Source code for dispel.providers.generic.flags.le_flags

"""A module to store the lower extremity (le) related flags."""
from typing import Tuple

import pandas as pd
from numpy import deg2rad

from import FlagSeverity, FlagType
from import Level
from import MeasureValueDefinitionPrototype
from import AbbreviatedValue as AV
from dispel.processing.data_set import transformation
from dispel.processing.extract import ExtractStep
from dispel.processing.flags import flag
from dispel.processing.level import FlagLevelStep, ProcessingStepGroup
from dispel.processing.transform import TransformStep
from dispel.providers.generic.activity.placement import (
from dispel.providers.generic.sensor import FREQ_50HZ, EuclideanNorm, Resample
from dispel.providers.generic.tasks.gait.core import WALKING_BOUT_TURN_MAX_ANGLE

"""Maximum percentage allowed not in belt for Gait."""

"""Maximum percentage allowed not in belt for SBT assessment."""

"""Maximum percentage of level duration allowed not moving."""

"""Maximum percentage of level duration allowed not rectilinear on-belt walking."""

"""Maximum number of turns per minute allowed."""

"""Time of start of the assessment in seconds."""

"""Time of end of postural adjustment in seconds."""

"""The maximum fraction of excessive motion over the total duration of
the assessment."""
TASK_NAME_SBT = AV("Static Balance Test", "sbt")

