Source code for dispel.sphinxext.dispel_measures

"""Extensions to Sphinx to automatically document measures."""
from importlib import import_module

from docutils.parsers.rst import directives  # type: ignore
from sphinx.application import Sphinx

from dispel.processing.trace import (
from dispel.sphinxext.dispel_directive import DispelDirective
from dispel.sphinxext.templates import MEASURES_DETAIL

[docs] def get_variable(path): """Get the actual variable for a specified string. Parameters ---------- path The full module path and variable name of the variable of interest. Returns ------- object The actual value at the specified ``path``. """ module_path, variable = path.rsplit(".", 1) module = import_module(module_path) return getattr(module, variable)
[docs] class MeasureListDirective(DispelDirective): """A directive to automatically document measure lists.""" option_spec = { "steps": directives.unchanged_required, "name": directives.unchanged_required, }
[docs] def run(self): """Run the directive.""" # determine measures steps_path = self.options["steps"] steps = get_variable(steps_path) graph = inspect(steps) # type: ignore def _trace_to_tuple(trace: MeasureTrace): agg = get_ancestor_source_graph(graph, trace) parameters = get_edge_parameters(agg) return trace.step, trace.measure, parameters measures = list(_trace_to_tuple(t) for t in get_traces(graph, MeasureTrace)) rst_text = MEASURES_DETAIL.render( name=self.options["name"], measures=measures, graph=graph ) return self._parse(rst_text, "<measure-list>")
[docs] def setup(app: Sphinx): """Run the set-up of the extension.""" app.add_directive("measure-list", MeasureListDirective)