Source code for dispel.signal.accelerometer

"""Accelerometer functionality for signal processing tasks."""
import warnings
from typing import Tuple

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import quaternion
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation

from dispel.signal.core import compute_rotation_matrix_3d

r"""The gravitational acceleration near Earth's surface."""

[docs] def quaternion_arr_normalize(q_arr: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Normalize an array of quaternions. Parameters ---------- q_arr A numpy.ndarray of shape (n_samples, 4) containing the quaternions. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The unit quaternion in the same format as the input. """ is_quat_array = False if isinstance(q_arr[0], quaternion.quaternion): is_quat_array = True # quat array to float array if is_quat_array: q_arr = quaternion.as_float_array(q_arr) q_arr = q_arr / np.linalg.norm(q_arr, axis=1)[:, None] q_arr_out = quaternion.as_quat_array(q_arr) if is_quat_array else q_arr return q_arr_out
[docs] def quaternion_rotate_vector(q_ba_np: np.ndarray, v_a_np: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Rotate a time series of a 3d vector by a quaternion. Parameters ---------- q_ba_np A numpy.ndarray of shape (n_samples, 4) containing the quaternions, expressing the rotation from coordinate frame a to b. v_a_np A numpy.ndarray of shape (n_samples, 3) containing the vector, expressed in coordinate frame a. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray A numpy.ndarray of shape (n_samples, 3) containing the vector, expressed in coordinate frame b. """ # assert this is actually an array of expected dimensions assert q_ba_np.shape[1] == 4 assert v_a_np.shape[1] == 3 assert q_ba_np.shape[0] == v_a_np.shape[0] # number of samples n_samples = q_ba_np.shape[0] # convert float array to quat array q_ba = quaternion.as_quat_array(q_ba_np) # ensure the quaternion is unit q_ba = quaternion_arr_normalize(q_ba) # add zeros as the real quat part v_a = np.c_[np.zeros(n_samples), v_a_np] # convert float array to quat array v_a = quaternion.as_quat_array(v_a) # take the conjugate to express opposite rotation q_ab = np.conjugate(q_ba) # multiply quaternions to rotate vector to frame b: # v_b = q_ba * v_a * q_ab v_b = np.multiply(np.multiply(q_ba, v_a), q_ab) # convert quat array to float array and take only the imaginary component v_b_np = quaternion.as_float_array(v_b)[:, 1:] return v_b_np
[docs] def remove_gravity_component(data: pd.DataFrame): """Remove the gravity component of acceleration. Based on paper : Two-stage Recognition of Raw Acceleration Signals for 3-D Gesture-Understanding Cell Phones, Cho et al., 2006 Get the linear accelerations - without gravity component - by subtracting the mean acceleration signals, such that :math:`A_1(t) = A(t) - A_mean where A(t) = [a_x(t),a_y(t),a_z(t)]` Parameters ---------- data Input acceleration data Returns ------- Tuple[pandas.DataFrame, float] A tuple with first, the acceleration data with mean removed and second the mean. """ mean_acc = data.mean() lin_acc = data - mean_acc return lin_acc, mean_acc
[docs] def remove_gravity_component_ori( acc_sensor, q_global_sensor, unit: str = "g" ) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]: """Remove the gravity component of acceleration based on orientation. Get the linear accelerations - without gravity component - by converting to the global coordinate frame, subtracting the constant gravity and converting back to the initial sensor frame. Parameters ---------- acc_sensor Input acceleration data expressed on the sensor frame. q_global_sensor Input orientation from sensor to global coordinate frame. unit The unit in which the accelerometer data is expressed. Returns ------- Tuple[pandas.DataFrame, pandas.DataFrame] A tuple with first, the acceleration data with mean removed and second the gravity. """ if unit == "g": gravity_constant = 1.0 else: gravity_constant = GRAVITY_CONSTANT # rotate acceleration from sensor to global frame acc_global = quaternion_rotate_vector(q_global_sensor, acc_sensor) # derive the user acceleration by subtracting gravity user_acc_global = acc_global - [0, 0, gravity_constant] # derive gravity in global as array (should be [0, 0, GRAVITY_CONSTANT]) gravity_global = acc_global - user_acc_global # get the conjugate quaternion to express the opposite rotation q_sensor_global = np.conjugate(quaternion.as_quat_array(q_global_sensor)) q_sensor_global = quaternion.as_float_array(q_sensor_global) # rotate user and gravity back to the sensor frame user_acc_sensor = quaternion_rotate_vector(q_sensor_global, user_acc_global) gravity_sensor = quaternion_rotate_vector(q_sensor_global, gravity_global) return user_acc_sensor, gravity_sensor
[docs] def dot_diag_einsum(v_1: np.ndarray, v_2: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Get the diagonal of the dot product of two 2D arrays (fast). This function is based on np.einsum configured in such a way to provide the dot product diagonal of two 2D arrays. For benchmark example (n_samples=18000), runtime is 2 ms. Parameters ---------- v_1 An np.ndarray of shape (n_samples, 3) v_2 An np.ndarray of shape (n_samples, 3) Returns ------- numpy.ndarray An array of shape (n_samples, 1) containing the dot product diagonal """ return np.einsum("ij,ij->i", v_1, v_2)
[docs] def dot_diag_list(v_1: np.ndarray, v_2: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Get the diagonal of the dot product of two 2D arrays (slow). This approach computes the dot product for each time sample of the arrays of shape (n_samples, 3). For benchmark example (n_samples=18000), runtime is 60 ms. Parameters ---------- v_1 An np.ndarray of shape (n_samples, 3) v_2 An np.ndarray of shape (n_samples, 3) Returns ------- numpy.ndarray An array of shape (n_samples, 1) containing the dot product diagonal """ return np.array([, v_2_) for v_1_, v_2_ in zip(v_1, v_2)])