[docs] def truncate_placement( df_placement: pd.DataFrame, threshold_start: float ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Truncate `placement_bouts` before threshold_start.""" # Detect start time time_zero = df_placement.iloc[0]["start_time"] # Compute time of postural adjustment end from start end_posture_adjust = time_zero + pd.Timedelta(threshold_start, unit="s") # Find bout containing the threshold_start and posterior idx = df_placement["end_time"] >= end_posture_adjust # Filter those bouts df_placement = df_placement.loc[idx, :].reset_index(drop=True) # Adjust first start_time and duration df_placement.loc[0, "start_time"] = end_posture_adjust df_placement.loc[:, "duration"] = ( df_placement["end_time"] - df_placement["start_time"] ).dt.total_seconds() return df_placement
[docs] class PlacementClassificationGroup(ProcessingStepGroup): """A ProcessingStepGroup concatenating PlacementClassificationGroup steps.""" steps = [ Resample( data_set_id="acc_ts", freq=FREQ_50HZ, aggregations=["mean", "ffill"], columns=ACCELEROMETER_COLUMNS + GRAVITY_COLUMNS, ), EuclideanNorm( data_set_id="acc_ts_resampled", columns=ACCELEROMETER_COLUMNS, ), # Format Accelerometer and detect walking bouts ClassifyPlacement(), ]
[docs] def perc_non_belt( level: Level, data_set_id: str = "placement_bouts", start_time: float = 0 ) -> Tuple[float, list]: """Return non belt percentage and placements.""" df_placement = level.get_raw_data_set(data_set_id).data df_placement = truncate_placement(df_placement, start_time) belt_duration = df_placement[df_placement["placement"] == "belt"].duration.sum() total_duration = df_placement.duration.sum() perc_not_belt = 100 * (1 - (belt_duration / total_duration)) return perc_not_belt, df_placement.placement.to_list()
[docs] class NonBeltDetected(FlagLevelStep): """Flag record with non-belt period greater than threshold.""" flag_name = AV( "{non_belt_portion}% was detected at {placements} (more than the" "{acceptance_threshold}% accepted)", "non_belt_greater_than_{acceptance_threshold}_perc", ) flag_type = FlagType.BEHAVIORAL flag_severity = FlagSeverity.DEVIATION reason = ( "{non_belt_portion}% non-belt portion detected at {placements} " "(exceeds {acceptance_threshold}% accepted)" )
[docs] class NonBeltPostAdjustmentDetected(FlagLevelStep): """Flag record with non-belt period greater than threshold.""" flag_name = AV( "{non_belt_portion}% (more than the {acceptance_threshold}% " "accepted) was detected post-adjustment at {placements}", "non_belt_post_adjustment_greater_than_{acceptance_threshold}_perc", ) flag_type = FlagType.BEHAVIORAL flag_severity = FlagSeverity.INVALIDATION reason = ( "{non_belt_portion}% non-belt post-adjustment portion detected" " at {placements} (exceeds {acceptance_threshold}% accepted)" )
[docs] class NonBeltDetected6MWT(NonBeltDetected): """Flag gait record with non-belt period greater than threshold."""
[docs] def __init__( self, acceptance_threshold: float = MAX_GAIT_PERC_NOT_IN_BELT, *args, **_kwargs ): self.acceptance_threshold = acceptance_threshold super().__init__(*args, **_kwargs)
@flag def _off_belt_period( self, level: Level, start_time: float = START_TIME_ASSESSMENT, **_kwargs, ) -> bool: non_belt_portion, placements = perc_non_belt( level, "placement_bouts", start_time ) self.set_flag_kwargs( acceptance_threshold=self.acceptance_threshold, non_belt_portion=non_belt_portion, placements=placements, ) return non_belt_portion <= self.acceptance_threshold
[docs] class NonBeltDetectedUTT(NonBeltDetected): """Flag gait record with non-belt period greater than threshold."""
[docs] def __init__( self, acceptance_threshold: float = MAX_GAIT_PERC_NOT_IN_BELT, *args, **kwargs ): self.acceptance_threshold = acceptance_threshold super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
@flag def _off_belt_period( self, level: Level, start_time: float = START_TIME_ASSESSMENT, **_kwargs, ) -> bool: non_belt_portion, placements = perc_non_belt( level, "placement_bouts_first_5_turns", start_time ) self.set_flag_kwargs( acceptance_threshold=self.acceptance_threshold, non_belt_portion=non_belt_portion, placements=placements, ) return non_belt_portion <= self.acceptance_threshold
[docs] class FlagNonBeltSBT(NonBeltDetected): """Flag SBT records with non-belt period greater than threshold.""" acceptance_threshold: float = MAX_SBT_PERC_NOT_IN_BELT placements: list = [] @flag def _off_belt_period( self, level: Level, acceptance_threshold: float = acceptance_threshold, start_time: float = START_TIME_ASSESSMENT, **_kwargs, ) -> bool: non_belt_portion, placements = perc_non_belt( level, "placement_bouts", start_time ) self.set_flag_kwargs( acceptance_threshold=acceptance_threshold, non_belt_portion=non_belt_portion, placements=placements, ) return non_belt_portion <= acceptance_threshold
