Source code for dispel.providers.generic.touch

The touch module provides general abstraction classes to handle touch events.

Touch events are represented in :class:`Touch`\ s and :class:`Gesture`\ s that
represent one consecutive interaction (touch down to touch up) and overlapping
interactions, respectively.
import datetime
import warnings
from collections import defaultdict
from copy import deepcopy
from dataclasses import InitVar, dataclass, field
from functools import cached_property, partial
from itertools import combinations
from types import SimpleNamespace
from typing import ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Type, Union, cast

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from ground.core.geometries import Multisegment, Point, Segment

from dispel.signal.core import euclidean_norm, index_time_diff

#: List of possible touch actions.
TOUCH_ACTIONS = SimpleNamespace(up="up", down="down", move="move")

#: The valid column names to use the `touch` module.'

[docs] @dataclass class Pointer: """Touch pointer reference.""" #: The index of the pointer index: int = 0
[docs] class UnknownPointer(Pointer): """Unknown pointer reference. This pointer can be used if the pointer is unknown. """ def __eq__(self, other): return False
[docs] @dataclass class Touch: """A consecutive interaction with the screen. The :class:`Touch` represents the touch events of one consecutive interaction with the screen from the first ``down`` action until the ``up`` action. """ data: InitVar[pd.DataFrame] _data: pd.DataFrame = field(init=False, repr=False, default=None) #: The pointer information of the touch interaction pointer: Pointer = UnknownPointer() def _count_action(self, action: str) -> int: return len(self._data[self._data["touchAction"] == action]) def __post_init__(self, data: pd.DataFrame): # check min length of data frame assert len(data) > 1, "At least two touch events are expected" # rename x and y positions for uniform data format. data = data.rename(columns={"xPosition": "x", "yPosition": "y"}) # check required columns are present required_columns = {"tsTouch", "touchAction", "x", "y"} assert required_columns.issubset( data.columns ), "Not all required columns in data set" # check that timestamps are timestamps assert pd.api.types.is_datetime64_dtype( data["tsTouch"] ), "tsTouch needs to be date time data type" # check that we have only positive coordinates assert (data["x"] >= 0).all(), "x needs to be positive" assert (data["y"] >= 0).all(), "y needs to be positive" # transform and sort data self._data = data.set_index("tsTouch").sort_index() if not self._data.index.is_unique: warnings.warn("Touch event index is not unique", UserWarning) self._data = self._data[~self._data.index.duplicated(keep="last")] # ensure to have only one down and up action at most at the right # position, i.e. down, [move], up down_actions = self._count_action("down") assert down_actions < 2, 'Only one or no "down" action expected' if down_actions: assert ( self._data.iloc[0]["touchAction"] == "down" ), 'Expect "down" action to be first event' up_actions = self._count_action("up") assert up_actions < 2, 'Only one or no "up" action expected' if up_actions: assert ( self._data.iloc[-1]["touchAction"] == "up" ), 'Expect "up" action to be last event' def __len__(self): return len(self._data)
[docs] def get_data(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get a copy of the touch data frame.""" return self._data.copy()
@cached_property def begin(self) -> datetime.datetime: """Get the start of the touch. Returns ------- datetime.datetime The date time of the first touch event """ return self._data.index[0] @cached_property def end(self) -> datetime.datetime: """Get the end of the touch. Returns ------- datetime.datetime The date time of the last touch event """ return self._data.index[-1] @cached_property def duration(self) -> datetime.timedelta: """Get the duration of the touch. Returns ------- datetime.timedelta The duration of the touch interaction from its start to its end. """ return self.end - self.begin @cached_property def time_deltas(self) -> pd.Series: """Get the time differences between consecutive touch events. Returns ------- pandas.Series Returns a series of time differences in milliseconds between consecutive touch events with the index based on the touch event time stamp. """ return index_time_diff(self._data).dropna() * 1e3 @property def is_incomplete(self) -> bool: """Is the interaction incomplete. Returns ------- bool Returns ``True`` if either the ``down`` or ``up`` action is not observed. Otherwise, ``False``. """ return self._count_action("down") != 1 or self._count_action("up") != 1