[docs] def dot_diag_matrix(v_1: np.ndarray, v_2: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Get the diagonal of the dot product of two 2D arrays (very slow). This approach computes the dot product array of two arrays of shape (n_samples, 3) and then takes the diagonal. For benchmark example (n_samples=18000), runtime is 2 seconds. Parameters ---------- v_1 An np.ndarray of shape (n_samples, 3) v_2 An np.ndarray of shape (n_samples, 3) Returns ------- numpy.ndarray An array of shape (n_samples, 1) containing the dot product diagonal """ return np.diag(, v_2.T))
[docs] def orthogonal(v_1): """Find orthogonal quaternion to a vector provided. Based on C++ implementation here: (lines 192-224) Parameters ---------- v_1 An np.ndarray of shape (3, ) Returns ------- numpy.ndarray An array of shape (4,) containing the 180 deg quaternion rotation """ cross_product = np.abs(v_1) if cross_product[0] < cross_product[1]: if cross_product[0] < cross_product[2]: cross_product = [1, 0, 0] else: cross_product = [0, 0, 1] else: if cross_product[1] < cross_product[2]: cross_product = [0, 1, 0] else: cross_product = [0, 0, 1] # compute cross-product (vector part) cross_product = np.cross(v_1, cross_product) # add scalar part to construct the quaternion quaternion = np.insert(cross_product, 0, 0.0) return quaternion
[docs] def compute_quaternion_between_vectors(v_1: np.ndarray, v_2: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Compute quaternion given two vectors. Parameters ---------- v_1 An np.ndarray of shape (n_samples, 3) denoting the first vector v_2 An np.ndarray of shape (n_samples, 3) denoting the second vector Returns ------- numpy.ndarray An array containing the quaternion of shape (n_samples, 4). See proposed solution with pseudocode here: representing-the-rotation-from-one-vector-to-another """ # normalize input vectors v_1 = v_1 / np.linalg.norm(v_1) v_2 = v_2 / np.linalg.norm(v_2) # compute the half vector half = v_1 + v_2 half = half / np.linalg.norm(half) # compute the cross and dot products q_v = np.cross(v_1, half) q_w = dot_diag_einsum(v_1, half) # merge the scalar with vector part quaternion = np.insert(q_v, 0, q_w, axis=1) # address corner case of 180 degrees which results in div by zero cross_product = np.cross(v_1, v_2) dot_product = dot_diag_einsum(v_1, v_2) # two vectors are parallel when their cross product is 0 and of opposite # direction if their dot product is negative case_180_deg = (np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(cross_product, axis=1), 0)) & ( dot_product < 0 ) # if at least one angle is 180 deg then replace the computed quaternion # with an orthogonal of 180 deg if case_180_deg.any(): # apply the orthogonal function only in the ids where 180 deg # angle between vectors was detected quaternion[case_180_deg] = np.apply_along_axis(orthogonal, 1, v_1[case_180_deg]) # normalize output quaternion quaternion = quaternion / np.linalg.norm(quaternion, axis=1)[:, None] return quaternion
[docs] def compute_rotation_matrices_quaternion( gravity: pd.DataFrame, target_gravity: Tuple[float, float, float] ) -> pd.Series: """Compute rotation matrices from gravity time series (quaternion-based). Parameters ---------- gravity The gravity time series obtained from the accelerometer sensor. target_gravity The unit vector onto which to rotate to Returns ------- pandas.Series A series of rotation matrix objects for the provided ``gravity`` entries. """ # convert target into an array of same shape as gravity frame = np.tile(target_gravity, (gravity.shape[0], 1)) # get quaternion from directional vectors quaternion = compute_quaternion_between_vectors(gravity.values, frame) # move scalar part to the end to prepare for scipy rotation format quaternion = np.roll(quaternion, shift=-1, axis=1) # convert quaternion to matrices matrices_list = Rotation.from_quat(quaternion).as_matrix() return pd.Series([m for m in matrices_list], index=gravity.index)
[docs] def compute_rotation_matrices( gravity: pd.DataFrame, target_gravity: Tuple[float, float, float] ) -> pd.Series: """Compute rotation matrices based on gravity time series. Parameters ---------- gravity The gravity time series obtained from the accelerometer sensor. target_gravity The unit vector onto which to rotate to Returns ------- pandas.Series A series of rotation matrix objects for the provided ``gravity`` entries. """ return gravity.apply(compute_rotation_matrix_3d, b=np.array(target_gravity), axis=1)
[docs] def apply_rotation_matrices( rotation_matrices: pd.Series, sensor: pd.DataFrame ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Apply rotation matrices on a sensor time series. Parameters ---------- rotation_matrices The rotation matrices obtained with :func:`compute_rotation_matrices` sensor The sensor time series to be rotated Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame The rotated sensor values based on ``rotation_matrices``. """ # TODO: fix for BDH format common_timestamps = sensor.index.intersection(rotation_matrices.index) if len(common_timestamps) < 0.7 * len(sensor.index): warnings.warn( "More than 30% of the sensor signal has been ignored.", UserWarning ) return pd.DataFrame( ( ri @ vi for ri, vi in zip( rotation_matrices.loc[common_timestamps], sensor.loc[common_timestamps].values, ) ), index=common_timestamps, columns=sensor.columns, )
AP_ML_COLUMN_MAPPINGS = { "userAccelerationZ": "ap", "userAccelerationY": "ml", "userAccelerationX": "v", }
[docs] def transform_ap_ml_acceleration(data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Transform accelerometer axis from X,Y,Z to AP,ML, and v.""" return data.rename(columns=AP_ML_COLUMN_MAPPINGS) * -1