Source code for dispel.providers.generic.tasks.cps.utils

"""A module containing functionality to process cps reaction time."""
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score

from import Flag, WrappedResult
from import Level
from import AbbreviatedValue as AV
from import ValueDefinition
from dispel.processing.extract import DEFAULT_AGGREGATIONS
from dispel.providers.generic.tasks.cps.modalities import (
from dispel.stats.core import iqr, percentile_05, percentile_95, variation

TASK_NAME = AV("Cognitive Processing Speed test", "CPS")

"""The expected duration of the symbol-to-digit part."""

"""The expected duration of the digit-to-digit part."""

r"""The # of data points for a measure below which we create flag."""

CPS_BASIC_AGGREGATION: List[Tuple[str, str]] = [
    ("q95", "95th percentile"),
    ("q05", "5th percentile"),
    ("iqr", "iqr"),
r"""The basic aggregations that are used in the test."""

CPS_EXTENDED_AGGREGATION: List[Tuple[str, str]] = [
    ("skew", "skewness"),
    ("kurtosis", "kurtosis"),
r"""The extended aggregations that are used in the test."""

r"""Symbol specific aggregation."""

r"""The CPS aggregation in a single list format."""

AV_REACTION_TIME = AV("reaction time", "rt")
r"""Abbreviation for the reaction time."""

    reason="Not enough data points used to compute the measure",

STD_KEY_RANDOM_RT_MEAN = "cps-std_rand_keyr-rt-mean"
STD_KEY_FIXED1_RT_MEAN = "cps-std_rand_key1-rt-mean"
STD_KEY_FIXED2_RT_MEAN = "cps-std_rand_key2-rt-mean"
DTD_RT_MEAN = "cps-dtd_rand-rt-mean"

EXTRA_MODALITY_LIST = ["unique", "pair", "l5", "f5", "5lvs5f", "third3third1"]
r"""The modality to aggregate when merging key1 and key2."""

LEVEL_DURATION_DEF = ValueDefinition("levelDuration", "expected level duration", "s")
r"""Expected level duration context value."""

