Source code for

"""Grip Force test related functionality.

This module contains functionality to extract measures for the *Grip Force*
test (GRIP).
import functools
from collections import namedtuple
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Set, Tuple

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from import Context, Level
from import MeasureValueDefinitionPrototype
from import DEFAULT_COLUMNS, USER_ACC_MAP, RawDataValueDefinition
from import GREATER_THAN_ZERO, RangeValidator
from import AbbreviatedValue as AV
from import AVEnum
from dispel.processing import ProcessingStep
from dispel.processing.extract import (
from dispel.processing.level import LevelFilter, LevelIdFilter, ProcessingStepGroup
from dispel.processing.modalities import HandModality, SensorModality
from dispel.processing.transform import ConcatenateLevels, TransformStep
from import ADSReading
from dispel.providers.generic.sensor import (
from dispel.providers.generic.tremor import TremorMeasures
from dispel.providers.registry import process_factory
from dispel.stats.core import variation
from dispel.utils import to_camel_case

TASK_NAME = AV("Grip Force test", "GRIP")

TEST_DURATION_VALIDATOR = RangeValidator(lower_bound=0, upper_bound=48)

CategoryToDiff = namedtuple("CategoryToDiff", ["category_1", "category_2"])
r"""Tuple-like object with the two pressure categories used to compute mean
applied force difference."""

# Plateau detection algorithm constants

[docs] class PlateauModality(AVEnum): """Enumerated constant representing the plateau modality. This modality defines the subpart of the plateau that is kept for measure computation. """ def __init__( self, name: str, abbr: str, start_offset: Optional[int] = None, end_offset: Optional[int] = None, ): self.start_offset = pd.Timedelta(start_offset, unit="s") self.end_offset = pd.Timedelta(end_offset, unit="s") super().__init__(name, abbr) MIDDLE_FOUR = ("four seconds in the middle", "s4m", 1, 1) MIDDLE_TWO = ("two seconds in the middle", "s2m", 2, 2) LAST_FIVE = ("last five seconds", "s5l", 1, 0)
[docs] class TargetPressureModality(AVEnum): """Enumerated constant representing the pressure modalities.""" LOW = ("low target pressure", "low") MEDIUM = ("medium target pressure", "medium") HIGH = ("high target pressure", "high") VERY_HIGH = ("very high target pressure", "very_high")
[docs] class PositionModality(AVEnum): """Screen thumb position for grip force task.""" @property def column(self) -> str: """Create a camel case string of position modalities.""" return to_camel_case(str(self)) X = ("x thumb position", "xpos") Y = ("y thumb position", "ypos")
[docs] def smooth_discrete_pdf(data: pd.Series) -> pd.Series: """Compute the discrete probability density function (PDF). Then smooth the values by filtering out small spikes. Parameters ---------- data A series of a signal. e.g. 'pressure' Returns ------- pandas.Series A series of the discrete derivative of the signal where small spikes have been smoothed. Raises ------ ValueError Raises a value error if the pandas.Series is too short. """ if len(data) < 2: raise ValueError("The pd.series is too short to be smoothed." f"data={data}") res = data.diff().abs() res.iloc[0] = 0 mask = (res > 0) & (res.shift(-2) == 0) res[mask] = 0 return res
[docs] def avg_diff_discrete_pdf(data: pd.DataFrame, context: Context) -> pd.DataFrame: """Compute the average of the differentiated discrete PDF. This corresponds to the average of the second discrete derivative of the pressure signal. In the process of computing the metric, we add several columns, namely 'discrete-pdf', 'diff-discrete-pdf' and `level-sequence` where we set the contextual level information under a series format with integers going from 0 to 7 indicating which level we are in. Parameters ---------- data The two columns 'discrete-pdf' and 'pressure' of the data frame obtained by concatenating the levels. context The merged context obtained from the concatenation of the levels. