Source code for dispel.providers.generic.tasks.ft.steps

"""Finger tapping assessment related functionality.

This module contains functionality to extract measures for the
*Finger tapping* assessment.
# pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop
from typing import List, Optional

import pandas as pd

from import MeasureValueDefinition, MeasureValueDefinitionPrototype
from import RawDataValueDefinition
from import AbbreviatedValue
from import AbbreviatedValue as AV
from dispel.processing import ProcessingStep
from dispel.processing.data_set import transformation
from dispel.processing.extract import (
from dispel.processing.level import ProcessingStepGroup
from dispel.processing.transform import TransformStep
from dispel.providers.generic.tasks.ft.const import (
from dispel.providers.generic.tasks.ft.flags import GenericFlagsStepGroup

[docs] class TransformInvalidTaps(TransformStep): """Remove the invalid taps. The first tap is always valid if it is inside one of the two zones. A left tap is valid if it follows a right tap and vice versa. If a tap event occurs twice or more, then we keep the first event. Generally speaking, this class returns the in-target consecutive tap events being different. """ data_set_ids = "enriched_tap_events_ts" new_data_set_id = "valid_enriched_tap_events_ts" definitions = [ RawDataValueDefinition(column, column) for column in ["end", "first_position"] + ENRICHED_TOUCH_ATTRIBUTES ]
[docs] @staticmethod @transformation def filter_invalid_taps(data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Return a filtered version of the tap dataset.""" # Remove the 'none' (i.e the taps outside the two zones) # pylint: disable=no-member in_target_events = data.mask( data["location"] == TappingTarget.OUTSIDE.abbr ).dropna() # Filter the consecutive taps on the same zone, and keep the first one valid_events = in_target_events.loc[ in_target_events.location.shift() != in_target_events.location ] valid_events["end"] = valid_events.index + pd.to_timedelta( valid_events["tap_duration"], unit="ms" ) return valid_events
[docs] class ExtractValidTaps(ExtractStep): """Count the number of valid taps.""" data_set_ids = "valid_enriched_tap_events_ts" definition = MeasureValueDefinitionPrototype( measure_name=AV("valid tap events", "valtap"), data_type="int16", validator=GREATER_THAN_ZERO, description="The number of valid tap events on {target} target.", task_name=TASK_NAME, )
[docs] def __init__(self, target: Optional[TappingTarget], *args, **kwargs): = target super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @transformation def count_valid_taps(self, data): """Count the number of valid taps.""" if is not None: return data.location.eq("sum") return data.location.agg("count")
[docs] class ExtractTotalTaps(ExtractStep): """Count the number of valid taps.""" data_set_ids = "enriched_tap_events_ts" definition = MeasureValueDefinitionPrototype( measure_name=AV("total tap events", "total_tap"), data_type="int16", validator=GREATER_THAN_ZERO, description="The total number of tap events.", task_name=TASK_NAME, )
[docs] @transformation def count_valid_taps(self, data): """Count the number of valid taps.""" return data.shape[0]
[docs] class AggregateDoubleTaps(ExtractStep): """Count the number of valid taps.""" data_set_ids = "valid_enriched_tap_events_ts" definition = MeasureValueDefinitionPrototype( measure_name=AV("double tap percentage", "double_tap_percentage"), data_type="int16", description="The percentage of time spent double tapping", task_name=TASK_NAME, )
[docs] @transformation def quantify_double_taps(self, df): """Detect double taps.""" data = df.copy() data["delta_overshoot"] = ( data["end"].shift() - data.index.to_series() ).dt.total_seconds() double_tap_total_time = ( data[data["delta_overshoot"] > 0]["delta_overshoot"].sum() * 1e3 ) total_time = data["tap_duration"].sum() return round((double_tap_total_time * 100) / total_time, 2)
[docs] class TransformTapIntervalDistribution(TransformStep): """Extract the valid or all tap interval distribution."""
[docs] def __init__(self, valid_taps=True, **kwargs): self.valid_taps = valid_taps is_valid_prefix = "valid_" if self.valid_taps else "" super().__init__( data_set_ids=f"{is_valid_prefix}enriched_tap_events_ts", new_data_set_id=f"{is_valid_prefix}tap_interval_distribution", definitions=[ RawDataValueDefinition( "interval_with_previous_tap", "Interval with previous tap", data_type="float", ) ], **kwargs, )
[docs] @staticmethod @transformation def extract_tap_distribution(data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Return a filtered version of the tap dataset.""" # Remove the 'none' (i.e the taps outside the two zones) return (data.index - data.index.to_series().shift()).dt.total_seconds()
[docs] class AggregateTapInterval(AggregateRawDataSetColumn): """An extraction processing step to extract valid tap interval measures."""
[docs] def __init__(self, valid_taps=True, **kwargs): self.valid_taps = valid_taps is_valid_prefix = "valid_" if self.valid_taps else "" super().__init__( f"{is_valid_prefix}tap_interval_distribution", "interval_with_previous_tap", aggregations=DEFAULT_AGGREGATIONS_IQR, definition=MeasureValueDefinitionPrototype( measure_name=AbbreviatedValue( "tap interval", f"{is_valid_prefix}tap_inter" ), description="The {aggregation}" + f"of the {is_valid_prefix.replace('_', '')} tap interval distribution for the hand", unit="s", data_type="float", ), **kwargs, )
[docs] class AggregateTaps(AggregateModalities): """Compute the patient score for the FT test.""" definition = MeasureValueDefinition( task_name=TASK_NAME, measure_name=AV("valid tap events", "valtap"), description="The total number of valid tap events during the test", ) modalities = [[hand.av] for hand in AllHandsModalities] aggregation_method = sum
[docs] class PreprocessingStepGroup(ProcessingStepGroup): """Generic preprocessing steps for finger tapping.""" steps = [ TransformInvalidTaps(), TransformTapIntervalDistribution(valid_taps=False), TransformTapIntervalDistribution(), ]
# pylint: disable=no-member
[docs] class MeasureExtractionStepGroup(ProcessingStepGroup): """Generic measure extraction steps for finger tapping.""" steps = [ *[ ProcessingStepGroup( [ExtractValidTaps(target)], task_name=TASK_NAME, modalities=[hand.av, str(target.av)], target=target.av, level_filter=hand.abbr, ) for target in (TappingTarget.LEFT, TappingTarget.RIGHT) for hand in AllHandsModalities ], *[ ProcessingStepGroup( [ ExtractValidTaps(target=None), AggregateTapInterval(valid_taps=False), AggregateTapInterval(), ExtractTotalTaps(), AggregateDoubleTaps(), ], task_name=TASK_NAME, modalities=[hand.av], level_filter=hand.abbr, target=None, ) for hand in AllHandsModalities ], ]
[docs] class MeasureAggregationStepGroup(ProcessingStepGroup): """Generic measure aggregation step group for finger tapping.""" steps = [ # Compute finger tapping patient score from the two levels AggregateTaps() ]
[docs] class GenericFingerTappingSteps(ProcessingStepGroup): """Generic measure aggregation step group for finger tapping.""" steps: List[ProcessingStep] = [ PreprocessingStepGroup(), MeasureExtractionStepGroup(), MeasureAggregationStepGroup(), GenericFlagsStepGroup(), ] kwargs = {"task_name": TASK_NAME}