Source code for dispel.providers.generic.tasks.gait.core

"""All generic transformation steps related to the gait."""
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from enum import IntEnum
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.signal import find_peaks

from import Reading
from import Level
from import MeasureValueDefinitionPrototype
from import RawDataValueDefinition
from import AbbreviatedValue as AV
from import ValueDefinition
from dispel.processing.core import Parameter as P
from dispel.processing.core import ProcessResultType
from dispel.processing.data_set import decorated_processing_function, transformation
from dispel.processing.extract import (
from dispel.processing.transform import TransformStep
from dispel.providers.generic.tasks.gait.bout_strategy import BoutStrategy
from dispel.signal.core import (
from dispel.signal.filter import butterworth_low_pass_filter

    description="Walking bout dynamics rolling window size in ms.",
    description="Walking bout dynamics rolling step size in ms.",
    description="Walking bout dynamics upright motion threshold in m/s^2.",
    description="Walking bout dynamics moving threshold in m/s^2.",
    description="Walking bout dynamics minimum bout duration in seconds.",
    description="Walking bout dynamics acceleration butterworth filter cutoff "
    "freq in Hz.",
    description="The maximum turn angle in degrees to consider straight walking.",
    description="Walking bout final minimum size of walking segments in seconds.",
    description="Walking bout final minimum size of non-walking segments in "
    description="The number of seconds to skip from the beginning of the 6mwt data.",
    description="The sliding window size of the signal input to the "
    description="The sliding window step of the signal input to the "
    description="Required minimal horiz dist (> 0) in seconds between "
    "neighbouring peaks.",
    description="Required height threshold as a percentile of all data.",
    description="The maximum time from the zero lag to search for peaks.",
    description="The frequency to use to filter the signal to get rid of peaks.",
    description="The order of the low pass filter of the signal used to "
    "detect peaks/lags.",
    description="The size in number of samples of the window to search for "
    "refined peaks.",

[docs] class StepEvent(IntEnum): """Generic events for step annotation.""" UNKNOWN = 0 INITIAL_CONTACT = 1 MID_SWING = 2 FOOT_OFF = 3
[docs] class FootUsed(IntEnum): """Information on the foot being used for step annotation.""" LEFT = 1 RIGHT = 2 UNKNOWN = 0
DEF_FOOT = RawDataValueDefinition( id_="foot", name="foot", data_type="int", description="The foot being used." ) DEF_EVENT = RawDataValueDefinition( id_="event", name="event", data_type="int", description="The event detected at the specific time in the gait cycle.", ) DEF_BOUT_ID = RawDataValueDefinition( id_="bout_id", name="bout id", description="A series of float starting at 0 incrementing " "by one each new walking bout, set to NaN when" "the bout is not a walking bout.", data_type="float64", ) DEF_DURATION = RawDataValueDefinition( id_="duration", name="duration", description="A series of float64 containing the duration of the walking" "and non-walking bouts.", data_type="float64", ) DEF_BOUT_START = RawDataValueDefinition( id_="start_time", name="start time", description="A series of the start time for each bouts.", data_type="datetime64", ) DEF_BOUT_END = RawDataValueDefinition( id_="end_time", name="end time", description="A series of the end time for each bouts.", data_type="datetime64", ) DEF_DETECTED = RawDataValueDefinition( id_="detected_walking", name="detected walking", description="A boolean time series flag to True when thebout is a walking bout.", data_type="bool", ) DEF_STEP_DURATION = RawDataValueDefinition( id_="step_duration", name="step duration", description="Step duration is the amount of time to perform one step.", unit="s", data_type="float64", ) DEF_STEP_POWER = RawDataValueDefinition( id_="step_power", name="step power", description="Step power is defined as the integral of centered magnitude " "acceleration for the period of a single step.", unit="m^2/s^3", data_type="float64", ) DEF_STEP_INTENSITY = RawDataValueDefinition( id_="step_intensity", name="step intensity", description="Step intensity is defined as the RMS of the magnitude of the " "acceleration for the period of a single step.", unit="m/s^2", data_type="float64", ) DEF_STEP_REGULARITY = RawDataValueDefinition( id_="step_regularity", name="step regularity", description="Step regularity is defined as the first maximum of the " "autocorrelation function of a signal.", data_type="float64", ) DEF_STRIDE_REGULARITY = RawDataValueDefinition( id_="stride_regularity", name="stride regularity", description="Stride regularity is defined as the second maximum of the " "autocorrelation function of a signal.", data_type="float64", ) DEF_LAG_STEP_REGULARITY = RawDataValueDefinition( id_="lag_step_regularity", name="lag step regularity", description="Lag of step regularity is defined as delay in seconds at" "the first maximum of the autocorreleration of a signal.", data_type="float64", ) DEF_LAG_STRIDE_REGULARITY = RawDataValueDefinition( id_="lag_stride_regularity", name="lag stride regularity", description="Lag of stride regularity is defined as delay in seconds " "at the second maximum of the autocorreleration of a signal.", data_type="float64", )
[docs] class DetectStepsWithoutBoutsBase(TransformStep, metaclass=ABCMeta): """Generic detect steps transform without walking bouts.""" definitions = [DEF_FOOT, DEF_EVENT]
[docs] class DetectStepsProcessingBase(TransformStep, metaclass=ABCMeta): """An abstract base class for step detection. Given the step detection algorithm specified through the method argument, e.g.: :func:`dispel.providers.generic.tasks.gait.lee.detect_steps`, the transform step run the step detection on each of the walking bouts and create a generic pandas.DataFrame with annotated events as in Bourke et. al. """ definitions = [DEF_FOOT, DEF_EVENT, DEF_BOUT_ID] @transformation def _detect_steps(self, bouts, *data_sets): """For each walking bout, run the step_detection.""" # pylint: disable=no-member if not ( hasattr(self, "step_detection_method") and callable(self.step_detection_method) ): raise NotImplementedError( "The step detection method has not been defined correctly as " "a callable." ) steps = [] walk_bouts = bouts[bouts["detected_walking"]] for _, bout in walk_bouts.iterrows(): bout_data_sets = [ data_set[bout["start_time"] : bout["end_time"]] for data_set in data_sets ] bout_steps = self.step_detection_method(*bout_data_sets) bout_steps["bout_id"] = bout["bout_id"] steps.append(bout_steps) if len(steps) > 0: return pd.concat(steps).sort_index() return pd.DataFrame(columns=["foot", "event", "bout_id"])
[docs] class GaitBoutExtractStep(ExtractStep): """Base class for gait bouts measure extraction.""" bout_strategy: BoutStrategy
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): bout_strategy = kwargs.pop("bout_strategy", None) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if bout_strategy: self.bout_strategy = bout_strategy