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame A new data frame with `discrete-pdf`, `diff-discrete-pdf`, `avg-diff-discrete-pdf` and `level-sequence` columns """ # smoothing the discrete pdf output = pd.DataFrame() output["discrete-pdf"] = smooth_discrete_pdf(data["pressure"]) # differentiate the discrete_pdf diff_discrete_pdf = output["discrete-pdf"].diff().abs() diff_discrete_pdf.iloc[0] = 0 output["diff-discrete-pdf"] = diff_discrete_pdf # init avg_diff_discrete_pdf output["avg-diff-discrete-pdf"] = 0 output["level-sequence"] = -1 # goes through the eighth different levels for sequence in range(N_SEQUENCE): level = context.get_raw_value(f"level_{sequence}") mask = (diff_discrete_pdf.index >= level.start) & ( diff_discrete_pdf.index <= level.end ) # copy the label output.loc[mask, "level-sequence"] = sequence # compute the mean for each level pressure_level = output.loc[mask, "diff-discrete-pdf"] output.loc[mask, "avg-diff-discrete-pdf"] = np.float64(np.mean(pressure_level)) output["level-sequence"] = output["level-sequence"].astype(int) return output
[docs] def get_target_pressure(context: Context, seq: int) -> float: """Get target pressure from context and level sequence. Parameters ---------- context The merged context obtained from the concatenation of the levels. seq The sequence of interest: e.g. a value in {0,1,..,7} Returns ------- float Target pressure corresponding to the sequence seq. """ return context.get_raw_value(f"targetPressure_{seq}")
[docs] def compute_second_derivative_spikes(data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.Series: """Find spikes in diff discrete pdf. The method is simple, we compare the moving average of the second derivative of the pressure signal (diff discrete pdf) to the average of the latter on the entire level-sequence. A spike or a plateau is detected if the moving average is higher than the level mean. Parameters ---------- data A data frame with the two columns 'diff-discrete-pdf' and 'avg-diff-discrete-pdf' (e.g.: obtained with avg_diff_discrete_pdf). Returns ------- pandas.Series A series with values in {0, 1} indicating if a plateau has been detected. Raises ------ ValueError A value error is raised if the length of the data is too short. """ if len(data) < 20: raise ValueError( f"Length of the data is too short. len(data) = {len(data)} " "is less than 20" ) # initialize the detected-plateau detected_plateau = data["avg-diff-discrete-pdf"].copy() * 0 for i in range(len(data) - 20): if ( np.mean(data["diff-discrete-pdf"].iloc[i : i + MOVING_AVG_SIZE]) < data["avg-diff-discrete-pdf"].iloc[i] ): detected_plateau.iloc[i] = 1 return detected_plateau
[docs] def fill_plateau(data: pd.Series) -> pd.Series: """Fill small gaps in the plateau. Parameters ---------- data A series of values in {0, 1} typically the one obtained after applying the `compute_second_derivative_spikes` function. Returns ------- pandas.Series A modified version of the series where small gaps in the plateau have been filled. Raises ------ ValueError A value error is raised if the length of the data is too short. """ if len(data) < 20: raise ValueError( "Length of the data is too short." f"len(data) = {len(data)} is less than 20" ) data = data.copy() for i in range(len(data) - 20): if (data.iloc[i] == 1) and (data.iloc[i + SMALL_GAP_SIZE] == 1): data.iloc[i : i + SMALL_GAP_SIZE] = 1 return data
[docs] def remove_short_plateau(data: pd.Series, plateau_size: int = 30) -> pd.Series: """Remove plateau shorter than plateau_size. Parameters ---------- data A series of values in {0, 1}, typically the one obtained after applying the `fill_plateau` function. plateau_size The minimum size of a plateau, by default 30 Returns ------- pandas.Series A modified version of the series where plateau shorter than the threshold plateau_size have been removed. """ i = 0 data = data.copy() while i < len(data): if data.iloc[i] == 1: count = 0 while i < len(data) and data.iloc[i] == 1: count += 1 i += 1 if count < plateau_size: data.iloc[i - count : i] = 0 i += 1 return data
