Source code for

"""Pronation Supination assessment related functionality.

This module contains functionality to extract measures for the
*Pronation Supination* assessment (PS).
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from import Level
from import MeasureValueDefinitionPrototype
from import DEFAULT_COLUMNS, RawDataValueDefinition
from import AbbreviatedValue as AV
from import AVEnum
from dispel.processing.data_set import transformation
from dispel.processing.extract import AggregateRawDataSetColumn, ExtractStep
from dispel.processing.level import ProcessingStepGroup
from dispel.processing.modalities import HandModality
from dispel.processing.transform import Apply, TransformStep
from dispel.providers.generic.sensor import (
from dispel.providers.registry import process_factory
from dispel.signal.filter import butterworth_low_pass_filter
from dispel.stats.core import npcv

TASK_NAME = AV("Pronation-Supination Assessment", "PS")

r"""Define the minimal rotation of a valid event such as pronation and supination."""

ACTIVE_PHASE_DUR = pd.Timedelta("7s")
r"""Define the duration of the active test phase of the pronation supination test."""

PS_AGGREGATION: List[Tuple[Union[Callable[[Any], float], str], str]] = [
    ("mean", "mean"),
    ("median", "median"),
    (npcv, "non parametric coefficient of variation"),

[docs] class Movement(AVEnum): """Enumerated constant representing the event modalities.""" PRONATION = ("pronation", "pro") SUPINATION = ("supination", "sup") PROSUP = ("pronation_supination", "prosup")
[docs] class TransformIntegrateBetweenZeros(TransformStep): """Integrate gyroscope signal between zero crossings.""" new_data_set_id = "ps_event" definitions: List[RawDataValueDefinition] = [ RawDataValueDefinition( id_="zero_crossings", name="zero crossings", description="Zero-crossings of the gyroscope signal.", data_type="float", ), RawDataValueDefinition( id_="rotation", name="rotation", description="Rotation in degrees estimated by integrating the gyroscope " "signal between two consecutive zero-crossings.", data_type="float", unit="deg", ), RawDataValueDefinition( id_="abs_rotation", name="absolute rotation", description="Absolute rotation of the gyroscope between two zero crossings " "in degrees.", data_type="float", unit="deg", ), ]
[docs] @staticmethod @transformation def integrate_between_zeros( data: pd.DataFrame, zeros: pd.DataFrame ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Integrate gyroscope between zero-crossings.""" integrals_ = [] ps_event = zeros.copy() for i in range(len(zeros) - 1): i_0 = zeros.index[i] i_1 = zeros.index[i + 1] integrals_.append( np.trapz( data[i_0:i_1].z.values, (data[i_0:i_1].index - data.index[0]).total_seconds(), ) ) ps_event["rotation"] = integrals_ + [None] ps_event["rotation"] = np.rad2deg(ps_event["rotation"]) ps_event["abs_rotation"] = ps_event.rotation.abs() return ps_event
[docs] class TransformIdentifyEvent(TransformStep): """Identify pronation supination given the rotation and the hand used. Only pronation event and supination event for which the associated rotation is greater than MIN_EVENT_ROTATION in absolute value are considered. """ new_data_set_id = "ps_event" definitions = TransformIntegrateBetweenZeros.definitions + [ RawDataValueDefinition( "event", "Event indicating if the motion was a pronation or supination.", data_type="str", ) ]
[docs] @staticmethod @transformation def identify_event(ps_event: pd.DataFrame, level: Level) -> pd.DataFrame: """Identify whether the event is a supination or a pronation.""" level_id = str( ps_event["event"] = None neg_mask = ps_event.rotation < -MIN_EVENT_ROTATION pos_mask = ps_event.rotation > MIN_EVENT_ROTATION if level_id == "right": ps_event.loc[neg_mask, "event"] = "supination" ps_event.loc[pos_mask, "event"] = "pronation" elif level_id == "left": ps_event.loc[neg_mask, "event"] = "pronation" ps_event.loc[pos_mask, "event"] = "supination" else: raise ValueError(f"level_id: {level_id} is not in ['left', 'right']") return ps_event