[docs] def process_level( self, level: Level, reading: Reading, **kwargs ) -> ProcessResultType: """Overwrite process level.""" # pylint: disable=unpacking-non-sequence bouts, *data_sets = self.get_data_frames(level) filtered_data_sets = self.bout_strategy.get_view(bouts, *data_sets) for function, func_kwargs in self.get_transform_functions(): merged_kwargs = kwargs.copy() merged_kwargs.update(func_kwargs) yield from self.wrap_result( decorated_processing_function( function, filtered_data_sets, reading, level ), level, reading, **merged_kwargs, )
[docs] def get_step_detector_from_data_set_ids( data_set_ids: Union[str, List[str]], position: int ) -> str: """Get step detector from data_set_ids.""" return data_set_ids[position].split("_")[0]
[docs] class TransformStepDetection(TransformStep): """ A transform step that creates a generic data set for step analysis. Given the step detection algorithm specified through the method argument, e.g.: :func:`dispel.providers.generic.tasks.gait.lee.detect_steps`, the transform step create a generic data frame with annotated events as in Bourke et. al. """ definitions = [DEF_FOOT, DEF_EVENT]
[docs] def step_count(data: pd.DataFrame) -> int: """Count the number of steps. Parameters ---------- data A pandas data frame containing the detected steps. Returns ------- int The number of steps. """ return (data["event"] == StepEvent.INITIAL_CONTACT).sum()
[docs] class ExtractStepCount(GaitBoutExtractStep): """Extract step count. Parameters ---------- data_set_ids A list of two elements with the id of the walking bout data set and the id of the step_dataset containing the detected steps formatted as the output of TransformStepDetection. level_filter An optional :class:`~dispel.processing.level.LevelFilter` to determine the levels for extraction. """ definition = MeasureValueDefinitionPrototype( measure_name=AV("step count", "sc"), data_type="uint16", validator=GREATER_THAN_ZERO, description="The number of steps detected with {step_detector} " "algorithm with the bout strategy {bout_strategy_repr}.", ) transform_function = step_count
[docs] def get_definition(self, **kwargs) -> ValueDefinition: """Get the measure definition.""" step_detector = get_step_detector_from_data_set_ids( next(iter(self.get_data_set_ids())), 1 ) kwargs["step_detector"] = step_detector return super().get_definition(**kwargs)
[docs] def power_bout_div_steps( acc_magnitude: pd.Series, step_dataset: pd.DataFrame, walking_bouts: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None, ) -> float: """Compute the Step Power based on bout power divided by number of steps. The step power is defined as the integral of centered magnitude acceleration divided by the number of steps. For more information please see the section 2.3 of [1]_. Parameters ---------- acc_magnitude A pandas series containing the magnitude of the acceleration. step_dataset A pandas data frame containing the detected steps formatted as the output of TransformStepDetection. walking_bouts A dataframe with the concatenated walking bouts. Returns ------- float The step power. References ---------- .. [1] Cheng WY. et al. (2018) Large-Scale Continuous Mobility Monitoring of Parkinson’s Disease Patients Using Smartphones. """ def _bout_power(start: int, end: int, magnitude: pd.Series): """Compute the power of a walking bout.""" abs_acc = magnitude[start:end].dropna().abs() return compute_step_power_single(abs_acc) step_dataset = step_dataset[step_dataset.event == StepEvent.INITIAL_CONTACT] if walking_bouts is None: t_start = step_dataset.index[0] t_end = step_dataset.index[-1] return _bout_power(t_start, t_end, acc_magnitude) / step_count(step_dataset) # keep true walking bout only walk_bouts = walking_bouts[walking_bouts["detected_walking"]] # Initialize the walking power to zero # The step power over several walking bout is defined as the sum # of the power of each walking bout divided by the total number of # steps, it is different from the sum of the step power for each bouts. walking_power = 0 step_counts = 0 for bout_it in range(len(walk_bouts)): t_start = walk_bouts.iloc[bout_it]["start_time"] t_end = walk_bouts.iloc[bout_it]["end_time"] walking_power += _bout_power(t_start, t_end, acc_magnitude) step_counts += step_count(step_dataset[t_start:t_end]) if step_counts == 0: return 0 return walking_power / step_counts
[docs] class ExtractPowerBoutDivSteps(GaitBoutExtractStep): """Extract step to compute the Step Power. Parameters ---------- data_set_ids The data set ids corresponding to first the walking bouts then the signal to take as the magnitude of acceleration and the step dataset. level_filter An optional :class:`~dispel.processing.level.LevelFilter` to determine the levels for extraction. """
[docs] def __init__(self, data_set_ids: str, **kwargs): step_detector = get_step_detector_from_data_set_ids(data_set_ids, 2) def _function(acc_magnitude, step_dataset, level): return power_bout_div_steps( acc_magnitude["vertical_acc"], step_dataset, level.get_raw_data_set("movement_bouts").data, ) description = ( "The integral of the centered acceleration magnitude " "between the first and last step divided by the " f"number of steps computed with {step_detector} " "algorithm and the bout strategy {bout_strategy_repr}." ) definition = MeasureValueDefinitionPrototype( measure_name=AV("step power", "sp"), data_type="int16", validator=GREATER_THAN_ZERO, description=description, ) super().__init__(data_set_ids, _function, definition, **kwargs)
[docs] def compute_step_power_single(acc_norm: pd.Series) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]: """Compute the Step Power for a single step. The step power is defined as the integral of centered magnitude acceleration for the period of a single step. Parameters ---------- acc_norm A pandas series containing the magnitude of the acceleration. Returns ------- float The step power. References ---------- .. [1] Cheng WY. et al. (2018) Large-Scale Continuous Mobility Monitoring of Parkinson’s Disease Patients Using Smartphones. """ return integrate_time_series((acc_norm - acc_norm.mean()) ** 2)
[docs] def compute_step_intensity_single(acc_norm: pd.Series) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]: """Compute the Step Intensity for a single step. The step intensity is defined as the RMS of the magnitude of acceleration for the period of a single step. Parameters ---------- acc_norm A pandas series containing the magnitude of the acceleration. Returns ------- float The step intensity. References ---------- .. [1] Angelini L et al. (2020) Is a Wearable Sensor-Based Characterisation of Gait Robust Enough to Overcome Differences Between Measurement Protocols? A Multi-Centric Pragmatic Study in Patients with MS. """ return np.sqrt(np.mean(acc_norm))