[docs] def extend_and_convert_plateau( pressure: pd.Series, detected_plateau: pd.Series ) -> pd.Series: """Extend the plateau under certain conditions. The main idea is to fill large gaps between a current index and a lookahead index where a plateau is detected. Gaps are filled whenever the lookahead mean (defined as the mean between the current index and the lookahead) does not differ too much (0.5 pressure unit) from a `lookbehind` mean (defined as the mean from a lookbehind index until the current index ). Parameters ---------- pressure A Series of 'pressure' detected_plateau A series of detected plateau Returns ------- pandas.Series The updated series 'detected-plateau' where large gaps have been filled and then where '1' have been replaced with values from the 'pressure' column. Raises ------ ValueError A value error is raised if the length of the data is too short. """ if len(pressure) < LOOK_AHEAD: raise ValueError( "Length of the data is too short." f"len(pressure) = {len(pressure)} is less than 20" ) detected_plateau = detected_plateau.copy() for i in range(LOOK_AHEAD, len(pressure) - LOOK_AHEAD): # compute the look behind mean rolling_mean = np.mean(pressure.iloc[np.max((0, i - LOOK_BEHIND)) : i]) # compute the look ahead mean mean_forward = np.mean(pressure.iloc[i : i + LOOK_AHEAD]) # check the three conditions if ( detected_plateau.iloc[i] == 1 and detected_plateau.iloc[i + LOOK_AHEAD] == 1 ) and np.abs(mean_forward - rolling_mean) < 0.3: detected_plateau.iloc[i : i + LOOK_AHEAD] = pressure.iloc[ i : i + LOOK_AHEAD ] # finish setting the pressure value if detected_plateau.iloc[i] == 1: detected_plateau.iloc[i] = pressure.iloc[i] for i in range(LOOK_AHEAD): # finish setting the pressure value if detected_plateau.iloc[i] == 1: detected_plateau.iloc[i] = pressure.iloc[i] return detected_plateau
[docs] def refined_target(data: pd.DataFrame, contexts: Context) -> pd.Series: """Refine the target pressure for the detected plateau. The method is simple, on each detected plateau, we take the maximum occurring target sequence as `the label` and add the refined target as the value of the target pressure for this label (or level sequence). Parameters ---------- data A dataframe with the columns {'detected-plateau', 'level-sequence'} contexts The merged context obtained from the concatenation of the levels. Returns ------- pandas.Series The series 'refined-target' corresponding to the target pressure extended to the size of the 'detected-plateau'. """ target = data["detected-plateau"] * 0 index = 0 while index < len(data): if data["detected-plateau"].iloc[index] != 0: offset_plateau = index while ( offset_plateau < len(data) and data["detected-plateau"].iloc[offset_plateau] != 0 ): offset_plateau = offset_plateau + 1 maximum_occurring_sequence = np.bincount( data["level-sequence"].iloc[index:offset_plateau] ).argmax() target.iloc[index:offset_plateau] = get_target_pressure( contexts, maximum_occurring_sequence # type: ignore ) index = offset_plateau else: index += 1 return target
[docs] class FilterIncompleteSequences(LevelFilter): """A filter to skip levels that do not contain eight sequences. Notes ----- The filter expects concatenated levels from :class:`~dispel.processing.transform.ConcatenateLevels` and should contain the target pressure values in the context (i.e. ``targetPressure_{index}``.) """
[docs] def filter(self, levels: Iterable[Level]) -> Set[Level]: """Check if there is contextual info for the eight sequences.""" out = set() for level in levels: good = True for index in range(N_SEQUENCE): if f"targetPressure_{index}" not in level.context: good = False break if good: out.add(level) return out
[docs] def repr(self) -> str: """Get representation of the filter.""" return "filter incomplete levels"
FILTER_INCOMPLETE_SEQUENCES = FilterIncompleteSequences()
