Source code for dispel.providers.generic.tasks.sbt_utt.sbt_synth

"""A Module containing the Classes necessary to create SBT AP-ML gravity trajectories.

Among others, functionality is implemented to create diverse shapes(e.g., Circle,
Ellipse, Upsampled, Downsampled, rotations, etc).

from typing import List

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from dispel.processing import ProcessingStep
from dispel.processing.data_set import StorageError, transformation
from dispel.processing.level import LevelIdFilter, ProcessingStepGroup
from dispel.processing.transform import TransformStep
from dispel.providers.generic.activity.placement import PLACEMENT_DEFINITIONS
from dispel.providers.generic.flags.le_flags import (
from dispel.providers.generic.tasks.sbt_utt.sbt import (
from dispel.signal.geometric import (

[docs] class PreMartinezSteps(ProcessingStepGroup): """ProcessingStepGroup to do PreMartinez steps.""" steps = [ TechnicalFlagsGroup(), FormattingGroup(), PreProcessingStepsGroup(), SBTTremorMeasuresGroup("acc_ts_rotated_resampled_detrend"), TransformAxisNames("acc_ts_rotated_resampled_detrend_svgf_bhpf"), ]
[docs] class PostMartinezSteps(ProcessingStepGroup): """ProcessingStepGroup to do PostMartinez steps.""" steps = [ TransformJerkNorm(), DetectExcessiveMotionGroup(), ExtractSpatioTemporalMeasuresGroup(), BehaviouralFlagsGroup(), ]
[docs] class CreateSyntheticMartinezAcc(TransformStep): """Create data attributes for a synthetic Martinez Acceleration dataset.""" data_set_ids = "martinez_accelerations" new_data_set_id = "martinez_accelerations" storage_error = StorageError.OVERWRITE level_filter = LevelIdFilter("sbt") definitions = TransformMergeValidSegments.definitions
[docs] class CreateSyntheticCircle(CreateSyntheticMartinezAcc): """Create data corresponding to a radius 1 circle for unit-testing.""" @transformation def _create_circle(self, data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Assign polar coordinate circle to AP and ML components.""" x, y = draw_circle(length=len(data), radius=1) data.ap = x = y return data
[docs] class CreateSyntheticEllipseRotated(CreateSyntheticMartinezAcc): """Create data corresponding to 90deg rotated ellipse for unit-testing.""" @transformation def _create_ellipse(self, data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Assign polar coordinate circle to AP and ML components.""" x, y = draw_ellipse(length=len(data), a=1, b=2) x_r, y_r = rotate_points(x, y, np.pi / 2) data.ap = x_r = y_r return data
[docs] class CreateSyntheticEllipse(CreateSyntheticMartinezAcc): """Create data corresponding to A=1 B=2 axes ellipse for unit-testing.""" @transformation def _create_ellipse(self, data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Assign polar coordinate circle to AP and ML components.""" x, y = draw_ellipse(length=len(data), a=1, b=2) data.ap = x = y return data
[docs] class CreateSyntheticEllipseDoubled(CreateSyntheticMartinezAcc): """Create data corresponding to A=2 B=4 axes ellipse for unit-testing.""" @transformation def _create_ellipse(self, data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Assign polar coordinate circle to AP and ML components.""" x, y = draw_ellipse(length=len(data), a=1 * 2, b=2 * 2) data.ap = x = y return data
[docs] class CreateSyntheticEllipseDoubledRotated(CreateSyntheticMartinezAcc): """Create data corresponding to a rotated 2*AB ellipse for unit-testing.""" @transformation def _create_ellipse(self, data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Assign polar coordinate circle to AP and ML components.""" # We generate 2*AB ellipse points x, y = draw_ellipse(length=len(data), a=1 * 2, b=2 * 2) # We rotate points by 90 deg x_r, y_r = rotate_points(x, y, np.pi / 2) data.ap = x_r = y_r return data
