Source code for dispel.providers.generic.tasks.draw.modalities

"""A module containing functionality to process/filter specific modalities."""
from typing import Iterable, Set

from import Level
from import AVEnum
from dispel.processing.level import LevelFilter

[docs] class ShapeModality(AVEnum): """A modality for shapes.""" SQUARE = ("square shape", "sc") SQUARE_COUNTER_CLOCK = ("square counter-clock shape", "scc") INFINITY = ("infinity shape", "inf") SPIRAL = ("spiral shape", "spi")
[docs] class AttemptModality(AVEnum): """A modality for drawing attempts.""" FIRST = ("first attempt", "first") SECOND = ("second attempt", "sec")
_shape_mapping = { ShapeModality.SQUARE: "squareClock", ShapeModality.SQUARE_COUNTER_CLOCK: "squareCounterClock", ShapeModality.SPIRAL: "spiral", ShapeModality.INFINITY: "infinity", } _attempt_mapping = {AttemptModality.FIRST: 1, AttemptModality.SECOND: 2}
[docs] class AttemptModalityFilter(LevelFilter): """Filter for same attempt modality."""
[docs] def __init__(self, attempt: AttemptModality): self.attempt = attempt
[docs] def repr(self): """Get representation of the filter.""" return f"only {self.attempt.av}>"
[docs] def filter(self, levels: Iterable[Level]) -> Set[Level]: """Filter levels performed with a specific attempt.""" return set( filter( lambda x: "attempt" in x.context and x.context.get_raw_value("attempt") == _attempt_mapping[self.attempt], levels, ) )
[docs] class ShapeModalityFilter(LevelFilter): """Filter for same shape modality."""
[docs] def __init__(self, shape: ShapeModality): self.shape = shape
[docs] def repr(self): """Get representation of the filter.""" return f"only {self.shape.av}>"
[docs] def filter(self, levels: Iterable[Level]) -> Set[Level]: """Filter levels performed with a specific attempt.""" return set( filter( lambda x: "levelType" in x.context and x.context.get_raw_value("levelType") == _shape_mapping[self.shape], levels, ) )
[docs] class CompletedDrawFilter(LevelFilter): """Filter for completed drawing shape."""
[docs] def repr(self): """Get representation of the filter.""" return "only completed draw shapes>"
[docs] def filter(self, levels: Iterable[Level]) -> Set[Level]: """Filter levels with incomplete drawn shapes.""" def _filter(level: Level): if level.has_raw_data_set("screen"): # ADS Format screen = level.get_raw_data_set("screen").data if "inEndZone" in screen: return True # screen.inEndZone.any() # BDH Format return True return set(filter(_filter, levels))