[docs] def reaction_time(data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.Series: """ Compute the reaction time. Parameters ---------- data The ``userInput`` data frame from the CPS task. Returns ------- pandas.Series A pandas Series containing the computed reaction time based on the difference between display time (``tsDisplay``) and response time (``tsAnswer``). """ delta = data["tsAnswer"] - data["tsDisplay"] return delta.dt.total_seconds().rename("reactionTime")
[docs] def agg_reaction_time( data: pd.DataFrame, agg: Union[str, AV], key: Optional[Union[List[Any], AV]], lower: Optional[int] = 0, upper: Optional[int] = None, ) -> WrappedResult[float]: """Aggregate ``reactionTime`` returned by `correct_data_selection`. Parameters ---------- data A pandas.DataFrame obtained from a reading raw data set ``keys-analysis``. agg reaction time Aggregation key key selection lower The lower index to select of the data frame. upper The upper index to select of the data frame. Returns ------- WrappedResult The aggregate reaction time wrapped into a `WrappedResult` class that contains flags generated during the computation. """ agg = agg.abbr if isinstance(agg, AV) else agg key = [key] if key and not isinstance(key, list) else key data = ( data[data["expected"].isin([k.value for k in key])] # type: ignore if key else data ) corr_data = correct_data_selection(data, lower, upper) if agg == "cv": result = variation(corr_data["reactionTime"]) elif agg == "q05": result = percentile_05(corr_data["reactionTime"]) elif agg == "q95": result = percentile_95(corr_data["reactionTime"]) elif agg == "iqr": result = iqr(corr_data["reactionTime"]) else: result = corr_data["reactionTime"].agg(agg) if len(corr_data) < MINIMAL_N_DATA_POINTS: wrapped_result: WrappedResult[float] = WrappedResult(result) wrapped_result.add_flag(CPS_FLAG_NEDP) return wrapped_result return WrappedResult(result)
[docs] def transform_user_input(data: pd.DataFrame, level: Level) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Create a uniform data frame from user responses to perform analyses. Parameters ---------- data A pandas data frame obtained from a reading raw data set ``userInput`` level The level to be processed Raises ------ ValueError Make sure length between input data and transformed dataset are consistent Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame The proper pandas data frame containing ``expect``, ``actual`` ,``reactionTime`` and ``tsAnswer`` pandas.Series to perform the digits or symbols analyses. """ col_suffix = "Symbol" if == CPSLevel.SYMBOL_TO_DIGIT else "Value" new_data = data.copy() new_data.sort_values(by=["tsAnswer"], inplace=True) if == CPSLevel.SYMBOL_TO_DIGIT: exp = f"displayed{col_suffix}" act = f"user{col_suffix}" new_data[exp] = new_data[exp].str.extract(r"(\d+)").astype("int16") new_data[act] = new_data[act].str.extract(r"(\d+)").astype("int16") expected = new_data[f"displayed{col_suffix}"].rename("expected") actual = new_data[f"user{col_suffix}"].rename("actual") mismatch = expected != actual len_transformed = len(new_data["tsAnswer"]) len_original = len(mismatch) if len_transformed != len_original: raise ValueError( f"Inconsistent length between input data and " f"transformed dataset : {len_transformed} vs " f"{len_original}" ) return pd.concat( [ expected, actual, mismatch.rename("mismatching"), reaction_time(new_data), new_data["tsAnswer"], ], axis=1, )
[docs] def correct_data_selection( data: pd.DataFrame, lower: Optional[int] = 0, upper: Optional[int] = None ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Select correct responses between two indexes of data. Parameters ---------- data A pandas.DataFrame obtained from a reading raw data set ``keys-analysis``. lower The lower index to select of the data frame. upper The upper index to select of the data frame. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame A pandas data frame containing only correct responses. """ if isinstance(upper, pd.Timestamp) or isinstance(lower, pd.Timestamp): sub_data = get_subset_from_ts(data, lower, upper) else: sub_data = data.iloc[lower:upper] corr_data = sub_data.loc[sub_data.expected == sub_data.actual] return corr_data
[docs] def compute_confusion_matrix(data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Compute the confusion matrix for each symbols/digits. Parameters ---------- data A pandas data frame coming from :class:`dispel.providers.generic.tasks.cps.steps.TransformKeysAnalysisData`. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame The confusion matrix for the current level. """ matrix = pd.DataFrame(np.nan, index=_DIGIT_RANGE, columns=_DIGIT_RANGE) conf = data.groupby(["actual", "expected"]).size().unstack() return matrix.combine_first(conf).fillna(0)
[docs] def compute_confusion_error_rate( data: pd.DataFrame, val1: int, val2: int ) -> np.float64: """Compute the confusion rate. The confusion rate is computed with respect to the two symbols or digits from the confusion matrix. Parameters ---------- data A pandas data frame extracted by :class:`dispel.providers.generic.tasks.cps.steps.TransformKeysAnalysisData`. val1 The first symbol/digit to compare. val2 The second symbol/digit to compare. Returns ------- numpy.float64 Confusion error rate between the first and the second symbol/digit. """ err_series1 = data[val1].sum() - data[val1][val1] err_series2 = data[val2].sum() - data[val2][val2] err_conf_series1 = data[val1][val2] err_conf_series2 = data[val2][val1] conf_series1 = err_conf_series1 / err_series1 if err_series1 != 0 else 0 conf_series2 = err_conf_series2 / err_series2 if err_series2 != 0 else 0 return np.float64((conf_series1 + conf_series2) / 2)