[docs] class FlagAdjustmentNonBeltSBT(NonBeltPostAdjustmentDetected): """Flag SBT records with non-belt post-adjustment period.""" acceptance_threshold: float = MAX_SBT_PERC_NOT_IN_BELT placements: list = [] @flag def _off_belt_period( self, level: Level, acceptance_threshold: float = acceptance_threshold, start_time: float = END_POSTURAL_ADJUSTMENT, **_kwargs, ) -> bool: non_belt_portion, placements = perc_non_belt( level, "placement_bouts", start_time ) self.set_flag_kwargs( acceptance_threshold=acceptance_threshold, non_belt_portion=non_belt_portion, placements=placements, ) return non_belt_portion <= acceptance_threshold
[docs] class LargeTurnsPerMinute(ExtractStep): """Extract rate of large turns used in rectilinear walking bout detection.""" data_set_ids = [ "gyroscope_ts_rotated_resampled_butterworth_low_pass_filter_x_turns", "accelerometer", ] definition = MeasureValueDefinitionPrototype( measure_name=AV("large_turns_per_min", "large_turns_per_min"), data_type="float32", validator=GREATER_THAN_ZERO, description="The number of large turns per minute.", )
[docs] @staticmethod @transformation def large_turns_per_min(turns: pd.DataFrame, acc: pd.DataFrame) -> float: """Compute number of large turns per minute.""" # number of large turns that affect rectilinear walking detection n_turns = ( turns["angle"].abs() > deg2rad(WALKING_BOUT_TURN_MAX_ANGLE.value) ).sum() # compute level duration from accelerometer data duration_seconds = (acc["ts"].max() - acc["ts"].min()).total_seconds() duration_minutes = duration_seconds / 60 # return turns per minute return n_turns / duration_minutes
[docs] class ExcessiveTurns(FlagLevelStep): """Flag record with at least a pre-specified number of turns per minute.""" flag_type = FlagType.BEHAVIORAL flag_severity = FlagSeverity.DEVIATION
[docs] def __init__( self, acceptance_threshold: float = MAX_TURNS_PER_MIN, *args, **kwargs ): self.flag_name = AV( f"At least {acceptance_threshold} turns per minute detected", f"number_of_turns_per_min_greater_than_{acceptance_threshold}", ) self.reason = f"At least {acceptance_threshold} turns per minute detected." self.acceptance_threshold = acceptance_threshold super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
@flag def _turns_per_minute(self, level: Level, **_kwargs) -> bool: task_name = _kwargs["task_name"].abbr.lower() measure_id = f"{task_name}-large_turns_per_min" turns_per_minute = level.measure_set.get(measure_id).value return turns_per_minute < self.acceptance_threshold
[docs] def percentage_off_bouts(data: pd.DataFrame, **_kwargs) -> bool: """Compute percentage of non-moving portion of the signal.""" movement_duration = data[data["detected_walking"]].duration.sum() total_duration = data.duration.sum() perc_off_bouts = 100 * (1 - (movement_duration / total_duration)) return perc_off_bouts
[docs] class PercentageNotMoving(ExtractStep): """Extract percentage of recording where no walking is detected..""" data_set_ids = ["movement_bouts"] definition = MeasureValueDefinitionPrototype( measure_name=AV("perc_not_moving", "perc_not_moving"), data_type="float32", validator=GREATER_THAN_ZERO, description="The percentage of the signal with no movement detected.", )
[docs] @staticmethod @transformation def no_movement_period(df_walking: pd.DataFrame, **_kwargs) -> bool: """Compute percentage of non moving portion of the signal.""" return percentage_off_bouts(df_walking)
[docs] class PercentageNotWalking(ExtractStep): """Extract percentage of recording where no walking is detected..""" data_set_ids = ["walking_placement_no_turn_bouts"] definition = MeasureValueDefinitionPrototype( measure_name=AV("perc_not_walking", "perc_not_walking"), data_type="float32", validator=GREATER_THAN_ZERO, description="The percentage of the signal with no walking detected.", )
[docs] @staticmethod @transformation def no_walking_period(df_walking: pd.DataFrame, **_kwargs) -> bool: """Compute percentage of non walking portion of the signal.""" return percentage_off_bouts(df_walking)
[docs] class NoMovementDetected(FlagLevelStep): """Flag record with at least a pre-specified percentage of non-movement.""" flag_type = FlagType.BEHAVIORAL flag_severity = FlagSeverity.DEVIATION
[docs] def __init__( self, acceptance_threshold: float = MAX_PERC_NOT_MOVING, *args, **kwargs ): self.flag_name = AV( f"At least {acceptance_threshold}% non-movement period detected", f"non_movement_greater_than_{acceptance_threshold}_perc", ) self.reason = f"At least {acceptance_threshold}% non-movement period detected." self.acceptance_threshold = acceptance_threshold super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
@flag def _no_movement_period(self, level: Level, **_kwargs) -> bool: task_name = _kwargs["task_name"].abbr.lower() measure_id = f"{task_name}-perc_not_moving" perc_not_walking = level.measure_set.get(measure_id).value return perc_not_walking < self.acceptance_threshold
[docs] class NotEnoughRectilinearWalkingOnBeltDetected(FlagLevelStep): """Flag record containing less than a % of rectilinear walking on belt.""" flag_type = FlagType.BEHAVIORAL flag_severity = FlagSeverity.DEVIATION
[docs] def __init__( self, acceptance_threshold: float = MAX_PERC_NOT_RECTILINEAR_BELT_WALK, *args, **_kwargs, ): self.flag_name = AV( f"At least {acceptance_threshold}% non-rectilinear belt walking detected", f"non_rectilinear_on_belt_walking_greater_than_{acceptance_threshold}_perc", ) self.reason = ( f"At least {acceptance_threshold}% non-rectilinear on-belt period." ) self.acceptance_threshold = acceptance_threshold super().__init__(*args, **_kwargs)