[docs] def compute_step_vigor_multiple( acc: pd.DataFrame, step_dataset: pd.DataFrame, component: str, bout_filter: bool ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Compute the step vigor for multiple steps. The step vigor is defined as the step power and step intensity properties. Parameters ---------- acc A pandas DataFrame containing the at least one column with the intended acceleration signal component to be used for step power. step_dataset A pandas series containing at the minimum the the times of the initial contacts. component A str indicating the column name of acc to be used. bout_filter A boolean indicating whether to take into account bouts in the transformation of the dataset. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame The step power and intensity values. """ def _transform_step_vigor( signal: pd.Series, start: pd.Timestamp, end: pd.Timestamp, bout_id: int ) -> pd.Series: """Wrap compute step vigor single.""" step_power = compute_step_power_single(signal.loc[start:end]) step_intensity = compute_step_intensity_single(signal.loc[start:end]) series = pd.Series( {"index": start, "step_power": step_power, "step_intensity": step_intensity} ) if bout_id is not None: series["bout_id"] = bout_id return series # get a copy to be able to manipulate as we wish step_ds = step_dataset.copy() # add next initial contact time step_ds["IC_next"] = step_ds["IC"].shift(-1) if bout_filter: # find bout transitions and remove last step in each bout idx = (step_ds.bout_id.diff() == 0).shift(-1).fillna(False) # filter only steps that have the next IC in the same bout step_ds = step_ds[idx].reset_index(drop=True) if len(step_ds) == 0: return pd.DataFrame(columns=["step_power", "step_intensity", "bout_id"]) return step_ds.apply( lambda x: _transform_step_vigor( signal=acc[component], start=x["IC"], end=x["IC_next"], bout_id=x.bout_id if bout_filter else None, ), axis=1, ).set_index("index")
[docs] class TransformStepVigor(TransformStep): """Transform step vigor. Create a data set with columns ``step_power``, ``step_intensity``, and ``bout_id`` indicating the power, intensity and respective bout identifier of each step. """
[docs] def __init__(self, component: str, *args, **kwargs): self.component = component super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
@transformation def _step_vigor( self, acc_magnitude: pd.DataFrame, step_dataset: pd.DataFrame ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Compute the step vigor properties (power and intensity).""" return compute_step_vigor_multiple( acc=acc_magnitude, step_dataset=step_dataset, component=self.component, bout_filter=True, ) definitions = [DEF_STEP_POWER, DEF_STEP_INTENSITY, DEF_BOUT_ID]
[docs] def get_new_data_set_id(self) -> str: """Overwrite new data set id.""" return f"{self.data_set_ids[1]}_step_vigor" # type: ignore
[docs] class TransformStepVigorWithoutBout(TransformStep): """Transform step vigor without bout. Create a data set with two columns ``step_power`` and ``step_intensity`` indicating the step power and intensity, respectively for each step. """
[docs] def __init__(self, component: str, *args, **kwargs): self.component = component super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
@transformation def _step_vigor( self, acc_magnitude: pd.DataFrame, step_dataset: pd.DataFrame ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Compute the step vigor properties (power and intensity).""" return compute_step_vigor_multiple( acc=acc_magnitude, step_dataset=step_dataset, component=self.component, bout_filter=False, ) definitions = [DEF_STEP_POWER, DEF_STEP_INTENSITY]
[docs] def get_new_data_set_id(self) -> str: """Overwrite new data set id.""" return f"{self.data_set_ids[1]}_step_vigor" # type: ignore
[docs] class TransformStepDuration(TransformStep): """Transform step duration. Create a data set with one column ``step_duration`` indicating the amount of time to perform each steps. """ @transformation def _step_duration(self, data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Measure the step duration.""" list_df = [] for bout_id in data.bout_id.unique(): res = data[data.bout_id == bout_id] ic_mask = res["event"] == StepEvent.INITIAL_CONTACT list_df.append( pd.DataFrame( { "step_duration": res.index[ic_mask] .to_series() .diff() .dt.total_seconds(), "bout_id": bout_id, } ).set_index(res.index[ic_mask]) ) if len(list_df) > 0: return pd.concat(list_df) return pd.DataFrame(columns=["step_duration", "bout_id"]) definitions = [DEF_STEP_DURATION, DEF_BOUT_ID]
[docs] def get_new_data_set_id(self) -> str: """Overwrite new data set id.""" return f"{self.data_set_ids}_step_duration"
[docs] class TransformStepDurationWithoutBout(TransformStep): """Transform step duration without using walking bout. Create a data set with one column ``step_duration`` indicating the amount of time to perform each steps. """ @transformation def _step_duration(self, data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Measure the step duration.""" ic_mask = data["event"] == StepEvent.INITIAL_CONTACT return data.index[ic_mask].to_series().diff().dt.total_seconds() definitions = [DEF_STEP_DURATION]
[docs] def get_new_data_set_id(self) -> str: """Overwrite new data set id.""" return f"{self.data_set_ids}_step_duration"
[docs] class GaitBoutAggregateStep(AggregateRawDataSetColumn): """Base class for gait bouts agg raw data set measure extraction.""" bout_strategy: BoutStrategy
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): bout_strategy = kwargs.pop("bout_strategy", None) kwargs_copy = kwargs.copy() if "modalities" in kwargs: kwargs_copy.pop("modalities") super().__init__(*args, **kwargs_copy) if bout_strategy: self.bout_strategy = bout_strategy
[docs] def process_level( self, level: Level, reading: Reading, **kwargs ) -> ProcessResultType: """Overwrite process_level.""" # pylint: disable=unpacking-non-sequence bouts, *data_sets = self.get_data_frames(level) filtered_data_sets = self.bout_strategy.get_view(bouts, *data_sets) for function, func_kwargs in self.get_transform_functions(): merged_kwargs = kwargs.copy() merged_kwargs.update(func_kwargs) yield from self.wrap_result( decorated_processing_function( function, filtered_data_sets, reading, level ), level, reading, **merged_kwargs, )
[docs] class ExtractStepPowerAll(GaitBoutAggregateStep): """Extract step power related measures. Parameters ---------- data_set_ids The data set ids that will be considered to extract step power measures. """
[docs] def __init__(self, data_set_ids: List[str], **kwargs): step_detector = get_step_detector_from_data_set_ids(data_set_ids, 1) description = ( "The {aggregation} step power computed with the " f"{step_detector} algorithm. It is computed with the bout " "strategy {bout_strategy_repr}." ) definition = MeasureValueDefinitionPrototype( measure_name=AV("step power", "sp"), data_type="float64", unit="m^2/s^3", validator=GREATER_THAN_ZERO, description=description, ) super().__init__( data_set_ids, "step_power", DEFAULT_AGGREGATIONS_Q95, definition, **kwargs )
[docs] class ExtractStepIntensityAll(GaitBoutAggregateStep): """Extract step intensity related measures. Parameters ---------- data_set_ids The data set ids that will be considered to extract step intensity measures. """
[docs] def __init__(self, data_set_ids: List[str], **kwargs): step_detector = get_step_detector_from_data_set_ids(data_set_ids, 1) description = ( "The {aggregation} step intensity computed with the " f"{step_detector} algorithm. It is computed with the bout " "strategy {bout_strategy_repr}." ) definition = MeasureValueDefinitionPrototype( measure_name=AV("step intensity", "si"), data_type="float64", unit="m/s^2", validator=GREATER_THAN_ZERO, description=description, ) super().__init__( data_set_ids, "step_intensity", DEFAULT_AGGREGATIONS, definition, **kwargs )
[docs] class ExtractStepDurationAll(GaitBoutAggregateStep): """Extract step duration related measures. Parameters ---------- data_set_ids The data set ids that will be considered to extract step duration measures. """
[docs] def __init__(self, data_set_ids: List[str], **kwargs): step_detector = get_step_detector_from_data_set_ids(data_set_ids, 1) description = ( "The {aggregation} time of a step detected with the " f"{step_detector} algorithm. It is computed with the bout " "strategy {bout_strategy_repr}." ) definition = MeasureValueDefinitionPrototype( measure_name=AV("step duration", "step_dur"), data_type="float64", unit="s", validator=GREATER_THAN_ZERO, description=description, ) super().__init__( data_set_ids, "step_duration", DEFAULT_AGGREGATIONS, definition, **kwargs )
