Source code for dispel.signal.sensor

"""Sensor functionality for signal processing tasks."""

import pandas as pd
from scipy import stats

#: A dictionary for sensor units.
SENSOR_UNIT = {"acc": "G", "gyr": "rad/s", "diss": "pixel"}

[docs] def detrend_signal(signal: pd.Series) -> pd.Series: """Detrend signal and remove offset component. The final signal will end up centered on zero and stationary. This function is based on :func:`scipy.stats.linregress`. Parameters ---------- signal: pandas.Series The raw signal. Returns ------- pandas.Series The detrended signal. """ original_x = signal.index.to_numpy(float) signal_without_na = signal.dropna() y = signal_without_na.to_numpy(float) x = signal_without_na.index.to_numpy(float) ( slope, intercept, *_, ) = stats.linregress(x, y) y_estimate = slope * original_x + intercept return signal - y_estimate
[docs] def check_amplitude( data: pd.DataFrame, min_amplitude: float, max_amplitude: float ) -> bool: """Check if the signal amplitudes belong to a reasonable range. The function will return true only if all the values of each column are between the min and max amplitude bounds. Parameters ---------- data A data frame containing one column or more. The data contains in columns must all have the same nature as the bounds are applied on the entire data frame. min_amplitude The expected min amplitude. max_amplitude The expected max amplitude. Returns ------- bool ``True`` if all the values are in the range. ``False`` otherwise. """ amplitude = data.max() - data.min() return amplitude.between(left=min_amplitude, right=max_amplitude).all()
[docs] def find_zero_crossings(data: pd.DataFrame, col: str) -> pd.DataFrame: """Find zero crossing in the signal.""" zero_crossings = data.index[(data[col] > 0).diff().fillna(False)] return data.loc[zero_crossings, col]