.n_raters, params.alpha, params.ms_r, params.ms_e, params.ms_c, ) return ICCResult( ICCModel.TWO_WAY, ICCDesc.AGREEMENT, ICCUnit.AVERAGE, ICCKind.TEST_RETEST, icc_value, bounds.l_bound, bounds.u_bound, p_value, params.n_subjects, params.n_raters, )
def _icc_two_way_mixed_consistency_average_confidence_interval( alpha: float, f_value: float, df1: int, df2: int ) -> _ICCBounds: f_l = f_value / density.ppf(1 - alpha, df1, df2) f_u = f_value * density.ppf(1 - alpha, df2, df1) l_bound = 1 - 1 / f_l u_bound = 1 - 1 / f_u return _ICCBounds(l_bound, u_bound) def _icc_two_way_mixed_consistency( icc_unit: ICCUnit, icc_value: float, params: _ICCParameters ) -> ICCResult: df1 = params.n_subjects - 1 df2 = (params.n_subjects - 1) * (params.n_raters - 1) f_value = params.ms_r / params.ms_e p_value = 1 - density.cdf(f_value, df1, df2) bounds = _icc_single_confidence_interval( params.n_raters, params.alpha, f_value, df1, df2 ) return ICCResult( ICCModel.TWO_WAY, ICCDesc.CONSISTENCY, icc_unit, ICCKind.OTHER, icc_value, bounds.l_bound, bounds.u_bound, p_value, params.n_subjects, params.n_raters, )
[docs] def icc_two_way_mixed_consistency_average( ratings: pd.DataFrame, confidence_level: float = 0.95 ) -> ICCResult: """ Compute the ICC(3,k) score. ICC(3,k): Two-way mixed effects, consistency, average raters/measurements. Parameters ---------- ratings Matrix with n subjects m raters, i.e. array-like, shape (n_subjects, n_raters) confidence_level Confidence level of the interval. Returns ------- ICCResult ICC with its relative test information """ params = _icc_parameters(ratings, confidence_level) icc_value = (params.ms_r - params.ms_e) / params.ms_r return _icc_two_way_mixed_consistency(ICCUnit.AVERAGE, icc_value, params)
[docs] def icc_test_retest( data: pd.DataFrame, study: ICCResultSetStudy = ICCResultSetStudy.STUDY_CONTROL ) -> ICCResult: """Compute the test-retest ICC of a data frame. Implemented by: Mind-the-Pineapple/ICC is licensed under the MIT License. See [5]_ and [6]_. Parameters ---------- data A N*M pandas DataFrame containing N subjects and M ratings study Status of the study Returns ------- ICCResult The test retest ICC score containing the value with its definition and its 95% confidence interval References ---------- .. [5] .. [6] """ if study == ICCResultSetStudy.STUDY_CLINICAL: data = data.iloc[:, [0, -1]] result = icc_two_way_random_absolute_average(data) result.sample_size = data.shape[0] result.kind = ICCKind.TEST_RETEST return result
[docs] def icc_parallel_form(form1: pd.DataFrame, form2: pd.DataFrame) -> ICCResult: """Compute the icc score from parallel form measures. This score allows the comparison of to measures of same nature and definition but obtained in different condition (example : CPS mean RT on predefinedKey1 compared to predefinedKey2) Parameters ---------- form1: pandas.DataFrame A data frame containing the M measure form 1 values for all users form2: pandas.DataFrame A data frame containing the M' measure form 2 values for all users Returns ------- ICCResult The parallel form ICC score containing the value with its definition and its 95% confidence interval """ data = pd.concat([form1, form2], axis=1) data.dropna(axis=0, inplace=True) result = icc_two_way_random_absolute_average(data) result.kind = ICCKind.PARALLEL_FORM return result
[docs] def ensure_session_standards( data: pd.DataFrame, session_min: int = 8, null_ratio: float = 0.1 ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Ensure sessions have sufficient support. This transformation ensures that sessions have sufficient support, i.e. a subject is only considered if it has contributed more than ``session_min`` sessions. A session is dropped if it has a higher null ratio than ``null_ratio``. Parameters ---------- data A data frame with subjects as rows, sessions as columns, and cells containing the measure values. session_min The minimum number of required sessions for each subject to be considered in the analysis. null_ratio The ratio of null values across subjects for a particular session below which it is taken into account. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame The filtered ``data`` containing only subjects that have contributed at least ``session_min`` sessions, sessions that have a lower ratio of null values than ``null_ratio``, and subjects that have no null value for the latter sessions. """ subject_mask = data.shape[1] - data.isnull().sum(axis=1) >= session_min data = data.loc[subject_mask, :] data = data.loc[:, data.isnull().mean() < null_ratio].dropna() return data
[docs] def icc_test_retest_session_safe( measure_collection: MeasureCollection, measure_id: str, study: ICCResultSetStudy = ICCResultSetStudy.STUDY_CONTROL, session_min: int = 8, null_ratio: float = 0.1, ) -> ICCResult: """Compute the ICC test retest score for one measure. Parameters ---------- measure_collection A collection of measures. measure_id The measure id to be used for the computation of the ICC scores study Type of the study used to determine the :math:`p_0^{icc}`. `0` is used for control studies and `0.6` for clinical ones. session_min See :func:`ensure_session_standards`. null_ratio See :func:`ensure_session_standards`. Returns ------- ICCResult The ICC score results for the provided measure. """ p0_icc = 0.0 if study == ICCResultSetStudy.STUDY_CONTROL else 0.6 data = measure_collection.get_measure_values_by_trials(measure_id=measure_id) data = ensure_session_standards(data, session_min, null_ratio) res = icc_test_retest(data, study) res.power = icc_power(res.value, p0_icc, data.shape[1], res.sample_size) return res
[docs] def icc_set_test_retest( measure_collection: MeasureCollection, study: ICCResultSetStudy = ICCResultSetStudy.STUDY_CONTROL, session_min: int = 8, null_ratio: float = 0.1, errors: Literal["raise", "ignore"] = "raise", ) -> ICCResultSet: """Compute the ICC test retest score for all measures. It takes into consideration the study type, which could be either "control" or "clinical". It also ensures sessions have sufficient support. See :func:`icc_test_retest_session_safe` for details. Parameters ---------- measure_collection A collection of measures study Type of the study used to determine the :math:`p_0^{icc}`. `0` is used for control studies and `0.6` for clinical ones. session_min See :func:`ensure_session_standards`. null_ratio See :func:`ensure_session_standards`. errors How to handle errors occurring during the computation of ICC scores. - If 'raise', then errors will be risen. - If 'ignore', then the measure will be skipped. Returns ------- ICCResultSet A set of measure ICC Raises ------ ValueError If ``errors`` is set to 'raise', :class:`ValueError` will be risen again if it occurred in :func:`icc_test_retest_session_safe`. """ p0_icc = 0.0 if study == ICCResultSetStudy.STUDY_CONTROL else 0.6 measures_icc = ICCResultSet(study, p0_icc) for measure_id in measure_collection.measure_ids: try: measures_icc.iccs[measure_id] = icc_test_retest_session_safe( measure_collection, measure_id, study, session_min, null_ratio ) except ValueError: if errors == "raise": raise return measures_icc