Source code for dispel.signal.core

"""Core functionality for signal processing tasks."""
import math
import warnings
from typing import Iterable, List, Literal, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
import pandas as pd
from gatspy.periodic import LombScargle
from scipy import signal

[docs] def euclidean_norm(data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.Series: """Calculate the euclidean norm of a pandas Data Frame. Parameters ---------- data A pandas data frame for which to compute the euclidean norm Returns ------- pandas.Series The euclidean norm of ``data`` """ return data.pow(2).sum(axis=1).apply(np.sqrt)
[docs] def euclidean_distance(point1: Iterable[float], point2: Iterable[float]) -> float: """Calculate the euclidean distance between two points. This particular algorithm is chosen based on question 37794849 on StackOverflow. Parameters ---------- point1 The coordinates of `point1`. point2 The coordinates of `point2`. Returns ------- float The euclidean distance between ``point1`` and ``point2``. """ dists = [(a - b) ** 2 for a, b in zip(point1, point2)] dist = math.sqrt(sum(dists)) return dist
[docs] def compute_rotation_matrix_3d(a: np.ndarray, b: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Compute a rotation matrix from unit vector ``a`` onto unit vector ``b``. Parameters ---------- a The first unit vector b The second unit vector Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The rotation matrix from unit vector ``a`` onto unit vector ``b``. See Also -------- Implementation inspired by and adapted to handle a series of rotations """ assert a.shape == (3,) assert b.shape == (3,) a_norm = np.linalg.norm(a) b_norm = np.linalg.norm(b) # make sure we have norm vectors! if a_norm != 1: a = a / a_norm if b_norm != 1: b = b / b_norm v = np.cross(a, b) c =, b) i = np.identity(3) # the vectors are equal - no rotation needed if (a == b).all(): return i # the vectors are in opposite direction if c == -a_norm * b_norm: return i * -1 v_x = np.array([[0, -v[2], v[1]], [v[2], 0, -v[0]], [-v[1], v[0], 0]]) r = i + v_x + np.matmul(v_x, v_x) * 1 / (1 + c) return r
[docs] def compute_rotation_matrix_2d( origin: list, point: list, angle: float ) -> Tuple[float, float]: """Compute a 2 dimension matrix rotation. Parameters ---------- origin The origin of the referential. point The point to rotate. angle The angle rotation. Returns ------- Tuple[float, float] The x and y coordinates after rotation. """ origin_x, origin_y = origin point_x, point_y = point rotated_x = ( origin_x + math.cos(angle) * (point_x - origin_x) - math.sin(angle) * (point_y - origin_y) ) rotated_y = ( origin_y + math.sin(angle) * (point_x - origin_x) + math.cos(angle) * (point_y - origin_y) ) return rotated_x, rotated_y
[docs] def sparc( movement: np.ndarray, sample_freq: float = 60.0, pad_level: int = 4, cut_off_freq: float = 10.0, amp_th: float = 0.05, ) -> Tuple[float, tuple, tuple]: """Compute the spectral arc length of a signal. Parameters ---------- movement The given 1 dimensional signal (x, y or z axis). sample_freq The sampling rate. pad_level The padding level. cut_off_freq The frequency cut off. amp_th The amplitude threshold. Returns ------- new_sal: float The spectral arc length value. (freq, mag_spec): tuple A tuple containing both frequencies and the normalized magnitude spectrum of the movement. (freq_sel, mag_spec_sel): tuple A tuple containing both frequencies (after applying a cutoff) and the normalized magnitude spectrum (after applying a cutoff) of the movement. """ # Number of zeros to be padded. n_fft = int(pow(2, np.ceil(np.log2(len(movement))) + pad_level)) # Frequency freq = np.arange(0, sample_freq, sample_freq / n_fft) # Normalized magnitude spectrum mag_spec = abs(np.fft.fft(movement, n_fft)) mag_spec = mag_spec / max(mag_spec) # Indices to choose only the spectrum within the given cut-off frequency # Fc. # NOTE: This is a low pass filtering operation to get rid of high frequency # noise from affecting the next step (amplitude threshold based cut off for # arc length calculation). cut_off_freq_inx = ((freq <= cut_off_freq) * 1).nonzero() freq_sel = freq[cut_off_freq_inx] mag_spec_sel = mag_spec[cut_off_freq_inx] # Choose the amplitude threshold based cut-off frequency. # Index of the last point on the magnitude spectrum that is greater than # or equal to the amplitude threshold. inx = ((mag_spec_sel >= amp_th) * 1).nonzero()[0] cut_off_freq_inx_range = range(inx[0], inx[-1] + 1) freq_sel = freq_sel[cut_off_freq_inx_range] mag_spec_sel = mag_spec_sel[cut_off_freq_inx_range] # Calculate arc length new_sal = -sum( np.sqrt( pow(np.diff(freq_sel) / (freq_sel[-1] - freq_sel[0]), 2) + pow(np.diff(mag_spec_sel), 2) ) ) return new_sal, (freq, mag_spec), (freq_sel, mag_spec_sel)