[docs] class AverageRollingVerticalAcceleration(TransformStep): """ Extract and smooth vertical acceleration (in unit `G`). The vertical acceleration is smoothed by using a centered moving average method. Parameters ---------- data_set_id The id corresponding to the preprocessed accelerometer signal. axis The axis on which the centered moving average is computed. rolling_window The window size used in the centered moving average operation. Default value 5 has been determined empirically in order to provide the best results. """
[docs] def __init__( self, data_set_id: str, axis: str = "userAccelerationX", rolling_window: int = 5, change_sign: bool = False, ): def _transform_vertical_acc(data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: vert_acc = data[axis].rename("vertical_acc").to_frame() sign = -1.0 if change_sign else 1.0 return vert_acc.rolling(window=rolling_window, center=True).mean() * sign super().__init__( data_set_ids=data_set_id, transform_function=_transform_vertical_acc, new_data_set_id="vertical_acceleration", definitions=[ RawDataValueDefinition( id_="vertical_acc", name="Vertical Acceleration", unit="-G", description="The vertical acceleration is computed by " "extracting first the preprocessed " "accelerometer signal then applying a " "centered moving average with a rolling " "windows of size {window_size} and finally " "multiplying by minus one to have a " "positively oriented vertical acceleration", data_type="float64", ) ], )
[docs] def walking_detection_harmonic( vertical_acc: pd.DataFrame, abs_thresh: float = 0.01 ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Detect walking bouts. A sliding window of three seconds is moved through the time series of vertical acceleration to detect walking bouts. Walking is identified based on spectral measures computed on the temporal window. More specifically, walking is seen if the maximum amplitude of the power spectral density in the walking frequency band [0.6 Hz - 2.0 Hz] is more significant (and more distant than a given threshold) than the maximum amplitude of the power spectral density of the non-walking frequency band [0 - 0.6 Hz]. Parameters ---------- vertical_acc A smoothed version of the vertical acceleration typically obtained using the transform step `~AverageRollingVerticalAcceleration`. abs_thresh A threshold defining the minimum distance that should separate the amplitude of the walking harmonic from the amplitude of the non-walking harmonic. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame A data frame with the maximum walking and non-walking harmonic as well as the detected walking. Raises ------ ValueError Raises a value error if vertical_acc is not sampled at a constant sampling rate. """ # Define the size of the temporal window # 3 seconds as in GaitPy if vertical_acc.index.freq is None: raise ValueError( "One is trying to detect walking bout" "on a time series that has not been resampled to " "a constant sampling rate." ) fs = 1 / slide_duration = round(3 * fs) # Storing results start_time = [] end_time = [] max_walk_harmonic = [] max_non_walk_harmonic = [] # Initialize detected walking to false detected_walking = [] # Initialize a counter counter = 0 while counter < len(vertical_acc) - 1: # Select a sub part of the signal, a temporal window of three seconds end_it = min(counter + slide_duration, len(vertical_acc) - 1) start_it = counter if (end_it - counter) < slide_duration: start_it = (end_it - slide_duration) + 1 sub_data = vertical_acc[start_it:end_it] start_time.append(vertical_acc.index[counter]) end_time.append(vertical_acc.index[end_it]) # Compute the Power Spectrum ps_data = uniform_power_spectrum(sub_data["vertical_acc"].dropna()) # Compute walking harmonic between 0.6 and 2Hz walking_harmonic = ps_data[(ps_data.index > 0.6) & (ps_data.index < 2)] # Compute non-walking harmonic between 0 and 0.6 Hz non_walking_harmonic = ps_data[ps_data.index <= 0.6] # Keep the maximum max_walk_harmonic.append(walking_harmonic.max()) max_non_walk_harmonic.append(non_walking_harmonic.max()) # Condition to detect walking # Walking is detected if the maximum walking harmonic amplitude is # greater than the non-walking harmonic threshold by absolute_threshold if (max_walk_harmonic[-1] - max_non_walk_harmonic[-1]) > abs_thresh: # Update walking detected_walking.append(True) else: detected_walking.append(False) counter += slide_duration return pd.DataFrame( { "start_time": start_time, "end_time": end_time, "walking_harmonic_max": max_walk_harmonic, "non_walking_harmonic_max": max_non_walk_harmonic, "detected_walking": detected_walking, } )
[docs] def movement_detection( acc_ts_rotated_resampled_detrend: pd.DataFrame, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Detect movement bouts. Parameters ---------- acc_ts_rotated_resampled_detrend A pd.DataFrame containing the accelerometer signal rotated in a gravity based coordinate frame with x pointing towards gravity Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame A pd.DataFrame containing the start/end timestamp, duration of each detected movement or non-movement bout """ # 1. low pass filter acc_filtered = acc_ts_rotated_resampled_detrend.apply( butterworth_low_pass_filter, cutoff=WALKING_BOUT_DYNAMICS_CUTOFF.value, zero_phase=True, axis=0, ) # 2. Extract measures from a moving sliding window (mean_x and sum_std) mean_x = ( acc_filtered.loc[:, "userAccelerationX"] .abs() .rolling(window=WALKING_BOUT_DYNAMICS_ROLLING_WINDOW_SIZE.value, center=True) .mean() ) std = acc_filtered.rolling( window=WALKING_BOUT_DYNAMICS_ROLLING_WINDOW_SIZE.value, center=True ).std() sum_std = std.sum(axis=1) mean_x = mean_x.resample(WALKING_BOUT_DYNAMICS_ROLLING_STEP_SIZE.value).first() sum_std = sum_std.resample(WALKING_BOUT_DYNAMICS_ROLLING_STEP_SIZE.value).first() # 3. apply thresholds to determine: # - upright orientation (mean(a_v)) # - moving or not (ssd) condition_upright = mean_x > WALKING_BOUT_DYNAMICS_THRES_UPRIGHT.value condition_moving = sum_std > WALKING_BOUT_DYNAMICS_THRES_MOVING.value # 4. determine start/stop times upright and moving (a_v and ssd), # analyse all bouts walking = condition_upright & condition_moving movement_bouts = pd.DataFrame(walking.rename("detected_walking")) # 5. combine consecutive bouts of same label into one single bout movement_bouts = format_walking_bouts(movement_bouts) # 6. get last time available t_end = movement_bouts["end_time"].iloc[-1] # 7. get only bouts above 1 second movement_bouts = movement_bouts[ movement_bouts["duration"] > WALKING_BOUT_DYNAMICS_THRES_MIN_BOUT.value ] # 8. set end time columns as the start time of the next segment movement_bouts.reset_index(inplace=True) end_time = movement_bouts.loc[:, "start_time"].shift(-1) movement_bouts.loc[:, "end_time"] = end_time # 9. set the last end time that has no next time as the last time in signal movement_bouts.iloc[-1, movement_bouts.columns.get_indexer(["end_time"])] = t_end # 10. combine consecutive bouts of same label into one single bout movement_bouts = format_walking_bouts(movement_bouts, "start_time", "end_time") return movement_bouts
[docs] class DetectWalking(TransformStep): """Identify walking in three seconds fixed temporal windows."""