[docs] def compute_plateau(data: pd.DataFrame, level: Level) -> pd.DataFrame: """Compute the plateau. To compute the plateau we follow several steps: The first step is to compute the first and second discrete derivative of the resampled and interpolated pressure signal. (see :func:`avg_diff_discrete_pdf`). Then we initialize our plateau detection algorithm by finding the spikes in the second discrete derivative of the signal (see :func:`compute_second_derivative_spikes`). A third step consists in filling all small gaps in the detected plateau. (see :func:`fill_plateau`). Once plateau are filled we filter the result by removing the very short detected plateau (see :func:`remove_short_plateau`). The next step consists in extending the plateau filling large gap under certain conditions. (see :func:`extend_and_convert_plateau`). Finally we create a target pressure signal based on the identified plateau. The idea is that a plateau often goes beyond the level border and hence should not be compared to the target pressure of the next level but on the main one on which the plateau resides. (see :func:`refined_target`). Parameters ---------- data The data on which the plateau computation is to be performed. level The level corresponding to the given data. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame The pandas data frame containing the different plateaus. """ # compute average diff discrete pdf plateau_df = avg_diff_discrete_pdf(data, level.context) # first step of plateau detection plateau_df["detected-plateau"] = compute_second_derivative_spikes( plateau_df[["diff-discrete-pdf", "avg-diff-discrete-pdf"]] ) # Fill small gaps in the plateau plateau_df["detected-plateau"] = fill_plateau(plateau_df["detected-plateau"]) # remove all the short plateau plateau_df["detected-plateau"] = remove_short_plateau( plateau_df["detected-plateau"] ) # extend and convert the plateau to the pressure value plateau_df["detected-plateau"] = extend_and_convert_plateau( data["pressure"], plateau_df["detected-plateau"] ) # refine the plateau and define the target accordingly plateau_df["refined-target"] = refined_target( plateau_df[["detected-plateau", "level-sequence"]], level.context ) return plateau_df
[docs] class TransformPlateau(TransformStep): """An transform processing step for plateau detection."""
[docs] def __init__(self, level_id): super().__init__( "screen_ts_resampled", transform_function=compute_plateau, new_data_set_id="plateau", definitions=[ RawDataValueDefinition("discrete-pdf", "Discrete PDF"), RawDataValueDefinition( "diff-discrete-pdf", "Differentiated discrete PDF" ), RawDataValueDefinition( "avg-diff-discrete-pdf", "Average differentiated discrete PDF" ), RawDataValueDefinition("detected-plateau", "Detected plateau"), RawDataValueDefinition("level-sequence", "Level Sequence"), RawDataValueDefinition("refined-target", "Refined Target"), ], level_filter=LevelIdFilter(level_id) & FILTER_INCOMPLETE_SEQUENCES, )
[docs] def time_defined_plateau( data: pd.DataFrame, level: Level, plateau: PlateauModality ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Extract time-defined plateau. This function extracts the plateaus as defined in the plateau modality. More formally, given a level that is defined by the following time windows: [start: end]. The plateau offset refines this time windows only keeping the section ``[start + plateau.start_offset: end - plateau.end_offset]``. Parameters ---------- data A data frame such as the one obtained after resampling screen. e.g.: `screen_ts_resampled` level Any Level plateau A plateau modality defining the time windows on which measures will be computed. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame A data frame with three columns: ``detected-plateau`` is equals to the pressure on the plateau zero otherwise. ``level-sequence`` are integers indicating the level. ``refined-target`` is the target value. """ contexts = level.context res = data.copy() res["detected-plateau"] = 0 res["level-sequence"] = -1 # goes through the eighth different levels for sequence in range(N_SEQUENCE): level = contexts.get_raw_value(f"level_{sequence}") mask = (res.index >= level.start + plateau.start_offset) & ( res.index <= level.end - plateau.end_offset ) # copy the label res.loc[mask, "level-sequence"] = sequence res.loc[mask, "detected-plateau"] = res.loc[mask, "pressure"] res["level-sequence"] = res["level-sequence"].astype(int) # define the target res["refined-target"] = res["level-sequence"].apply( lambda x: get_target_pressure(contexts, x) if x >= 0 else 0 ) return res[["detected-plateau", "level-sequence", "refined-target"]]
[docs] class TransformTimeDefinedPlateau(TransformStep): """An transform processing step for time-defined plateau."""