[docs] def compute_streak(frame: pd.DataFrame) -> Tuple[np.int64, np.int64]: """ Compute the longest streak of incorrect and correct responses. Parameters ---------- frame A pandas.DataFrame obtained from a reading raw data set ``userInput``. Returns ------- Tuple[numpy.int64, numpy.int64] The longest streak of correct responses for a given level. And the longest streak of incorrect responses for a given level. """ data = frame["success"].to_frame() data["streak"] = (data["success"].diff() != 0).cumsum() count = data.groupby("streak").count() val = data.groupby("streak").mean() count.rename(columns={"success": "count"}, inplace=True) val.rename(columns={"success": "val"}, inplace=True) streak = pd.concat([count, val], axis=1) max_correct_streak = streak.loc[streak.val == 1, "count"].max() max_incorrect_streak = streak.loc[streak.val == 0, "count"].max() if pd.isna(max_correct_streak): max_correct_streak = 0 if pd.isna(max_incorrect_streak): max_incorrect_streak = 0 return max_correct_streak, max_incorrect_streak
[docs] def linear_regression(data: pd.Series) -> LinearRegression: """Compute a linear regression on a pandas.Series based on its index. Parameters ---------- data The pandas Series on which we desire to compute a linear regression. Returns ------- LinearRegression The model object resulting of the sklearn API. """ x = data.index.values.reshape(-1, 1) return LinearRegression().fit(x, data)
[docs] def compute_response_time_linear_regression( data: pd.DataFrame, to_drop: int ) -> Tuple[float, float]: """Compute a linear regression and extract slope coefficient and r2 score. The linear regression is made on the ``reactionTime`` pandas.Series. Parameters ---------- data The ``keys-analysis`` raw data frame. to_drop The number of responses to drop at the beginning of the test. Returns ------- Tuple[float, float] The slope coefficient and the r2 score of the model. """ corr_data = correct_data_selection(data, 0, len(data)) try: response_time = corr_data["reactionTime"].shift(-1 * to_drop).dropna() model = linear_regression(response_time) x = response_time.index.values.reshape(-1, 1) pred = pd.Series(model.predict(x), index=response_time.index) except (KeyError, ValueError): return np.nan, np.nan return model.coef_.item(), r2_score(response_time, pred)
[docs] def study2and3back(data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Extract 1Back, 2Back and 3Back reaction time for correct responses only. Parameters ---------- data A pandas data frame obtained from :class:`dispel.providers.generic.tasks.cps.steps.TransformKeysAnalysisData`. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame a pandas data frame containing 1,2 and 3 back and current reaction time when each 1,2 or 3 back is displayed for a given level. """ corr_data = data.loc[data.expected == data.actual] corr_data.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) # init list measure_dict = defaultdict(list) for index, item in enumerate(corr_data["expected"]): # enumerate through the different lags for lag in NBACKS: if item == corr_data["expected"].shift(lag)[index]: measure_dict[f"back{lag}"].append( corr_data["reactionTime"].shift(lag)[index] ) measure_dict[f"current{lag}"].append(corr_data["reactionTime"][index]) # add rtBack measures series_list = [ pd.Series(measure_dict[f"back{it}"], name=f"rtBack{it}", dtype="float64") for it in NBACKS ] # add rtCurrent measures series_list += [ pd.Series(measure_dict[f"current{it}"], name=f"rtCurrent{it}", dtype="float64") for it in NBACKS ] return pd.concat(series_list, axis=1)
[docs] def get_subset_from_ts( data: pd.DataFrame, lower: pd.Timestamp, upper: pd.Timestamp ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Select a subset of keys-analysis dataset based on timestamps. Parameters ---------- data Input keys-analysis dataframe lower Lower bound upper Upper bound Returns ------- pd.DataFrame The filtered version of the input """ return data.loc[(data["tsAnswer"] >= lower) & (data["tsAnswer"] <= upper)]
[docs] def get_third_data( data: pd.DataFrame, subset: ThirdsModality, level: Level ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Get the data for a particular third. Parameters ---------- data The input key analysis dataset subset The third modality level The current level to get the duration Returns ------- pd.DataFrame The filtered version of the input """ duration = level.context.get("levelDuration").value lower, upper = subset.get_lower_upper(data, duration) return get_subset_from_ts(data, lower, upper)
[docs] def compute_correct_third_from_paired( data: pd.DataFrame, subset: ThirdsPairModality, level: Level, is_left: bool ) -> int: """Compute the number of correct responses for a specific third.""" duration = level.context.get("levelDuration").value if is_left: low, up = subset.left.get_lower_upper(data, duration) # type: ignore elif not is_left: low, up = subset.right.get_lower_upper(data, duration) # type: ignore else: ValueError(f"is_left should be boolean but is {type(is_left)}") filtered_data_right = get_subset_from_ts(data, low, up) return (~filtered_data_right["mismatching"]).sum()
@staticmethod # type: ignore def _compute_substitution_time(values: List[float]) -> Union[None, float]: """Compute the substitution time. The substitution time is defined as the difference between the symbol to digit reaction time (the time required to associate a symbol with a number) and the digit to digit reaction time (the time required to associate a number with a number). Parameters ---------- values A list of expected size 2 containing in first position, the symbol to digit reaction time and in second position the digit to digit reaction time. Returns ------- float The substitution time. """ # Works for random keys and fixed keys. if len(values) < 2: return None # Difference std_rt - dtd_rt return values[0] - values[1]