[docs] class TransformFilterEvent(TransformStep): """Enrich event with time boundaries and only keep defined event.""" new_data_set_id = "ps_event" definitions = TransformIdentifyEvent.definitions + [ RawDataValueDefinition( "start", "Start timestamp indicating the beginning of the event.", data_type="datetime64[ns]", ), RawDataValueDefinition( "end", "end timestamp indicating the end of the event.", data_type="datetime64[ns]", ), ]
[docs] @staticmethod @transformation def filter_event(ps_event: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Add start and end of event and keep only defined events.""" event_start = ps_event.index[:-1] event_end = ps_event.index[1:] # Remove last un-needed zero ps_event = ps_event[:-1] ps_event["start"] = event_start ps_event["end"] = event_end return ps_event.dropna()
[docs] class TransformRemovePriorEvent(TransformStep): """Remove event ending before active test phase.""" new_data_set_id = "ps_event" definitions = TransformFilterEvent.definitions
[docs] @staticmethod @transformation def truncate_active_event(ps_event: pd.DataFrame, level: Level) -> pd.DataFrame: """Remove potential event ending prior the active phase of 7 s.""" return ps_event.loc[ps_event.end > level.end - ACTIVE_PHASE_DUR]
[docs] class TransformRotationSpeed(TransformStep): """Compute rotation speed per motion.""" new_data_set_id = "ps_event" definitions = TransformFilterEvent.definitions + [ RawDataValueDefinition( "delta_t", "Duration of the motion.", data_type="str", unit="s" ), RawDataValueDefinition( "rotation_speed", "Average rotation speed in degrees during the motion.", data_type="str", unit="deg", ), RawDataValueDefinition( "abs_rotation_speed", "Absolute value of the average rotation speed in degrees.", data_type="str", unit="deg", ), ]
[docs] @staticmethod @transformation def compute_rot_speed(data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Compute average rotation speed during a pronation or supination.""" # Time between two zero crossing is obtained by differentiating the # timestamp of the index. data["delta_t"] = (data.end - data.start).dt.total_seconds() data["rotation_speed"] = data.rotation / (data["delta_t"]) data["abs_rotation_speed"] = data.rotation_speed.abs() return data
[docs] class TransformAmplitudePeakToPeak(TransformStep): """Compute amplitude of rotation peak to peak.""" new_data_set_id = "ps_event_peak_peak" definitions: List[RawDataValueDefinition] = [ RawDataValueDefinition( "start", "Start timestamp indicating the beginning of the event.", data_type="datetime64[ns]", ), RawDataValueDefinition( "end", "end timestamp indicating the end of the event.", data_type="datetime64[ns]", ), RawDataValueDefinition( "delta_t", "Duration of the motion.", data_type="str", unit="s" ), RawDataValueDefinition( "abs_rotation", "Absolute rotation for a pronation supination in degrees.", data_type="float", unit="deg", ), ]
[docs] @staticmethod @transformation def compute_abs_rot_peak_peak(data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Compute absolute rotation peak to peak of pronation - supination.""" amplitude_gp = data.iloc[1:-1].groupby(data.iloc[1:-1].reset_index().index // 2) amplitude = amplitude_gp[["abs_rotation", "event", "delta_t"]].sum() amplitude["start"] = amplitude_gp["start"].min() amplitude["end"] = amplitude_gp["end"].max() amplitude["count"] = amplitude_gp["start"].count() amplitude = amplitude.loc[amplitude["count"] == 2] return amplitude.drop(columns="count")
[docs] class AggregateMotion(AggregateRawDataSetColumn): """An Aggregation of motion measures."""
[docs] def get_data_frames(self, level: Level) -> List[pd.DataFrame]: """Get the raw data from all data sets in question. Parameters ---------- level The level from which to get the data sets. Returns ------- List[pandas.DataFrame] A list of all raw data frames with the specified ids masked with event being equal to the movement specified. """ if self.movement.variable == "prosup": return list( map( lambda r:, self.get_raw_data_sets(level), ) ) return list( map( lambda r:[["event"] == self.movement.variable], self.get_raw_data_sets(level), ) )