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__( data_set_ids="vertical_acceleration", transform_function=walking_detection_harmonic, new_data_set_id="walking_fixed_windows", definitions=[ RawDataValueDefinition( id_="start_time", name="start time", description="A series of the start time for each time window.", data_type="datetime64", ), RawDataValueDefinition( id_="end_time", name="end time", description="A series of the end time for each time window.", data_type="datetime64", ), RawDataValueDefinition( id_="detected_walking", name="detected walking", description="A boolean time series flag to True when the" "temporal window is a walking bout.", data_type="bool", ), RawDataValueDefinition( id_="walking_harmonic_max", name="walking harmonic max", description="A series of maximum of the walking harmonic " "for each time window.", data_type="float64", ), RawDataValueDefinition( id_="non_walking_harmonic_max", name="non walking harmonic max", description="A series of maximum of the non-walking " "harmonic for each time window.", data_type="float64", ), ], )
[docs] def format_walking_bouts( walking_segments: pd.DataFrame, start_time_col: str = "ts", end_time_col: str = "ts", bool_col: str = "detected_walking", ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Group consecutive flags of same type in a single bin. Parameters ---------- walking_segments a pd.DataFrame containing the flags start_time_col the start time column name end_time_col the end time column name bool_col the name of the column to be looked for activity Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame The dataframe with grouped consecutive flags of same type """ walking_segments.reset_index(inplace=True) group_id = ( walking_segments[bool_col].diff().abs().cumsum().fillna(0).astype(int) + 1 ) walking_segments["group_id"] = group_id start_time = ( walking_segments.groupby("group_id") .first()[start_time_col] .rename("start_time") ) end_time = ( walking_segments.groupby("group_id").last()[end_time_col].rename("end_time") ) duration = (end_time - start_time).dt.total_seconds().rename("duration") detected_walking = walking_segments.groupby("group_id").first()[bool_col] windows_formatted = pd.concat( [start_time, end_time, detected_walking, duration], axis=1 ) windows_formatted["bout_id"] = None windows_formatted.loc[windows_formatted[bool_col], "bout_id"] = np.arange( windows_formatted[bool_col].sum() ) return windows_formatted
[docs] def get_mask_from_intervals( intervals: pd.DataFrame, ts_index: pd.DatetimeIndex, bool_column: str = "detected_walking", start_column: str = "start_time", end_column: str = "end_time", ) -> pd.Series: """Get a boolean mask indicating walking or not walking in a signal. Parameters ---------- intervals pd.DataFrame: contains start_time and end_time for each interval/bout ts_index pd.DatetimeIndex: a datetime index of the signal to be masked bool_column str indicating the column of boolean type to be used for the mask start_column str indicating the column of the start time of the interval end_column str indicating the column of the end time of the interval Returns ------- pandas.Series contains the boolean mask of len(timestamp_index) """ # a list of len n_walking_bouts containing all indexes in each bout if bool_column == "": index_true = [ np.where((ts_index >= row[start_column]) & (ts_index < row[end_column]))[ 0 ].tolist() for i, row in intervals.iterrows() ] else: index_true = [ np.where((ts_index >= row[start_column]) & (ts_index < row[end_column]))[ 0 ].tolist() for i, row in intervals.iterrows() if row[bool_column] ] # flatten list of lists to a single list index_true_flat = [l1 for l2 in index_true for l1 in l2] # convert to timestamp index ts_index_true = ts_index[index_true_flat] # create a pd.Series of boolean type and initialize all to False mask = pd.Series(False, index=ts_index, dtype="bool") # update to True only indexes found above mask.loc[ts_index_true] = True return mask
[docs] def walking_placement_detection( movement_bouts: pd.DataFrame, placement_bouts: pd.DataFrame, placement: str = "belt" ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Detect intersection of walking and intended placement. Parameters ---------- movement_bouts A pd.DataFrame containing the intervals of the walking bouts placement_bouts A pd.DataFrame containing the intervals of the placement bouts placement A 'str' containing the label of the intended placement Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame A pd.DataFrame containing the start/end timestamp, duration of each detected walking or no walking bout considering intended placement """ # construct a time-series from the intervals start_time = movement_bouts.iloc[0, :].loc["start_time"] end_time = movement_bouts.iloc[-1, :].loc["end_time"] ts_index = pd.date_range(start_time, end_time, freq="20ms") placement_bouts["detected_target_placement"] = False placement_bouts.loc[ placement_bouts.loc[:, "placement"] == placement, "detected_target_placement" ] = True # convert intervals into time-series walking_mask = get_mask_from_intervals(movement_bouts, ts_index, "detected_walking") placement_mask = get_mask_from_intervals( placement_bouts, ts_index, "detected_target_placement" ) # apply a logical AND to find intersection of walking and target placement walking_placement_mask = walking_mask & placement_mask walking_placement_mask = walking_placement_mask.reset_index() walking_placement_mask = walking_placement_mask.rename( columns={"index": "ts", 0: "detected_walking"} ) # format gaps to convert from a mask time-series to an interval format walking_placement_bouts = format_walking_bouts(walking_placement_mask) # store end time t_end = movement_bouts["end_time"].iloc[-1] # filter only bouts of duration more than a threshold walking_placement_bouts = walking_placement_bouts[ walking_placement_bouts["duration"] > WALKING_BOUT_DYNAMICS_THRES_MIN_BOUT.value ] # apply end time movement_bouts.iloc[-1, movement_bouts.columns.get_indexer(["end_time"])] = t_end # reformat bout to fill the gaps walking_placement_bouts = format_walking_bouts( walking_placement_bouts, "start_time", "end_time" ) return walking_placement_bouts