[docs] def overlaps(self, other: "Touch") -> bool: """Check if the touch has overlapping time points. Parameters ---------- other The other touch interaction to test for overlapping. Returns ------- bool Returns ``True`` if the ``start`` or ``end`` of `other` fall within the start or end of this touch interaction (boundaries included). Otherwise, ``False``. """ def _contained(timestamp: datetime.datetime) -> bool: return self.begin <= timestamp <= self.end return _contained(other.begin) or _contained(other.end)
@cached_property def positions(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get the x and y coordinates of the touch interactions. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame A data frame with two columns ``XPosition`` and ``yPosition`` and the time points as index. """ return self._data[["x", "y"]].copy() @cached_property def first_position(self) -> Tuple[float, float]: """Get the first position of the touch interaction. Returns ------- Tuple[float, float] The x and y coordinate of the first touch interaction with the screen. """ first = self.positions.iloc[0] return first["x"], first["y"]
[docs] def to_segments(self) -> Multisegment: """Get multi-segment representation of the touch interaction.""" def _to_point(row: pd.Series) -> Point: return Point(row["x"], row["y"]) points = self.positions.apply(_to_point, axis=1).tolist() segments = [Segment(start, end) for start, end in zip(points[:-1], points[1:])] return Multisegment(segments)
@cached_property def displacements(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get the displacements per touch event. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Returns the changes in position in x and y direction at each touch event. """ return self.positions.diff().dropna() @cached_property def movement_begin(self) -> datetime.datetime: """Get the start of the movement for the touch. Returns ------- datetime.datetime The date time of the first recorded movement of the touch. """ return @cached_property def length(self) -> float: """Get the length of the interaction. Returns ------- float The length of the interaction based on the sum of euclidean norm vector of displacements. """ return euclidean_norm(self.displacements).sum() @cached_property def velocity(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get the interaction velocity. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame The change in position over time for the respective axis. """ return (self.displacements.T / self.time_deltas).T @cached_property def speed(self) -> pd.Series: """Get the pointer speed of the interaction. Returns ------- pandas.Series The change in position over time. """ return euclidean_norm(self.displacements) / self.time_deltas @cached_property def acceleration(self) -> pd.Series: """Get the pointer acceleration during the interaction. Returns ------- pandas.Series The change of velocity over time. """ return (self.speed.diff() / self.time_deltas).dropna() @cached_property def jerk(self) -> pd.Series: """Get the pointer jerk during the interaction. Returns ------- pandas.Series The change of acceleration over time. """ return (self.acceleration.diff() / self.time_deltas).dropna() @cached_property def mean_squared_jerk(self): """Get the average squared jerk. Returns ------- float The average squared jerk. """ return np.mean(self.jerk**2) @property def has_pressure(self) -> bool: """Has the interaction pressure information. Returns ------- bool ``True`` if pressure information is available. Otherwise, ``False`` """ return "pressure" in self._data @cached_property def pressure(self) -> pd.Series: """Get the pressure information associated with the touch. Returns ------- pandas.Series The pressure values excluding ``0``-values at the very first reading. """ assert self.has_pressure, "Touch has no pressure information" # ignore pressure that is zero and at the first position if self._data["pressure"].iloc[0] == 0: return self._data["pressure"].iloc[1:].copy() return self._data["pressure"].copy() @property def initial_pressure(self) -> float: """Get