[docs] def extract_sampling_frequency(data: pd.Series) -> float: """Extract the median sampling frequency in Hz of a time series. Parameters ---------- data Any pandas series with a time series as index. Returns ------- float The sampling frequency Raises ------ ValueError if any difference in consecutive timestamps is null. """ try: return 1 / index_time_diff(data).median() except ZeroDivisionError as error: raise ValueError( "Difference in consecutive timestamps cannot be null." ) from error
[docs] def assert_time_series_has_frequency(data: pd.Series) -> None: """Check whether a time series contains frequency as index.""" if != "freq": raise ValueError("Missing frequencies in data index.")
[docs] def get_sampling_rate_idx(data: pd.Series) -> float: """Get sampling rate from time series index. Parameters ---------- data A pandas series containing the signal data for which sampling frequency is to be extracted. Returns ------- float The sampling frequency. Raises ------ ValueError Raises a value error if data has not been resampled to a constant sampling rate. """ if data.index.freq is None: raise ValueError( "One is trying to extract the sampling frequency on a time series that has " "not been resampled to a constant sampling rate." ) return 1 /
[docs] def uniform_power_spectrum(data: pd.Series) -> pd.Series: """Compute the power spectrum of a signal. Parameters ---------- data An pandas series containing the signal data for which the power spectrum is to be computed. Returns ------- pandas.Series Two arrays, one containing the signal's frequency and the other the power spectrum. """ freq = get_sampling_rate_idx(data) freqs, ps_data = signal.welch( data, nperseg=min(256, len(data)), fs=freq, scaling="spectrum" ) ps_data = pd.Series(ps_data, index=freqs).apply(np.real) ps_data.index = ps_data.index.set_names("freq") return ps_data
[docs] def non_uniform_power_spectrum( data: pd.Series, ): """Compute the power spectrum for non uniformly sampled data. The algorithm for default frequencies and converting them to angular frequencies is taken from Notably, we have decided to use `gatspy` rather than `scipy`. Parameters ---------- data An pandas series containing the signal data for which the power spectrum is to be computed, indexed by time Returns ------- pandas.Series One Dataframe containing the signal's periodogram indexed by frequencies. """ indexes = (data.index - data.index[0]).to_series().dt.total_seconds() model = LombScargle().fit(indexes, data.values.squeeze().astype(float)) period, power = model.periodogram_auto() pd_data = pd.Series(data=power, index=1.0 / period) pd_data.index = pd_data.index.set_names("freq") return pd_data
[docs] def entropy(power_spectrum_: np.ndarray) -> float: """Compute the entropy of a signal. Parameters ---------- power_spectrum_ An array containing the power spectrum of the signal in question. Returns ------- float The signal's entropy. """ data = power_spectrum_ / np.sum(power_spectrum_) return -np.sum(data * np.log2(data))
[docs] def peak( power_spectrum_: pd.Series, ) -> float: """Compute the peak frequency of a signal. Parameters ---------- power_spectrum_ An array containing the power spectrum of the signal in question. Returns ------- float The signal's peak frequency. """ assert_time_series_has_frequency(power_spectrum_) return power_spectrum_.idxmax()