[docs] def remove_short_bouts( data: pd.DataFrame, true_thres: float = WALKING_BOUT_TRUE_FINAL_THRES_MIN_BOUT.value, false_thres: float = WALKING_BOUT_FALSE_FINAL_THRES_MIN_BOUT.value, bool_col: str = "detected_walking", ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Remove short walking and non-walking bouts. Parameters ---------- data A pd.DataFrame containing the intervals of the bouts with including at least `bool_col` and `duration` as columns true_thres A float indicating the minimum duration of a true bout false_thres A float indicating the minimum duration of a false bout bool_col A 'str' containing the column name of the boolean Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame A pd.DataFrame containing the filtered bout data satisfying the bout type and duration criteria. """ # if duration of a bout greater than a threshold is_true_min_duration = data["duration"] > true_thres # ... AND if that bout is walking is_true = data[bool_col] # OR # if duration of a bout greater than another threshold is_false_min_duration = data["duration"] > false_thres # ... AND that bout is not walking is_false = ~data[bool_col] # ... then keep only these data is_min_duration = (is_true & is_true_min_duration) | ( is_false & is_false_min_duration ) return data[is_min_duration]
[docs] def walking_placement_no_turn_detection( movement_bouts: pd.DataFrame, placement_bouts: pd.DataFrame, turn_bouts: pd.DataFrame, placement_label: str = "belt", ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Intersect walking bouts, placement and no turn constraints. This function finds all the walking bout and apply a logical and with the mask of the walking bout, the placement detection that respects the label e.g.: 'belt' and the non-turn detection mask. A postprocessing step to remove short bouts and fill in gaps at the beginning and end of the signal is applied. Parameters ---------- movement_bouts A pd.DataFrame containing the intervals of the walking bouts placement_bouts A pd.DataFrame containing the intervals of the placement bouts turn_bouts A pd.DataFrame containing the intervals of the turns placement_label A 'str' containing the label of the intended placement Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame A pd.DataFrame containing the start/end timestamp, duration of each detected walking or no walking bout considering intended placement """ # TODO: simplify and break down the logic of this function # construct a time-series from the intervals t_start = movement_bouts.iloc[0, :].loc["start_time"] t_end = movement_bouts.iloc[-1, :].loc["end_time"] ts_index = pd.date_range(t_start, t_end, freq="20ms") # add detected placement as a column placement_bouts["detected_target_placement"] = False placement_bouts.loc[ placement_bouts.loc[:, "placement"] == placement_label, "detected_target_placement", ] = True # remove turns smaller than a threshold to be considered turns turn_bouts = turn_bouts[ turn_bouts["angle"].abs() > np.radians(WALKING_BOUT_TURN_MAX_ANGLE.value) ] # convert intervals into time-series for easier overlay walking_mask = get_mask_from_intervals(movement_bouts, ts_index, "detected_walking") placement_mask = get_mask_from_intervals( placement_bouts, ts_index, "detected_target_placement" ) turn_mask = get_mask_from_intervals(turn_bouts, ts_index, "", "start", "end") # create no turn mask no_turn_mask = ~turn_mask # apply a logical AND to intersect walking, placement and no turns walking_placement_no_turn_mask = walking_mask & placement_mask & no_turn_mask # reset index walking_placement_no_turn_mask = walking_placement_no_turn_mask.reset_index() # rename columns walking_placement_no_turn_mask = walking_placement_no_turn_mask.rename( columns={"index": "ts", 0: "detected_walking"} ) # convert timestamp to datetime format walking_placement_no_turn_mask["ts"] = pd.to_datetime( walking_placement_no_turn_mask["ts"] ) # set everything below WALKING_BOUT_SKIP_FIRST_SECONDS seconds to False thres_first = walking_placement_no_turn_mask.loc[0, "ts"] + pd.Timedelta( WALKING_BOUT_SKIP_FIRST_SECONDS.value, "s" ) walking_placement_no_turn_mask.loc[ walking_placement_no_turn_mask.ts < thres_first, "detected_walking" ] = False # remove the fist 10 seconds # convert back to segments-based dataframe walking_placement_no_turn_bouts = format_walking_bouts( walking_placement_no_turn_mask ) # filter only bouts of duration more than a threshold walking_placement_no_turn_bouts = remove_short_bouts( walking_placement_no_turn_bouts ) # apply start and end time in case we "lost" the first or last bouts walking_placement_no_turn_bouts.iloc[ 0, walking_placement_no_turn_bouts.columns.get_indexer(["start_time"]) ] = t_start walking_placement_no_turn_bouts.iloc[ -1, walking_placement_no_turn_bouts.columns.get_indexer(["end_time"]) ] = t_end # reformat bout to fill any gaps walking_placement_no_turn_bouts = format_walking_bouts( walking_placement_no_turn_bouts, "start_time", "end_time" ) return walking_placement_no_turn_bouts
[docs] class FormatWalkingBouts(TransformStep): """Format fixed three seconds walking bouts into bouts of any size."""