[docs] def __init__(self, data_set_id: str, column_id: str, movement: Movement, **kwargs): self.movement = movement description = f"The {{aggregation}} of {column_id} for {movement}." definition = MeasureValueDefinitionPrototype( measure_name=AV( f"{movement.variable} {column_id.replace('_', ' ')}", f"{column_id}" ), data_type="float64", description=description, ) super().__init__(data_set_id, column_id, PS_AGGREGATION, definition, **kwargs)
[docs] class AggregateAmplitude(AggregateRawDataSetColumn): """An aggregation processing step for the amplitude peak to peak.""" data_set_ids = "ps_event_peak_peak" column_id = "abs_rotation" aggregations = PS_AGGREGATION definition = MeasureValueDefinitionPrototype( measure_name=AV("amplitude", "amp"), description="The {aggregation} amplitude of rotation of an" "entire pronation supination cycle.", unit="deg", data_type="float", )
[docs] class AggregateDuration(AggregateRawDataSetColumn): """An aggregation processing step for the duration peak to peak.""" data_set_ids = "ps_event_peak_peak" column_id = "delta_t" aggregations = [("mean", "mean")] definition = MeasureValueDefinitionPrototype( measure_name=AV("duration", "dur"), description="The {aggregation} duration of an" "entire pronation supination cycle.", unit="s", data_type="float", )
[docs] class ExtractNEvent(ExtractStep): """Extract number of events that are either pronation or supination.""" data_set_ids = "ps_event" description = "The number of events that are a pronation or a supination." definition = MeasureValueDefinitionPrototype( measure_name=AV("event count", "ec"), data_type="int16", validator=GREATER_THAN_ZERO, description=description, task_name=TASK_NAME, )
[docs] @staticmethod @transformation def count_events(data: pd.DataFrame) -> int: """Count the number of pronation or supination.""" return data.event.isin({"pronation", "supination"}).sum()
[docs] class ExtractAvgMovementPowerFromTimeSeries(ExtractStep): """Extract average movement power from a time series.""" description = ( "The average power of the signal in the defined 0 - 4 Hz frequency band." ) definition = MeasureValueDefinitionPrototype( measure_name=AV("movement power mean", "ts_mvmt_power-mean"), data_type="float", description=description, task_name=TASK_NAME, )
[docs] @staticmethod @transformation def average_power(data: pd.DataFrame) -> int: """Compute the average power of the time series.""" # integrate the power in the appropriate frequency return (data**2).mean().squeeze()
[docs] def decrement_simple(data: pd.Series) -> float: """Compute simplified version of decrement of a series.""" first_quarter = data[: (quarter_idx := len(data) // 4)] second_half = data[-quarter_idx:] return np.median(first_quarter) - np.median(second_half)
[docs] class ExtractAmplitudeDecrementSimple(ExtractStep): """Extract the simple version of decrement in amplitude.""" data_set_ids = "ps_event_peak_peak" description = ( "The simple decrement of amplitude defined as the difference in " "median amplitude between the first and last 25% of the task." ) definition = MeasureValueDefinitionPrototype( measure_name=AV("amplitude simple decrement", "amp_simple_dec"), data_type="float", description=description, task_name=TASK_NAME, )
[docs] @staticmethod @transformation def decrement_amplitude_simple(data: pd.DataFrame) -> float: """Compute the simple decrement of amplitude.""" return decrement_simple(data["abs_rotation"])
[docs] class ExtractSpeedDecrementSimple(ExtractStep): """Extract the simple version of decrement in speed.""" data_set_ids = "ps_event" description = ( "The simple decrement of speed defined as the difference in " "median speed between the first and last 25% of the task." ) definition = MeasureValueDefinitionPrototype( measure_name=AV("speed simple decrement", "speed_simple_dec"), data_type="float", description=description, task_name=TASK_NAME, )