[docs] class CreateSyntheticEllipseSameAxes(CreateSyntheticMartinezAcc): """Create data corresponding to a A=1 B=1 ellipse for unit-testing.""" @transformation def _create_ellipse(self, data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Assign polar coordinate circle to AP and ML components.""" # We generate 2*AB ellipse points x, y = draw_ellipse(length=len(data), a=1, b=1) data.ap = x = y return data
[docs] class CreateSyntheticEllipseStretched(CreateSyntheticMartinezAcc): """Create data corresponding to a A=1 B=10 ellipse for unit-testing.""" @transformation def _create_ellipse(self, data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Assign polar coordinate circle to AP and ML components.""" # We generate 2*AB ellipse points x, y = draw_ellipse(length=len(data), a=1, b=10) data.ap = x = y return data
[docs] class CreateSyntheticEllipseOutliers(CreateSyntheticMartinezAcc): """Create data corresponding to AB ellipse w/ outliers for unit-testing.""" @transformation def _create_ellipse(self, data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Assign polar coordinate circle to AP and ML components.""" # We generate 2*AB ellipse points x, y = draw_ellipse(length=len(data), a=1, b=2) # We add outliers for 4% of data points (< 5%) x_r, y_r = synthetic_outliers(x, y, ratio_outlier=0.04) data.ap = x_r = y_r return data
[docs] class CreateSyntheticEllipseOutliersDoubled(CreateSyntheticMartinezAcc): """Create data of 2*AB ellipse w/ outliers for unit-testing.""" @transformation def _create_ellipse(self, data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Assign polar coordinate circle to AP and ML components.""" # We generate 2*AB ellipse points x, y = draw_ellipse(length=len(data), a=1 * 2, b=2 * 2) # We add outliers x_r, y_r = synthetic_outliers(x, y, ratio_outlier=0.04) data.ap = x_r = y_r return data
[docs] class CreateSyntheticEllipseUpsampled(CreateSyntheticMartinezAcc): """Create data corresponding to upsampled ellipse for unit-testing.""" @transformation def _create_ellipse(self, data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Assign polar coordinate circle to AP and ML components.""" # We generate 2*AB ellipse points x, y = draw_ellipse(length=len(data), a=1, b=2) data.ap = x = y # We add outliers for 4% of data points (< 5%) data = upsample_dataset(data, factor_freq=2) return data
[docs] class CreateSyntheticEllipseDownsampled(CreateSyntheticMartinezAcc): """Create data corresponding to a downsampled ellipse for unit-testing.""" @transformation def _create_ellipse(self, data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Assign polar coordinate circle to AP and ML components.""" # We generate 2*AB ellipse points x, y = draw_ellipse(length=len(data), a=1, b=2) data.ap = x = y # We downsample data = downsample_dataset(data, ratio_freq=0.3) return data
[docs] class CreateSyntheticPlacement(TransformStep): """Create data corresponding to complex placement_bouts detected.""" data_set_ids = "placement_bouts" new_data_set_id = "placement_bouts" storage_error = StorageError.OVERWRITE level_filter = LevelIdFilter("sbt") definitions = PLACEMENT_DEFINITIONS
[docs] class CreateSyntheticPlacementBoutsAdjust(CreateSyntheticPlacement): """Create data corresponding to complex placement_bouts detected.""" @transformation def _create_new_bouts(self, data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: # Make a view of the original_bout original_bout = data # Create 4 copies of the original bout to modify duplicate = data.append(original_bout).reset_index() duplicate = duplicate.append(duplicate).reset_index(drop=True) # Mark time of first bout and define bout boundaries at 3, 10, 20 sec time_zero = min([duplicate.start_time.min()]) five_sec = time_zero + pd.Timedelta(5, unit="s") ten_sec = time_zero + pd.Timedelta(10, unit="s") twenty_sec = time_zero + pd.Timedelta(20, unit="s") # Define new end, start and duration