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__( data_set_ids="walking_fixed_windows", transform_function=format_walking_bouts, new_data_set_id="movement_bouts", definitions=[DEF_BOUT_START, DEF_BOUT_END, DEF_DETECTED, DEF_BOUT_ID], )
[docs] class DetectBouts(TransformStep): """Detect walking bouts.""" definitions = [ DEF_BOUT_START, DEF_BOUT_END, DEF_DETECTED, DEF_DURATION, DEF_BOUT_ID, ]
[docs] class DetectBoutsHarmonic(DetectBouts): """Detect walking bouts with CWT.""" data_set_ids = "vertical_acceleration" new_data_set_id = "movement_bouts" @transformation def _detect_bouts(self, data): return format_walking_bouts(walking_detection_harmonic(data))
[docs] class DetectMovementBouts(DetectBouts): """Detect walking bouts based on dynamics algorithm.""" data_set_ids = "acc_ts_rotated_resampled_detrend" new_data_set_id = "movement_bouts" # parameters rolling_window_size = WALKING_BOUT_DYNAMICS_ROLLING_WINDOW_SIZE rolling_step_size = WALKING_BOUT_DYNAMICS_ROLLING_STEP_SIZE thres_upright = WALKING_BOUT_DYNAMICS_THRES_UPRIGHT thres_moving = WALKING_BOUT_DYNAMICS_THRES_MOVING thres_min_bout = WALKING_BOUT_DYNAMICS_THRES_MIN_BOUT cutoff = WALKING_BOUT_DYNAMICS_CUTOFF @transformation def _detect_bouts(self, data): return movement_detection(data)
[docs] class DetectBoutsBeltPlacement(DetectBouts): """Detect walking bouts filtered for placement.""" data_set_ids = ["movement_bouts", "placement_bouts"] new_data_set_id = "walking_placement_bouts" thres_min_bout = WALKING_BOUT_DYNAMICS_THRES_MIN_BOUT @transformation def _detect_bouts(self, walking_bouts, placement_bouts): return walking_placement_detection(walking_bouts, placement_bouts)
[docs] class DetectBoutsBeltPlacementNoTurns(DetectBouts): """Detect walking bouts filtered for placement and no turns.""" data_set_ids = [ "movement_bouts", "placement_bouts", "gyroscope_ts_rotated_resampled_butterworth_low_pass_filter_x_turns", ] new_data_set_id = "walking_placement_no_turn_bouts" # parameters turn_max_angle = WALKING_BOUT_TURN_MAX_ANGLE true_final_thres_min_bout = WALKING_BOUT_TRUE_FINAL_THRES_MIN_BOUT false_final_thres_min_bout = WALKING_BOUT_FALSE_FINAL_THRES_MIN_BOUT skip_first_seconds = WALKING_BOUT_SKIP_FIRST_SECONDS @transformation def _detect_bouts( self, walking_bouts, placement_bouts, gyroscope_ts_rotated_resampled_butterworth_low_pass_filter_x_turns, ): return walking_placement_no_turn_detection( walking_bouts, placement_bouts, gyroscope_ts_rotated_resampled_butterworth_low_pass_filter_x_turns, )
[docs] def find_peaks_in_local_slice( initial_peak_idx: np.ndarray, autocorr_values: np.ndarray, lag_values: np.ndarray, slice_size: int = REGULARITY_LOCAL_SEARCH_SLICE_SIZE.value, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Find peaks in local slice. Parameters ---------- initial_peak_idx A numpy.ndarray containing the initial guesses for the peak indices. autocorr_values The autocorrelation values. lag_values The value of the lags. slice_size The size of the slice to look for peaks forward and backward in number of samples. Returns ------- Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray] A Tuple containing the refined peaks and lags. """ autocorr_peaks = [] lags_peaks = [] for idx in initial_peak_idx: slice_start = max(0, idx - slice_size) slice_end = min(len(autocorr_values), idx + slice_size) slice_autocorr = autocorr_values[slice_start:slice_end] slice_lags = lag_values[slice_start:slice_end] # find the maximum value in the slice, its index and lag slice_peak = np.max(slice_autocorr) slice_idx = np.argmax(slice_autocorr) slice_lag = slice_lags[slice_idx] # append to lists autocorr_peaks.append(slice_peak) lags_peaks.append(slice_lag) # convert lists to nd array and return return np.array(autocorr_peaks), np.array(lags_peaks)
[docs] def compute_gait_regularity_single( data: pd.Series, find_peak_height_centile: float = REGULARITY_FIND_PEAK_HEIGHT_CENTILE.value, find_peak_distance: float = REGULARITY_FIND_PEAK_DISTANCE.value, ) -> Tuple[float, float, float, float]: """Compute gait regularity based on filtered signal. The step and stride regularity is defined as the first and second peak of the unbiased normalized autocorrelation. In order to minimize the negative effect of local maxima we filter the accelerometer signal and detect the lags based on that, which we then apply in the autocorrelation of the non-filtered signal. Parameters ---------- data A pandas Series containing the accelerometer signal. find_peak_height_centile Required height of peak as a percentile of the autocorrelation signal. find_peak_distance Required minimal horizontal distance (>0) in seconds between neighbouring peaks. Returns ------- Tuple[float, float, float, float] A Tuple containing the step and stride regularity and respective lags. References ---------- .. [1] Angelini L et al. (2020) Is a Wearable Sensor-Based Characterisation of Gait Robust Enough to Overcome Differences Between Measurement Protocols? A Multi-Centric Pragmatic Study in Patients with MS. [2] Moe-Nilssen R et al. (2004) Estimation of gait cycle characteristics by trunk accelerometry """ # compute auto-correlation sampling_freq = 1e9 / data.index.freq.nanos data_filtered = butterworth_low_pass_filter( data, cutoff=REGULARITY_SIGNAL_FILTER_CUTOFF_FREQ.value, order=REGULARITY_SIGNAL_FILTER_ORDER.value, zero_phase=True, ) # get original autocorrelation to apply detected lags to compute regularity lags_orig, autocorr_values_orig = scaled_autocorr(data.values) # get filtered autocorrelation to find peaks and lags _, autocorr_values_filt = scaled_autocorr(data_filtered.values) # get the middle of the autocorrelation values as the zero lag location pos_lag_idx = len(autocorr_values_orig) // 2 # trim corr signal and its lags to search for peaks only in the first # `peak_interval` seconds (back and forth) peak_interval = REGULARITY_PEAK_SEARCH_INTERVAL_IN_SEC.value start = int(pos_lag_idx - peak_interval * sampling_freq + 1) end = int(pos_lag_idx + peak_interval * sampling_freq) autocorr_values_filt_trimmed = autocorr_values_filt[start:end] autocorr_values_orig_trimmed = autocorr_values_orig[start:end] lags_trimmed = lags_orig[start:end] # find peaks of the trimmed correlation signal that are at least 80% autocorr_peak_idx, _ = find_peaks( x=autocorr_values_filt_trimmed, height=np.percentile(autocorr_values_filt_trimmed, find_peak_height_centile), distance=find_peak_distance * sampling_freq, ) # early return to prevent breaking later when fewer than 5 peaks detected # assuming a symmetric [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2] minimum formation if len(autocorr_peak_idx) < 5: return np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan # local slice search for refined peaks autocorr_peaks, lags_peaks = find_peaks_in_local_slice( autocorr_peak_idx, autocorr_values_orig_trimmed, lags_trimmed ) # mirrored positive peaks only pos_lag_peak_idx = len(autocorr_peaks) // 2 peaks_pos_lag = autocorr_peaks[pos_lag_peak_idx:] lags_pos_lag = lags_peaks[pos_lag_peak_idx:] / sampling_freq # compute zero phase, first phase (step) and second phase (stride) pos_lag_idx = len(autocorr_values_orig_trimmed) // 2 a_no_phase = autocorr_values_orig_trimmed[pos_lag_idx] a_d1 = peaks_pos_lag[1] a_d2 = peaks_pos_lag[2] # compute step and sr regularity properties step_regularity = a_d1 / a_no_phase stride_regularity = a_d2 / a_no_phase return step_regularity, stride_regularity, lags_pos_lag[1], lags_pos_lag[2]