the initially exerted pressure of the pointer. Returns ------- float The pressure exerted on the screen upon initiation of the interaction. If the first reading was ``0`` the subsequent one will be returned. """ pressure = self.pressure assert len(pressure) > 0, "Not enough pressure readings" return pressure.iloc[0] @cached_property def pressure_change(self) -> pd.Series: """Get the pressure change. Returns ------- pandas.Series The first derivative of the pressure information. """ return (self.pressure.diff() / self.time_deltas).dropna() @cached_property def pressure_acceleration(self) -> pd.Series: """Get the pressure acceleration. Returns ------- pandas.Series The second derivative of the pressure information. """ return (self.pressure_change.diff() / self.time_deltas).dropna() @cached_property def pressure_jerk(self) -> pd.Series: """Get the pressure jerk. Returns ------- pandas.Series The change of pressure acceleration over time. """ return (self.pressure_acceleration.diff() / self.time_deltas).dropna() @cached_property def mean_squared_pressure_jerk(self): """Get the average squared jerk of the applied pressure. Returns ------- float The average squared jerk of the applied pressure. """ return (self.pressure_jerk**2).mean() @cached_property def has_major_radius(self): """Has major radius measurements.""" return "majorRadius" in self._data @cached_property def major_radius(self) -> pd.Series: """Get the major radius of the touch interaction.""" assert self.has_major_radius, "Touch has no major radius" return self._data["majorRadius"] @cached_property def major_radius_tolerance(self) -> float: """Get the major radius tolerance property.""" return self._data["majorRadiusTolerance"].iloc[0]
[docs] @dataclass class Gesture: """A collection of overlapping :class:`Touch` interactions.""" #: The touch interactions comprising the gesture touches: Sequence[Touch] #: The class used to create touches in :func:`touch_factory`. TOUCH_CLS: ClassVar[Type[Touch]] = Touch def __post_init__(self): assert len(self.touches) > 0, "Gesture has to have one or more touches" assert all( isinstance(t, self.TOUCH_CLS) for t in self.touches ), f"All touches need to be an instance of {self.TOUCH_CLS.__name__}" if len(self.touches) > 1: # ensure pointer are known assert all( not isinstance(t, UnknownPointer) for t in self.touches ), "Multi-touch gestures cannot have unknown pointers" ids = [t.pointer.index for t in self.touches] assert len(ids) == len(set(ids)), "Pointer indices need to be unique" overlapped = defaultdict(bool) for a, b in combinations(self.touches, 2): overlaps = a.overlaps(b) overlapped[a.pointer.index] |= overlaps overlapped[b.pointer.index] |= overlaps assert all( overlapped.values() ), "Each touch needs to overlap with at least one other one" @cached_property def first_touch(self) -> Touch: """Get the first touch interaction.""" return min(self.touches, key=lambda t: t.begin) @cached_property def last_touch(self) -> Touch: """Get the last touch interaction.""" return max(self.touches, key=lambda t: t.end) @cached_property def begin(self) -> datetime.datetime: """Get the start date time of the gesture.""" return self.first_touch.begin @cached_property def end(self) -> datetime.datetime: """Get the end date time of the gesture.""" return self.last_touch.end @cached_property def duration(self) -> datetime.timedelta: """Get the duration of the gesture.""" return self.end - self.begin @cached_property def first_movement(self) -> Touch: """Get the first moved touch interaction.""" return min(self.touches, key=lambda t: t.movement_begin) @cached_property def movement_begin(self) -> datetime.datetime: """Get the start of the movement for the gesture. Returns ------- datetime.datetime The date time of the first recorded movement of the gesture. """ return self.first_movement.movement_begin @cached_property def dwell_time(self) -> datetime.timedelta: """Get the dwell time of the gesture. Returns ------- datetime.timedelta The time spent between the first touch on the screen and the first movement made after that. """ return self.movement_begin - self.begin
[docs] @classmethod def touch_factory(cls, touch_data: pd.DataFrame, pointer: Pointer) -> Touch: """Get a touch instance for touch data frame. This method can be overwritten by inheriting classes to customize how touches are constructed. Parameters ---------- touch_data The touch events for one consecutive touch interaction from one pointer. pointer The pointer of the touch events Returns ------- Touch A touch interaction of a single pointer """ return cls.TOUCH_CLS(touch_data, pointer)
