Source code for dispel.providers.sensorlog.processing

"""Processing steps to transform SensorLog readings into internal structure."""
import pandas as pd

from import Level
from import (
from dispel.processing.data_set import StorageError, transformation
from dispel.processing.level import ProcessingStepGroup
from dispel.processing.transform import TransformStep

_TS_COLUMN = RawDataValueDefinition("ts", "ts")
    RawDataValueDefinition(f"userAcceleration{ax}", ax) for ax in list("XYZ")
_GRAVITY_COLUMNS = [RawDataValueDefinition(f"gravity{ax}", ax) for ax in list("XYZ")]
_GYR_COLUMNS = [RawDataValueDefinition(axis, axis) for axis in DEFAULT_COLUMNS]

[docs] class MeltUserMotionAndGravity(TransformStep): """A step to melt the motion and gravity measurements from sensorlog.""" data_set_ids = ["motion-user-acceleration", "motion-gravity"] storage_error = StorageError.OVERWRITE definitions = [_TS_COLUMN] + _ACC_COLUMNS + _GRAVITY_COLUMNS @transformation def _melt( self, user: pd.DataFrame, gravity: pd.DataFrame, ) -> pd.DataFrame: data = pd.concat([user, gravity], axis=1) data.columns = ACCELEROMETER_COLUMNS + GRAVITY_COLUMNS = "ts" data.sort_index(inplace=True) data.reset_index(inplace=True) return data
[docs] class AlignTimestamp(TransformStep): """Align the timestamp of a data set to refer to logging time.""" ts_column = "ts" storage_error = StorageError.OVERWRITE
[docs] def get_new_data_set_id(self) -> str: """Return the same data set id as provided for the input.""" assert ( len(data_set_ids := list(self.get_data_set_ids())) == 1 ), "Only one data set id is allowed to be processed." return data_set_ids[0]
@transformation def _align(self, data: pd.DataFrame, level: Level) -> pd.DataFrame: # Logging based offset to align time stamps start = data[self.ts_column].min() offset = level.start - start data[self.ts_column] += offset return data
[docs] class PreprocessAcceleration(ProcessingStepGroup): """Preprocessing steps to transform the acceleration.""" # pylint: disable=no-member steps = [ MeltUserMotionAndGravity(new_data_set_id="acc"), AlignTimestamp( data_set_ids="acc", definitions=MeltUserMotionAndGravity.definitions, ), ]
[docs] class RenameAndUnsetTimestampIndexForGyroscope(TransformStep): """A step to rename columns and reset index for gyro.""" data_set_ids = "gyro" new_data_set_id = "gyroscope" definitions = [_TS_COLUMN] + _GYR_COLUMNS @transformation def _transform(self, data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: data = data.copy() = "ts" data.reset_index(inplace=True) data.columns = [ for definition in self.get_definitions() # pylint: disable=E1133 ] return data
[docs] class PreprocessGyroscope(ProcessingStepGroup): """Preprocessing steps to transform the gyroscope.""" # pylint: disable=no-member steps = [ RenameAndUnsetTimestampIndexForGyroscope(), AlignTimestamp( data_set_ids="gyroscope", definitions=RenameAndUnsetTimestampIndexForGyroscope.definitions, ), ]