[docs] def energy( power_spectrum_: pd.Series, lowcut: Optional[float] = None, highcut: Optional[float] = None, ) -> float: """Compute the energy of a signal. Parameters ---------- power_spectrum_ A pandas series containing the power spectrum of the signal in question and the frequencies in index. lowcut The lower bound of frequencies to filter. highcut The higher bound of frequencies to filter. Returns ------- float The signal's energy. """ assert_time_series_has_frequency(power_spectrum_) if lowcut is not None: mask = power_spectrum_.index.to_series().between(lowcut, highcut) windowed_data = power_spectrum_[mask] else: windowed_data = power_spectrum_ return 0.5 * (windowed_data * windowed_data.index).sum()
[docs] def amplitude(power_spectrum_: np.ndarray) -> float: """Compute the amplitude of a signal. Parameters ---------- power_spectrum_ An array containing the power spectrum of the signal in question. Returns ------- float The signal's amplitude. """ return np.max(power_spectrum_)
[docs] def get_cartesian( lat: Sequence[float], lon: Sequence[float] ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Transform latitude longitude to cartesian coordinates in meters.""" latitude, longitude = np.deg2rad(np.array(lat)), np.deg2rad(np.array(lon)) earth_r = 6371000 # radius of the earth in meters x = earth_r * np.cos(latitude) * np.cos(longitude) y = earth_r * np.cos(latitude) * np.sin(longitude) z = earth_r * np.sin(latitude) return x - x[0], y - y[0], z - z[0]
[docs] def integrate_time_series(data: pd.Series) -> np.ndarray: """Compute the integral of a time series. Parameters ---------- data Input series to integrate. Must have a DatetimeIndex. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Definite integral as approximated by trapezoidal rule. Raises ------ TypeError Raises a type error if the index of the series to integrate is not a DateTimeIndex. """ index = data.index if not isinstance(index, pd.DatetimeIndex): raise TypeError( "The time series to integrate must have a " f"DateTimeIndex. But index is of type {type(index)}." ) return np.trapz(data.to_numpy().squeeze(), pd.to_numeric(index) / 10**9)
[docs] def index_time_diff(data: Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]) -> pd.Series: """Get the time difference from the index in seconds. Parameters ---------- data The series or data frame with a time-based index Returns ------- pandas.Series A series containing the time difference in seconds between each row based on the index. """ assert isinstance( data.index, (pd.DatetimeIndex, pd.TimedeltaIndex) ), "Index must be a pandas DatetimeIndex or TimedeltaIndex" return data.index.to_series().diff().dt.total_seconds()
[docs] def derive_time_series(data: pd.Series) -> pd.Series: """Derive a series based on its time-based index. Parameters ---------- data The series for which to derive the values based on time. The series must have a time-based index. See :func:`index_time_diff`. Returns ------- pandas.Series The time derivative of the values of ``data``. """ return data.diff() / index_time_diff(data)
[docs] def derive_time_data_frame(data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Derive a data frame based on its time-based index. This method is preferably used for data frames for which one wants to derive for each column (instead of using ``data.apply(derive_time_series)``). Parameters ---------- data The pandas data frame for which to derive the values based on time. The data frame must have a time-based index. See :func:`index_time_diff`. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame The time derivative of the values of ``data``. """ delta_t = index_time_diff(data) return (data.diff().T / delta_t).T
[docs] def discretize_sampling_frequency( data: pd.Series, fs_expected: List[int], max_frequency_distance: int = 5 ) -> int: """Discretize the sampling frequency from a time series. First we extract the median sampling frequency of data, then return the closest expected frequency if the estimated sampling frequency is close enough (``np.abs(fs_expected, fs_estimate) < 5``) to one of the expected sampling frequencies. Parameters ---------- data Any pandas series with a time series as index. fs_expected An iterable of expected sampling frequency in Hz. max_frequency_distance An optional integer specifying the maximum accepted distance between the expected frequency and the estimated frequency above which we raise an error. Returns ------- int Discretized sampling frequency. Raises ------ ValueError If estimated sampling frequency is too far (abs distance > max_frequency_distance) from all the expected sampling frequency in ``fs_expected``. """ # Estimate sampling_frequency fs_estimate = extract_sampling_frequency(data) # Compute the distance to expected frequencies frequency_distance = np.abs(np.array(fs_expected) - fs_estimate) # Check if we are close enough otherwise raise a warning if min(frequency_distance) > max_frequency_distance: raise ValueError( f"Estimated sampling frequency {fs_estimate} is further than 5 Hz from " f"expected frequencies: {fs_expected}." ) if min(frequency_distance) > 1: warnings.warn( f"Estimated sampling frequency {fs_estimate} is further than 1 Hz from " f"expected frequencies: {fs_expected}." ) return fs_expected[int(np.argmin(frequency_distance))]
[docs] def cross_corr( data_1: npt.NDArray[np.float64], data_2: npt.NDArray[np.float64] ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Compute cross-correlation between two signals. Uses cross-correlation with the same signal as input twice. Parameters ---------- data_1 A first signal passed as an iterable of floats. data_2 A second signal passed as an iterable of floats. Returns ------- Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray] A Tuple containing temporal delays and auto-correlation array. """ n_samples = len(list(data_1)) corr = np.correlate(data_1, data_2, mode="full") lags = np.arange(-(n_samples - 1), n_samples) return lags, corr
[docs] def autocov(data: npt.NDArray[np.float64]) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Compute auto-covariance of a signal. Uses autocovariance from as autocorrelation of demeaned signal. Parameters ---------- data A signal passed as an iterable of floats. Returns ------- Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray] A Tuple containing temporal delays and auto-covariance array. """ # compute autocovariance return autocorr(data - np.mean(data))
[docs] def autocorr(data: npt.NDArray[np.float64]) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Compute auto-correlation of a signal. Uses cross-correlation with the same signal as input twice. Parameters ---------- data A signal passed as an iterable of floats. Returns ------- Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray] A Tuple containing temporal delays and auto-correlation array. """ return cross_corr(data, data)
[docs] def scale_corr( corr: np.ndarray, n_samples: int, phase_shift: np.ndarray, method: Literal["biased", "unbiased"], ) -> np.ndarray: """Scale auto-correlation. Parameters ---------- corr An iterable of floats containing the correlations for each delay. n_samples The number of samples of the input signal (denoted N in equation). phase_shift The phase shift in number of samples (denoted m in equation). method the method to be used (biased or unbiased) Returns ------- numpy.ndarray An array containing the scaled auto-correlation values. """ if method == "biased": corr = corr / n_samples elif method == "unbiased": corr /= n_samples - abs(phase_shift) return corr
[docs] def scaled_autocorr( data: npt.NDArray[np.float64], method: Literal["unbiased"] = "unbiased", do_autocov: bool = True, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Compute scaled auto-correlation function of a signal. Parameters ---------- data An iterable signal of floats. method A string defining the scaling method to be used. do_autocov A boolean denoting whether autocovariance should be used for calculation of the autocorrelation function. Returns ------- Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray] A Tuple containing lags and auto-correlation output.. """ if do_autocov: lags, corr = autocov(data) else: lags, corr = autocorr(data) corr = scale_corr(corr, len(list(data)), lags, method) return lags, corr
[docs] def signal_duration(data: Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]) -> float: """Get signal duration from time-based indices. Parameters ---------- data The signal of which we want to compute the duration based on its index. The index has to be either a TimedeltaIndex or DatetimeIndex. Returns ------- float The duration of the signal (in seconds) from the index. """ assert isinstance(data.index, (pd.TimedeltaIndex, pd.DatetimeIndex)) return (data.index.max() - data.index.min()).total_seconds()