@flag def _no_walking_period(self, level: Level, **_kwargs) -> bool: task_name = _kwargs["task_name"].abbr.lower() measure_id = f"{task_name}-perc_not_walking" perc_not_walking = level.measure_set.get(measure_id).value return perc_not_walking < self.acceptance_threshold
[docs] class NoTurnsDetected(FlagLevelStep): """Flag record with no turns present.""" flag_name = AV("No turns detected.", "no_turns_detected") flag_type = FlagType.BEHAVIORAL flag_severity = FlagSeverity.DEVIATION reason = "At least 1 turn should be detected." @flag def _check_n_turns(self, level: Level, **_kwargs) -> bool: turns = level.get_raw_data_set( "gyroscope_ts_rotated_resampled_butterworth_low_pass_filter" "_x_turns_u_refined" ).data return turns.shape[0] > 0
[docs] def truncate_first_5_turns(data: pd.DataFrame, turns: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Truncate the data frame to keep first 5 turns.""" # handle corner case with no turns - return all data if turns.shape[0] == 0: return data # ensure there is a fourth turn otherwise take the last detected turn last_index = min(4, turns.shape[0] - 1) # find end time of fourth (or last) turn ts_ends = turns.iloc[last_index]["end"] # find indexes where start time is before end time of 4th (last) turn idx = data["start_time"] < ts_ends idx = idx[idx].index # filter respective bouts data = data.loc[idx, :] # replace end time of bout with end time of 4th (last) turn data.loc[data.shape[0] - 1, "end_time"] = ts_ends # update duration data.loc[:, "duration"] = (data["end_time"] - data["start_time"]).dt.total_seconds() return data
[docs] class TruncateFirst5Turns(TransformStep): """Truncate UTT placement_bouts to keep only the first 5 turns."""
[docs] def get_new_data_set_id(self) -> str: """Suffix new_data_set_id with current data_set_id & first_5_turns.""" assert len(data_set_ids := list(self.get_data_set_ids())) == 1 return data_set_ids[0] + "_first_5_turns"
@transformation def _truncate_first_5_turns(self, data: pd.DataFrame, level: Level): """Truncate the data frame to keep first 5 turns.""" turns = level.get_raw_data_set( "gyroscope_ts_rotated_resampled_butterworth_low_pass_filter" "_x_turns_u_refined" ).data return truncate_first_5_turns(data, turns) definitions = PLACEMENT_DEFINITIONS
[docs] def truncate_signal(signal: pd.DataFrame, thrs_start: float) -> pd.DataFrame: """Truncate `signal` before threshold_start.""" # Detect start time time_zero = signal.index[0] # Compute time of postural adjustment end from start end_posture_adjust = time_zero + pd.Timedelta(thrs_start, unit="s") # Find posterior to start_time idx = signal.index >= end_posture_adjust # Preserve signal from start_time return signal.loc[idx, :]
[docs] def perc_excessive_motion( level: Level, data_set_id: str = "flagged_motion", thrs_start: float = 0 ) -> float: """Return excessive motion percentage.""" # Select the target dataset to probe flag = level.get_raw_data_set(data_set_id).data # Truncate the signal to the corresponding start time (adjust/stabilise) flag = truncate_signal(flag, thrs_start) # Output the percentage of excessive motion period over total duration return (len(flag[flag["flag"]]) / len(flag)) * 100
[docs] class ExcessiveMotionFlagger(FlagLevelStep): """Flag minimum length of valid recording without excessive motion.""" flag_type = FlagType.BEHAVIORAL flag_severity = FlagSeverity.DEVIATION acceptance_threshold: float = MAX_FRACTION_EXCESSIVE_MOTION start_time: float = START_TIME_ASSESSMENT @flag def _excessive_motion_detected( self, level: Level, acceptance_threshold: float = acceptance_threshold, start_time: float = start_time, **kwargs, ) -> bool: excessive_motion_portion = perc_excessive_motion( level, "flagged_motion", start_time ) self.set_flag_kwargs( acceptance_threshold=acceptance_threshold, excessive_motion_portion=excessive_motion_portion, ) super().__init__(**kwargs) return excessive_motion_portion <= acceptance_threshold
[docs] class FlagStabilisationExcessiveMotion(ExcessiveMotionFlagger): """Flag minimum length of valid recording without excessive motion.""" flag_name = AV( "Excessive Motion Detected Post-adjustment", "excessive_post_adjustment_motion" ) reason = ( "{excessive_motion_portion:.1f}% excessive motion post-adjustment portion " "detected (exceeds {acceptance_threshold}% accepted)" )
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.start_time = (START_TIME_ASSESSMENT,) super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] class FlagPostAdjustExcessiveMotion(ExcessiveMotionFlagger): """Flag minimum length of valid recording without excessive motion.""" flag_name = AV("Excessive Motion Detected during Stabilisation", "excessive_motion") reason = ( "{excessive_motion_portion}% excessive motion portion detected " "(exceeds {acceptance_threshold}% accepted)" )
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.start_time = (END_POSTURAL_ADJUSTMENT,) super().__init__(**kwargs)