Source code for dispel.signal.geometric

"""signal.geometric module.

A module containing common operations on different geometries.
from typing import Tuple

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA

[docs] def extract_ellipse_dir_vectors(comps: pd.DataFrame) -> Tuple[float, float]: """Extract eigen-director vectors of ellipse representing the data. Parameters ---------- comps A pd.DataFrame with a 2-dimensional timeseries Returns ------- Union[array, array] Tuple containing: v1_v_hat : np.array An array with the first PCA eigenvector v2_v_hat : np.array An array with the second PCA eigenvector """ # Extract PCA components of the 2-dimensional planar timeseries pca = PCA(n_components=2) pca = # Take components of 2-PCA analyses and turn into array v1_v = pca.components_[0] v2_v = pca.components_[1] # Select longest component as major, remaining as minor norm_v1 = np.linalg.norm(v1_v) norm_v2 = np.linalg.norm(v2_v) # Take the unitary values of the director vectors v1_v_hat = v1_v / norm_v1 v2_v_hat = v2_v / norm_v2 return v1_v_hat, v2_v_hat
[docs] def extract_ellipse_axes(comps: pd.DataFrame) -> Tuple[float, float]: """Extract length of the axes of an ellipse covering 95-percentile of data. Parameters ---------- comps A pd.DataFrame with a 2-dimensional timeseries Returns ------- Union[int, int] Tuple containing: major_axis : float The length of the major axis of an ellipse minor_axis : float The length of the minor axis of an ellipse """ # Extract PCA components of the 2-dimensional planar timeseries pca = PCA(n_components=2) pca = # Transform distribution to canonical cartesian axes data_transformed = pca.transform(comps) data_transformed_df = pd.DataFrame(data_transformed, columns=["ap", "ml"]) # Compute the min and max boundaries of 95% of data covered by the ellipse ml_min = np.quantile(, 0.05) ml_max = np.quantile(, 0.95) ap_min = np.quantile(data_transformed_df.ap, 0.05) ap_max = np.quantile(data_transformed_df.ap, 0.95) # Compute the range of each axes (i.e., ml and ap) rang_ml = abs(ml_max - ml_min) rang_ap = abs(ap_max - ap_min) # Select the minor and major axes major_axis = max([rang_ml, rang_ap]) minor_axis = min([rang_ml, rang_ap]) return major_axis, minor_axis
[docs] def downsample_dataset(data: pd.DataFrame, ratio_freq: float = 0.5) -> pd.DataFrame: """Downsample the dataset to a fraction of original frequency. Parameters ---------- data A pd.Dataframe with the original dataset ratio_freq A float with the ratio of downsampling from original sampling frequency Returns ------- pd.Dataframe The resulting downsampled dataset """ assert ratio_freq <= 1 assert ratio_freq > 0 # Measure sampling time t_sample = data.reset_index().ts.diff().min().microseconds / 1e6 # Parse sampling time to rule for resample rule = f"{t_sample / ratio_freq:.3f}S" # Resample data to downsample by ratio_freq return data.resample(rule).bfill()
[docs] def upsample_dataset(data: pd.DataFrame, factor_freq: float = 2) -> pd.DataFrame: """Upsample the datasat to a factor of original frequency. Parameters ---------- data A pd.Dataframe with the original dataset factor_freq A float with the factor of upsampling from original sampling rate Returns ------- pd.Dataframe The resulting upsampled dataset """ assert factor_freq >= 1 # Measure sampling time t_sample = data.reset_index().ts.diff().min().microseconds / 1e6 # Parse sampling time to rule for resample rule = f"{t_sample / factor_freq:.3f}S" # Resample data to upsample by factor factor_freq return data.resample(rule).bfill()
[docs] def draw_circle(length: int = 100, radius: int = 1): """Draw a circle from polar to cartesian coordinates.""" angles = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, length) x = radius * np.cos(angles) y = radius * np.sin(angles) return x, y
[docs] def draw_ellipse(length: int = 100, a: int = 1, b: int = 2): """Draw a circle from polar to cartesian coordinates.""" angles = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, length) x = a * np.cos(angles) y = b * np.sin(angles) return x, y
[docs] def synthetic_outliers(x: pd.Series, y: pd.Series, ratio_outlier: float): """Generate outliers for a point cloud. Parameters ---------- x pd.Series of the first coordinate of the point cloud y pd.Series of the second coordinate of the point cloud ratio_outlier float indicating amount of points to be turned into outlier Returns ------- A tuple with two coordinates of the point cloud with outliers """ series = {"ap": x, "ml": y} df = pd.DataFrame(series) # Sample random_points corresponding to ratio_outlier % points of the total random_points = df.sample(frac=ratio_outlier, random_state=1) # The random points are scaled up by, e.g., a factor of 2 df.iloc[random_points.index] = random_points * 2 return np.array(df.ap), np.array(
[docs] def rotate_points(x: pd.Series, y: pd.Series, angle: float): """Rotate a point cloud. Parameters ---------- x pd.Series of the first coordinate of the point cloud y pd.Series of the second coordinate of the point cloud angle float of the angle to rotate in radians Returns ------- A tuple with two coordinates of the rotated point cloud """ x_rot = x * np.cos(angle) - y * np.sin(angle) y_rot = y * np.cos(angle) + x * np.sin(angle) return x_rot, y_rot