[docs] @staticmethod @transformation def decrement_speed_simple(data: pd.DataFrame) -> float: """Compute the simple decrement of speed.""" return decrement_simple(data["abs_rotation"])
COL_TO_AGG: List[str] = ["abs_rotation", "abs_rotation_speed"] r"""Columns of the event data set that we want to aggregate as measures over the different events."""
[docs] class PreprocessingPSGroup(ProcessingStepGroup): """Pronation Supination preprocessing steps.""" steps = [ SetTimestampIndex("gyroscope", DEFAULT_COLUMNS, duplicates="first"), # Resample with mean then ffill to remove eventual remaining nans Resample( data_set_id="gyroscope_ts", freq=50, aggregations=["mean", "ffill"], columns=DEFAULT_COLUMNS, ), Apply( "gyroscope_ts_resampled", butterworth_low_pass_filter, dict(order=3, cutoff=10, zero_phase=True), ["z"], ), ]
[docs] class MovementPowerGroup(ProcessingStepGroup): """Pronation Supination movement power processing steps group.""" steps = [ Apply( data_set_id="gyroscope_ts_resampled", new_data_set_id="gyroscope_ts_resampled_low_pass_4hz", method=butterworth_low_pass_filter, method_kwargs=dict(order=3, cutoff=4, zero_phase=True), columns=["z"], ), ExtractAvgMovementPowerFromTimeSeries( data_set_ids="gyroscope_ts_resampled_low_pass_4hz" ), ]
[docs] class EventDetectionAndFiltering(ProcessingStepGroup): """Pronation Supination event detection and filtering processing steps group.""" steps = [ Upsample( interpolation_method="linear", freq=1000, data_set_id="gyroscope_ts_resampled_butterworth_low_pass_filter", columns=["z"], ), TransformFindZeroCrossings( data_set_ids="gyroscope_ts_resampled_butterworth_low_pass_filter_upsampled", column="z", new_data_set_id="zero_crossings", ), TransformIntegrateBetweenZeros( data_set_ids=[ "gyroscope_ts_resampled_butterworth_low_pass_filter_upsampled", "zero_crossings", ] ), TransformIdentifyEvent("ps_event", storage_error="overwrite"), TransformFilterEvent("ps_event", storage_error="overwrite"), TransformRemovePriorEvent("ps_event", storage_error="overwrite"), ]
[docs] class AggregateAmplitudeAndDurationGroup(ProcessingStepGroup): """Aggregate amplitude and duration group.""" steps = [ ProcessingStepGroup( steps=[AggregateAmplitude(), AggregateDuration()], modalities=[hand.av], level_filter=hand.abbr, ) for hand in HandModality ]
[docs] class AggregatePerHandAndMotionGroup(ProcessingStepGroup): """Aggregate per hand and motion group.""" steps = [ ProcessingStepGroup( steps=[ AggregateMotion("ps_event", column, movement) for column in COL_TO_AGG ], modalities=[hand.av, movement.av], level_filter=hand.abbr, ) for movement in Movement for hand in HandModality ]
[docs] class PerHandEventExtractionGroup(ProcessingStepGroup): """Pronation Supination per hand measure extraction group.""" steps = [ ProcessingStepGroup( [ ExtractNEvent(), ExtractAmplitudeDecrementSimple(), ExtractSpeedDecrementSimple(), ], task_name=TASK_NAME, modalities=[hand.av], level_filter=hand.abbr, ) for hand in HandModality ]
[docs] class EventMeasureExtractionGroup(ProcessingStepGroup): """Pronation Supination event-based measure extraction group.""" steps = [ TransformRotationSpeed("ps_event", storage_error="overwrite"), # Create a dataset for peak to peak TransformAmplitudePeakToPeak("ps_event"), # Aggregate amplitude and duration per hand AggregateAmplitudeAndDurationGroup(), # Aggregate per hand and Motion AggregatePerHandAndMotionGroup(), # Aggregate per hand PerHandEventExtractionGroup(), ]
[docs] class BDHPronationSupinationSteps(ProcessingStepGroup): """Generic Pronation Supination processing steps.""" steps = [ PreprocessingPSGroup(), MovementPowerGroup(), EventDetectionAndFiltering(), EventMeasureExtractionGroup(), ] kwargs = {"task_name": TASK_NAME}
process_ps = process_factory( task_name=TASK_NAME, steps=BDHPronationSupinationSteps(), codes="sp-activity", )