Source code for dispel.providers.generic.tasks.draw.tremor

"""A module dedicated to intentional tremors computation."""
import pandas as pd
from fastdtw import fastdtw

from dispel.providers.generic.tasks.draw.intersections import get_segment
from dispel.providers.generic.tasks.draw.shapes import get_segment_deceleration
from dispel.signal.core import euclidean_distance

#: The number of data point of the square-like model shapes.

def _get_segment_indexes(data: pd.DataFrame, segment: range, model_len: int):
    """Get the reference segment on which to compute intentional tremors.

    Only for square-like shapes. Support also BDH format.

        The pandas data frame containing all the minimum distance attributions
        from Dynamic Time Warping between the user trajectory and the
        The range of indexes defining the segment on which to compute the
        intentional tremors.
        The length of the current reference trajectory.

        The minimum distance attributions from Dynamic Time Warping between the
        user trajectory and the reference corresponding to the segment of
    if model_len == _SQUARE_SHAPES_SIZE:
        segment_data = data.loc[data["ref"].isin(segment)]
        bdh_first_idx = int((segment[0] / _SQUARE_SHAPES_SIZE) * model_len)
        bdh_last_idx = int((segment[-1] / _SQUARE_SHAPES_SIZE) * model_len)
        segment_data = data[bdh_first_idx:bdh_last_idx]
    return segment_data

[docs] def get_deceleration_profile_data( user: pd.DataFrame, ref: pd.DataFrame, level_id: str ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Transform `{level}_path` data frame to `{level}_deceleration` one. It extracts the proper data to compute intentional tremors (`tsTouch` and `minimal distance` pd.Series.). Parameters ---------- user The `{level}_user_paths` data frame. ref The `{level}_reference` data frame. level_id The given level on which to compute the data transformation. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame The `{level}_deceleration` data frame containing `tsTouch` and `min_distance` pd.Series of the user points attributed to the specific segment where the deceleration profile is relevant to compute intentional tremors. """ new_user = user.join(get_segment(user)) new_ref = ref.join(get_segment(ref)) path_model = new_ref[["x", "y"]].to_numpy() path_user = new_user[["x", "y"]].to_numpy() # Apply DTW on the two paths. _, matches = fastdtw(path_user, path_model, dist=2) # Store matched attributions into a pandas data frame. matches = pd.DataFrame(matches).rename(columns={0: "user", 1: "ref"}) # Compute the distance between each attributed points. matches["min_distance"] = matches.apply( lambda row: euclidean_distance( new_user["seg"][row["user"]].segment[0], new_ref["seg"][row["ref"]].segment[0], ), axis=1, ) # Keep only one attribution between a user point and a model point based on # keeping the minimum distance. min_matches = matches.groupby(by="user").min().reset_index() # Get the specific segment on which to compute the intentional tremors. deceleration_indexes = get_segment_deceleration(level_id) reference_len = len(path_model) segment_data = _get_segment_indexes( min_matches, deceleration_indexes, reference_len ) # Format the new data frame based on only the segment on which to compute # intentional tremors. segment_data = segment_data.join( new_user.loc[segment_data["user"].values, ["tsTouch", "x", "y"]] ) return segment_data.drop(["user", "ref"], axis=1).astype( {"min_distance": float, "x": float, "y": float} )