[docs] def compute_gait_regularity_multiple( acc: pd.DataFrame, step_dataset: pd.DataFrame, window_size_in_steps: int = REGULARITY_WINDOW_SIZE_IN_STEPS.value, window_step_in_steps: int = REGULARITY_WINDOW_STEP_IN_STEPS.value, component: str = "norm", bout_filter: bool = False, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Compute the step and stride regularity. The step and stride regularity is defined as the first and second peak of the unbiased normalized autocorrelation. Parameters ---------- acc A pandas DataFrame containing the at least one column with the intended acceleration signal component to be used for step & stride regularity. step_dataset A pandas series containing at the minimum the the times of the initial contacts ('IC' column). window_size_in_steps The interval expressed in number of succeeding steps to be used to trim the signal to compute the regularity. window_step_in_steps The step of the sliding window expressed in number of steps. component A str indicating the column name of acc to be used. bout_filter A boolean indicating whether to take into account bouts in the transformation of the dataset. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame The step and stride regularity values. """ def _transform_gait_regularity( signal: pd.Series, start: pd.Timestamp, end: pd.Timestamp, bout_id: int ) -> pd.Series: """Wrap compute step and stride regularity single.""" step_reg, stride_reg, lag_1, lag_2 = compute_gait_regularity_single( signal.loc[start:end] ) series = pd.Series( { "index": start, "step_regularity": step_reg, "stride_regularity": stride_reg, "lag_step_regularity": lag_1, "lag_stride_regularity": lag_2, } ) if bout_id is not None: series["bout_id"] = bout_id return series # get a copy to be able to manipulate as we wish step_ds = step_dataset.copy() # add next initial contact time based on number of steps step_ds["IC_next"] = step_ds["IC"].shift(-window_size_in_steps) # remove nat from start and end to prevent slicing with NaT step_ds = step_ds.dropna(subset=["IC", "IC_next"]).reset_index(drop=True) if bout_filter: # find bout transitions and remove steps that don't have enough # succeeding steps in each bout idx = step_ds.bout_id == step_ds.shift(-window_size_in_steps).bout_id step_ds = step_ds[idx].reset_index(drop=True) # use only every x steps based on sliding window step size step_ds["step_index"] = step_ds.groupby("bout_id").cumcount() idx = np.mod(step_ds["step_index"], window_step_in_steps) == 0 step_ds = step_ds[idx].reset_index(drop=True) else: # use only every x steps based on sliding window step size step_ds["ones"] = 1 step_ds["step_index"] = step_ds["ones"].cumsum() - 1 idx = np.mod(step_ds["step_index"], window_step_in_steps) == 0 step_ds = step_ds[idx].reset_index(drop=True) if len(step_ds) == 0: return pd.DataFrame( columns=[ "step_regularity", "stride_regularity", "lag_step_regularity", "lag_stride_regularity", "bout_id", ] ) return step_ds.apply( lambda x: _transform_gait_regularity( signal=acc[component], start=x["IC"], end=x["IC_next"], bout_id=x.bout_id if bout_filter else None, ), axis=1, ).set_index("index")
class _TransformGaitRegularityBase(TransformStep, metaclass=ABCMeta): # parameters window_size_in_steps = REGULARITY_WINDOW_SIZE_IN_STEPS window_step_in_steps = REGULARITY_WINDOW_STEP_IN_STEPS find_peak_distance = REGULARITY_FIND_PEAK_DISTANCE find_peak_height_centile = REGULARITY_FIND_PEAK_HEIGHT_CENTILE peak_search_interval_in_sec = REGULARITY_PEAK_SEARCH_INTERVAL_IN_SEC signal_filter_cutoff_freq = REGULARITY_SIGNAL_FILTER_CUTOFF_FREQ signal_filter_order = REGULARITY_SIGNAL_FILTER_ORDER local_search_slice_size = REGULARITY_LOCAL_SEARCH_SLICE_SIZE def __init__(self, component: str, *args, **kwargs): self.component = component super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def get_new_data_set_id(self) -> str: """Overwrite new data set id.""" return f"{self.data_set_ids[1]}_gait_regularity" # type: ignore @abstractmethod def _get_bout_filter_flag(self) -> bool: raise NotImplementedError() @transformation def _gait_regularity( self, acc_signal: pd.DataFrame, step_dataset: pd.DataFrame ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Compute the gait regularity.""" return compute_gait_regularity_multiple( acc=acc_signal, step_dataset=step_dataset, component=self.component, bout_filter=self._get_bout_filter_flag(), )
[docs] class TransformGaitRegularity(_TransformGaitRegularityBase): """Transform gait regularity. Create a data set with columns ``step_regularity``, ``stride_regularity``, and ``bout_id`` indicating the step and stride regularity per step and corresponding bout identifier. """ def _get_bout_filter_flag(self) -> bool: return True definitions = [ DEF_STEP_REGULARITY, DEF_STRIDE_REGULARITY, DEF_LAG_STEP_REGULARITY, DEF_LAG_STRIDE_REGULARITY, DEF_BOUT_ID, ]
[docs] class TransformGaitRegularityWithoutBout(_TransformGaitRegularityBase): """Transform gait regularity without bout. Create a data set with two columns ``step_regularity`` and ``stride_regularity`` per step. """ def _get_bout_filter_flag(self) -> bool: return False definitions = [ DEF_STEP_REGULARITY, DEF_STRIDE_REGULARITY, DEF_LAG_STEP_REGULARITY, DEF_LAG_STRIDE_REGULARITY, ]
[docs] class ExtractStepRegularity(GaitBoutAggregateStep): """Extract step regularity aggregate measures. Parameters ---------- data_set_ids The data set ids that will be considered to extract step regularity. """
[docs] def __init__(self, data_set_ids: List[str], **kwargs): step_detector = get_step_detector_from_data_set_ids(data_set_ids, 1) description = ( "The {aggregation} step regularity computed with the " f"{step_detector} algorithm. It is computed with the bout " "strategy {bout_strategy_repr}." ) definition = MeasureValueDefinitionPrototype( measure_name=AV("step regularity", "step_regularity"), data_type="float64", validator=BETWEEN_MINUS_ONE_AND_ONE, description=description, ) super().__init__( data_set_ids, "step_regularity", DEFAULT_AGGREGATIONS, definition, **kwargs )
[docs] class ExtractStrideRegularity(GaitBoutAggregateStep): """Extract stride regularity aggregate measures. Parameters ---------- data_set_ids The data set ids that will be considered to extract stride regularity. """
[docs] def __init__(self, data_set_ids: List[str], **kwargs): step_detector = get_step_detector_from_data_set_ids(data_set_ids, 1) description = ( "The {aggregation} stride regularity computed with the " f"{step_detector} algorithm. It is computed with the bout " "strategy {bout_strategy_repr}." ) definition = MeasureValueDefinitionPrototype( measure_name=AV("stride regularity", "stride_regularity"), data_type="float64", validator=BETWEEN_MINUS_ONE_AND_ONE, description=description, ) super().__init__( data_set_ids, "stride_regularity", DEFAULT_AGGREGATIONS, definition, **kwargs, )