Source code for dispel.providers.generic.preprocessing

"""Core functionalities to preprocess signal data."""
from typing import Iterable, List, Optional, Set, Tuple

from import Level
from dispel.processing import ProcessingStep
from dispel.processing.level import (
from dispel.processing.modalities import LimbModality, SensorModality
from dispel.processing.transform import Apply
from dispel.providers.generic.sensor import (
from dispel.signal.filter import butterworth_high_pass_filter, savgol_filter
from dispel.signal.sensor import check_amplitude, detrend_signal

[docs] class FilterSensorNoise(Apply): r"""Apply a filter that will remove any sensor noise into a given dataset. This filter is a Savitzky-Golay one. Parameters ---------- data_set_id The data set id on which the transformation is to be performed ('accelerometer', 'gyroscope'). columns The columns onto which the filtering step has to be applied. kwargs Additional arguments that are passed to the :meth:`~dispel.processing.core.ProcessingStep.process` function of each step. This allows to provide additional values, such as placeholder values in value definitions to the actual processing function. Notes ----- The Savitzky-Golay is tuned as in [Martinez et. al. 2012]_ to remove sensor noise and to smooth the signal. The windows size is thus set up to 41 points and the filter is of order-3. """
[docs] def __init__(self, data_set_id: str, columns: Optional[List[str]] = None, **kwargs): columns = columns or DEFAULT_COLUMNS super().__init__( data_set_id=data_set_id, method=savgol_filter, method_kwargs=dict(window=41, order=3), columns=columns, new_data_set_id=f"{data_set_id}_svgf", drop_nan=True, **kwargs, )
[docs] class FilterPhysiologicalNoise(Apply): r"""Apply a filter that will remove any physiological noise into a dataset. This filter is a butterworth high-pass one. Parameters ---------- data_set_id The data set id on which the transformation is to be performed ('accelerometer', 'gyroscope'). columns The columns onto which the filtering step has to be applied. sampling_frequency Optional the initial sampling frequency. kwargs Additional arguments that are passed to the :meth:`~dispel.processing.core.ProcessingStep.process` function of each step. This allows to provide additional values, such as placeholder values in value definitions to the actual processing function. Notes ----- The Butterwoth highpass filter is tuned as in [Martinez et. al. 2012]_ to remove physiological noise. The cut-off of is of 0.2HZ which is the standard breath frequency. .. [Martinez et. al. 2012] MARTINEZ-MENDEZ, Rigoberto, SEKINE, Masaki, et TAMURA, Toshiyo. Postural sway parameters using a triaxial accelerometer: comparing elderly and young healthy adults. Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering, 2012, vol. 15, no 9, p. 899-910. """
[docs] def __init__( self, data_set_id: str, columns: Optional[List[str]] = None, sampling_frequency: Optional[float] = None, **kwargs, ): columns = columns or DEFAULT_COLUMNS super().__init__( data_set_id=data_set_id, method=butterworth_high_pass_filter, method_kwargs=dict( order=2, cutoff=0.3, freq=sampling_frequency, zero_phase=True ), columns=columns, new_data_set_id=f"{data_set_id}_bhpf", drop_nan=True, **kwargs, )
[docs] class Detrend(Apply): r"""A detrending preprocessing step according a given data set. Parameters ---------- data_set_id The data set id on which the transformation is to be performed ('accelerometer', 'gyroscope'). columns The columns onto which the detrending steps have to be applied. kwargs Additional arguments that are passed to the :meth:`~dispel.processing.core.ProcessingStep.process` function of each step. This allows to provide additional values, such as placeholder values in value definitions to the actual processing function. """
[docs] def __init__(self, data_set_id: str, columns: Optional[List[str]] = None, **kwargs): columns = columns or DEFAULT_COLUMNS super().__init__( data_set_id=data_set_id, method=detrend_signal, columns=columns, new_data_set_id=f"{data_set_id}_detrend", drop_nan=True, **kwargs, )
[docs] class AmplitudeRangeFilter(LevelFilter): r"""Filter aberrant signal amplitude. Parameters ---------- data_set_id The data set id on which the transformation is to be performed ('accelerometer', 'gyroscope'). max_amplitude A float which is the maximum expected amplitude values. min_amplitude A float which is the minimum expected amplitude values. columns The columns onto which the detrending steps have to be applied. """