for first bout duplicate.loc[0, "end_time"] = five_sec duplicate.loc[0, "duration"] = (five_sec - time_zero).total_seconds() # Define new end, start and duration for second bout duplicate.loc[1, "start_time"] = five_sec + pd.Timedelta(10, unit="ms") duplicate.loc[1, "end_time"] = ten_sec duplicate.loc[1, "duration"] = (ten_sec - five_sec).total_seconds() # Define new end, start and duration for third bout duplicate.loc[2, "start_time"] = ten_sec + pd.Timedelta(10, unit="ms") duplicate.loc[2, "end_time"] = twenty_sec duplicate.loc[2, "duration"] = (twenty_sec - ten_sec).total_seconds() # Define new end, start and duration for fourth bout duplicate.loc[3, "start_time"] = twenty_sec + pd.Timedelta(10, unit="ms") duplicate.loc[3, "duration"] = duplicate.loc[3, "duration"] - sum( duplicate.loc[0:2, "duration"] ) # Define categories duplicate["placement"] = pd.Categorical(["pants", "belt", "belt", "belt"]) duplicate = duplicate.drop(columns=["window_index_adjacent"]) return duplicate
[docs] class CreateSyntheticPlacementBouts(CreateSyntheticPlacement): """Create data corresponding to complex placement_bouts detected.""" @transformation def _create_new_bouts(self, data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: # Make a view of the original_bout original_bout = data # Create 4 copies of the original bout to modify duplicate = data.append(original_bout).reset_index() duplicate = duplicate.append(duplicate).reset_index(drop=True) # Mark time of first bout and define bout boundaries at 3, 10, 20 sec time_zero = min([duplicate.start_time.min()]) three_sec = time_zero + pd.Timedelta(3, unit="s") ten_sec = time_zero + pd.Timedelta(10, unit="s") twenty_sec = time_zero + pd.Timedelta(20, unit="s") # Define new end, start and duration for first bout duplicate.loc[0, "end_time"] = three_sec duplicate.loc[0, "duration"] = (three_sec - time_zero).total_seconds() # Define new end, start and duration for second bout duplicate.loc[1, "start_time"] = three_sec + pd.Timedelta(10, unit="ms") duplicate.loc[1, "end_time"] = ten_sec duplicate.loc[1, "duration"] = (ten_sec - three_sec).total_seconds() # Define new end, start and duration for third bout duplicate.loc[2, "start_time"] = ten_sec + pd.Timedelta(10, unit="ms") duplicate.loc[2, "end_time"] = twenty_sec duplicate.loc[2, "duration"] = (twenty_sec - ten_sec).total_seconds() # Define new end, start and duration for fourth bout duplicate.loc[3, "start_time"] = twenty_sec + pd.Timedelta(10, unit="ms") duplicate.loc[3, "duration"] = duplicate.loc[3, "duration"] - sum( duplicate.loc[0:2, "duration"] ) # Define categories duplicate["placement"] = pd.Categorical(["pants", "handheld", "belt", "pants"]) duplicate = duplicate.drop(columns=["window_index_adjacent"]) return duplicate
[docs] class SBTSyntheticComplexProcessing(ProcessingStepGroup): """All processing steps to extract SBT measures.""" pre_steps: List[ProcessingStep] = [ TechnicalFlagsGroup(), FormattingGroup(), PreProcessingStepsGroup(), TremorAndAxesGroup(), DetectExcessiveMotionGroup(), ExtractSpatioTemporalMeasuresGroup(), PlacementClassificationGroup(), ] post_steps: List[ProcessingStep] = [ FlagNonBeltSBT(), FlagAdjustmentNonBeltSBT(), ] level_filter = LevelIdFilter("sbt") kwargs = {"task_name": TASK_NAME_SBT}
[docs] def set_steps(self, steps: List[ProcessingStep]): """Set processing steps part of the group.""" super().set_steps(self.pre_steps + steps + self.post_steps)
[docs] class BalanceSyntheticProcessingSteps(ProcessingStepGroup): """A mixing class injects synthetic trajectories in SBT pipeline.""" level_filter = LevelIdFilter("sbt") kwargs = {"task_name": TASK_NAME_SBT}
[docs] def __init__(self, synthetic_step: ProcessingStep, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__( *args, steps=[ PreMartinezSteps(), synthetic_step, PostMartinezSteps(), ], **kwargs, )