Source code for dispel.providers.generic.flags.ue_flags

"""A module to store the upper limbs related flags."""

from import Reading
from import FlagSeverity, FlagType
from import AbbreviatedValue as AV
from dispel.processing.core import FlagReadingStep
from dispel.processing.flags import flag

[docs] class OnlyOneHandPerformed(FlagReadingStep): """Flag record with only one hand performed.""" flag_name = AV("only one hand", "1hand") flag_type = FlagType.TECHNICAL flag_severity = FlagSeverity.DEVIATION reason = "The user is not using {missing_hand} hand." @flag def _check_single_hand(self, reading: Reading, **kwargs) -> bool: levels = reading.levels missing_hand = None if not any(["left" in str( for lvl in levels]): missing_hand = "left" if not any(["right" in str( for lvl in levels]): missing_hand = "right" if missing_hand: self.set_flag_kwargs(missing_hand=missing_hand, **kwargs) return False return True