[docs] def __init__( self, data_set_id: str, max_amplitude: float, min_amplitude: float, columns: Optional[List[str]] = None, ): self.data_set_id = data_set_id self.columns = columns self.max_amplitude = max_amplitude self.min_amplitude = min_amplitude
[docs] def repr(self): """Get representation of the filter.""" return f"only {self.data_set_id} signal with acceptable amplitude>"
[docs] def filter(self, levels: Iterable[Level]) -> Set[Level]: """Filter levels with acceptable signal amplitude.""" def _amplitude_filter(level: Level): if level.has_raw_data_set(self.data_set_id): data = level.get_raw_data_set(self.data_set_id).data if self.columns: data = data[self.columns] return check_amplitude(data, self.min_amplitude, self.max_amplitude) return True return set(filter(_amplitude_filter, levels))
[docs] class RotateFrame(ProcessingStepGroup): r"""A changing referential preprocessing step according a given data set. Parameters ---------- data_set_id The data set id on which the transformation is to be performed. gravity_data_set_id The dataset id containing the gravity components. frame The new desired frame. columns The columns onto which the resampling steps have to be applied. kwargs Additional arguments that are passed to the :meth:`~dispel.processing.core.ProcessingStep.process` function of each step. This allows to provide additional values, such as placeholder values in value definitions to the actual processing function. """
[docs] def __init__( self, data_set_id: str, gravity_data_set_id: str, frame: Tuple[int, int, int], columns: Optional[List[str]] = None, **kwargs, ): columns = columns or DEFAULT_COLUMNS steps: List[ProcessingStep] = [ ComputeGravityRotationMatrices( gravity_data_set_id, frame, storage_error="ignore" ), RotateSensorWithGravityRotationMatrices( data_set_id, columns, ), ] super().__init__( steps, **kwargs, )
[docs] class PreprocessingSteps(ProcessingStepGroup): r"""A changing referential preprocessing step according a given data set. Parameters ---------- data_set_id The data set id on which the transformation is to be performed. limb The modality regarding if the exercise is upper or lower limb. sensor The modality regarding the type of sensor either accelerometer or gyroscope. resample_freq Optionally, the frequency to which resample the data during the resample step. columns Optionally, the columns on which the preprocessing steps need to be applied. level_filter An optional :class:`~dispel.processing.level.LevelFilter` to determine the levels to be transformed. If no filter is provided, all levels will be transformed. The ``level_filter`` also accepts :class:`str`, :class:``\ s and lists of either and passes them to a :class:`~dispel.processing.level.LevelIdFilter` for convenience. """
[docs] def __init__( self, data_set_id: str, limb: LimbModality, sensor: SensorModality, resample_freq: Optional[float] = None, columns: Optional[List[str]] = None, level_filter: LevelFilterType = DefaultLevelFilter(), ): columns = columns or DEFAULT_COLUMNS extra_columns = [] if not isinstance(level_filter, LevelFilter): level_filter = LevelIdFilter(level_filter) # Need to be computed even if only gyroscope signals are preprocessed to make # sure `acc` data set is available to compute gravity rotation matrices steps: List[ProcessingStep] = [ TransformUserAcceleration(storage_error="ignore"), TransformGyroscope(storage_error="overwrite"), ] if sensor == SensorModality.ACCELEROMETER: data_set_id = "acc" extra_columns = GRAVITY_COLUMNS steps += [ SetTimestampIndex( data_set_id, list(set(columns).union(extra_columns)), duplicates="first" ) ] if limb == LimbModality.LOWER_LIMB: steps += [ RotateFrame( data_set_id=f"{data_set_id}_ts", gravity_data_set_id="acc_ts", frame=(-1, 0, 0), columns=columns, ), Resample( data_set_id=f"{data_set_id}_ts_rotated", freq=resample_freq, aggregations=["mean", "ffill"], columns=columns, ), Detrend( data_set_id=f"{data_set_id}_ts_rotated_resampled", columns=columns ), ] else: steps += [ Resample( data_set_id=f"{data_set_id}_ts", freq=resample_freq, aggregations=["mean", "ffill"], columns=columns, ), Detrend(data_set_id=f"{data_set_id}_ts_resampled", columns=columns), ] super().__init__(steps, level_filter=level_filter)