[docs] @classmethod def gesture_factory(cls, touches: Sequence[Touch], **kwargs) -> "Gesture": """Get a gesture instance for a list of touches. This method can be overwritten by inheriting classes to customize how gestures are constructed. Parameters ---------- touches The results from the touch factory. See :meth:`touch_factory` for details. kwargs Additional key word arguments for overridden methods to eventually use. Returns ------- Gesture The gesture representing the passed :class:`Touch` objects in ``touches``. """ # pylint: disable=unused-argument return cls(touches)
@classmethod def _expand_touches(cls, data: pd.DataFrame) -> List[Touch]: touches = [] for pointer_id, pointer_data in data.groupby("touchPathId"): touches.append( cls.touch_factory(pointer_data, Pointer(cast(int, pointer_id))) ) return touches
[docs] @classmethod def from_data_frame(cls, data: pd.DataFrame, **kwargs) -> List["Gesture"]: """Create gestures from a data frame. Parameters ---------- data A data frame containing touch events. kwargs Additional key word arguments passed to :meth:`Gesture.gesture_factory`. Returns ------- List[Gesture] A sequence of gestures based on the provided ``data``. The data frame is split according to the ``touchPathId`` into separate touch interactions. Consecutively overlapping touches are combined as gestures. """ if "touchPathId" in data.columns: touches = cls._expand_touches(data) else: touches = [cls.touch_factory(data, UnknownPointer())] assert len(touches) > 0, "No touch interaction contained in data" gestures = [] gesture_touches: List[Touch] = [] for result in sorted(touches, key=lambda x: x.begin): if not gesture_touches or gesture_touches[-1].overlaps(result): gesture_touches.append(result) else: gestures.append(gesture_touches) gesture_touches = [result] gestures.append(gesture_touches) return list(map(partial(cls.gesture_factory, **kwargs), gestures))
[docs] def split_touches( raw_data: pd.DataFrame, begin: int, end: Optional[int] ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Split touch events. This function reassign the touch path ids of raw touch events in a data frame by making sure that the path ids are unique and given in ascending order. One can also filter the input sequence by specifying the start and end timestamp. Parameters ---------- raw_data Dataframe of the raw touch events begin Raw timestamp of the beginning of the sequence end An optional raw timestamp of the end of the sequence Returns ------- Dict[str, List] Touch data for the level """ new_data: Dict[str, List] = {} timestamp = raw_data["tsTouch"] for key in raw_data: assert key in TOUCH_COLUMNS, f"The column {key} is not valid" new_data[key] = [] touch_path_ids = set() for i, time in enumerate(timestamp): if time >= begin: if end is not None and time <= end: if raw_data["touchAction"][i] == "down": touch_path_ids.add(raw_data["touchPathId"][i]) if raw_data["touchPathId"][i] in touch_path_ids: new_data[key].append(raw_data[key][i]) elif raw_data["touchPathId"][i] in touch_path_ids: if raw_data["touchAction"][i] == "down": touch_path_ids.remove(raw_data["touchPathId"][i]) else: new_data[key].append(raw_data[key][i]) else: break new_data = reassign_touch_path_id(new_data) return pd.DataFrame(new_data)
[docs] def reassign_touch_path_id( data: Union[pd.DataFrame, Dict[str, List]] ) -> Dict[str, List]: """Reassign touch path ids. Touch path ids are sometimes mixed when there are no fingers on the screen. This function makes sure consecutive touches are assigned ascending new ids. Parameters ---------- data Dictionary of raw touch data Returns ------- Dict[str, List] Touch data for the level """ alt_ids: Dict[int, int] = {} current_max = 0 new_data = deepcopy(data) timestamp = new_data["tsTouch"] for i in range(len(timestamp)): touch_path_id = new_data["touchPathId"][i] if new_data["touchAction"][i] == "down": if touch_path_id in alt_ids: current_max = max(alt_ids) + 1 alt_ids[touch_path_id] = current_max alt_ids[current_max] = current_max else: alt_ids[touch_path_id] = touch_path_id current_max = max(current_max, touch_path_id) new_data["touchPathId"][i] = alt_ids[touch_path_id] return new_data