Source code for

"""Functionality to read files from SensorLog."""
import hashlib
from typing import Union

import pandas as pd

from import Device, Evaluation, Reading
from import IOSPlatform
from import Level
from import extract_raw_data_set
from dispel.providers.sensorlog import PROVIDER_ID
from import (

[docs] def get_evaluation(data: Union[pd.DataFrame, dict]) -> Evaluation: """Get the evaluation for the SensorLog reading. Parameters ---------- data The data frame obtained with :func:`read_sensor_log_as_data_frame` Returns ------- Evaluation The evaluation information """ start, end = pd.to_datetime(data["loggingTime"]).agg(["min", "max"]) evaluation_uuid = hashlib.md5( (data["identifierForVendor"][0] + data["loggingTime"][0]).encode() ).hexdigest() return Evaluation(start=start, end=end, uuid=evaluation_uuid)
[docs] def get_device(data: Union[pd.DataFrame, dict]) -> Device: """Get device information from the SensorLog reading. Parameters ---------- data The data frame obtained with :func:`read_sensor_log_as_data_frame` Returns ------- Device The device information present in the SensorLog reading Raises ------ ValueError If a wrong identifier definition in data set is given. """ device_uuid = data["identifierForVendor"].unique() if len(device_uuid) != 1: raise ValueError("Wrong identifier definition in data set") return Device(uuid=device_uuid[0], platform=IOSPlatform())
[docs] def read_sensor_log_as_data_frame(path: str) -> pd.DataFrame: """Read a SensorLog json file into a pandas data frame. Parameters ---------- path The path to the SensorLog json file Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame The data frame representation of the SensorLog json file. """ return pd.read_json(path)
[docs] def get_sensor_log_reading(data: Union[pd.DataFrame, dict]) -> Reading: """Get the reading representation of a SensorLog data frame. Parameters ---------- data The data frame obtained with :func:`read_sensor_log_as_data_frame` Returns ------- Reading The :class:`` representation of the SensorLog json file. """ data_sets = [] # try to extract all present data sets for sensor_type in SensorLogSensorType: try: data_sets.append( extract_raw_data_set(sensor_type, data, DATA_SET_DEFINITIONS_DICT) ) except KeyError: pass # skipping columns not being present evaluation = get_evaluation(data) device = get_device(data) return Reading( evaluation=evaluation, levels=[ Level( id_=PROVIDER_ID, start=evaluation.start, end=evaluation.end, raw_data_sets=data_sets, ) ], device=device, )
[docs] def read_sensor_log(path: str) -> Reading: """Read data from SensorLog JSON file. Parameters ---------- path The path to the JSON file containing the data to be read. Returns ------- Reading The :class:`` representation of the SensorLog json file. """ data = read_sensor_log_as_data_frame(path) return get_sensor_log_reading(data)