[docs] def __init__(self, level_id, plateau: PlateauModality): super().__init__( "screen_ts_resampled", transform_function=functools.partial(time_defined_plateau, plateau=plateau), new_data_set_id=f"plateau_{plateau.av}", definitions=[ RawDataValueDefinition("detected-plateau", "detected-plateau"), RawDataValueDefinition("level-sequence", "Level Sequence"), RawDataValueDefinition("refined-target", "Refined Target"), ], level_filter=LevelIdFilter(level_id) & FILTER_INCOMPLETE_SEQUENCES, )
[docs] class TransformPressureError(TransformStep): """A TransformStep for pressure error related measures."""
[docs] def __init__(self, level_id, plateau: Optional[PlateauModality] = None): def _pressure_error(data): mask = data["refined-target"] != 0 return data.loc[mask, "detected-plateau"] - data.loc[mask, "refined-target"] data_set_id = "plateau" new_data_set_id = "pressure-error" if plateau: data_set_id = f"{data_set_id}_{plateau.av}" new_data_set_id = f"{new_data_set_id}_{plateau.av}" super().__init__( data_set_id, transform_function=_pressure_error, new_data_set_id=new_data_set_id, definitions=[RawDataValueDefinition("pressure-error", "Pressure Error")], level_filter=LevelIdFilter(level_id) & FILTER_INCOMPLETE_SEQUENCES, )
[docs] def target_pressure_to_category( contexts: Context, ) -> Tuple[Dict[Any, TargetPressureModality], List]: """Create a mapping between target pressure and their level. Parameters ---------- contexts The merged context obtained from the concatenation of the levels. Returns ------- Tuple[Dict[Any, str], List] The first element is a dictionary with as keys, the values of the four different target pressure and as values, the pressure category i.e values are in `{'low', 'medium', 'high', 'very_high'}`. The Second element is the sequence of pressure category e.g.: `['low', 'high', 'very_high', 'medium', 'high', 'medium', 'very_high','low']`. """ target_pressure = [get_target_pressure(contexts, seq) for seq in range(N_SEQUENCE)] four_target = sorted(list(dict.fromkeys(target_pressure))) target_to_cat = { four_target[0]: TargetPressureModality.LOW, four_target[1]: TargetPressureModality.MEDIUM, four_target[2]: TargetPressureModality.HIGH, four_target[3]: TargetPressureModality.VERY_HIGH, } return (target_to_cat, [target_to_cat[pressure] for pressure in target_pressure])
[docs] class TransformRefinedTargetCategory(TransformStep): """A TransformStep for to identify pressure categories."""
[docs] def __init__(self, level_id, plateau: Optional[PlateauModality] = None): def target_to_category(data: pd.DataFrame, level: Level) -> pd.DataFrame: """Map refined-target column to a target pressure category.""" mapping, _ = target_pressure_to_category(level.context) # type: ignore mask = data["refined-target"] != 0 return data["refined-target"][mask].replace(mapping) data_set_id = "plateau" new_data_set_id = "pressure-category" if plateau: data_set_id = f"{data_set_id}_{plateau.av}" new_data_set_id = f"{new_data_set_id}_{plateau.av}" super().__init__( data_set_id, transform_function=target_to_category, new_data_set_id=new_data_set_id, definitions=[ RawDataValueDefinition("pressure-category", "Pressure category") ], level_filter=LevelIdFilter(level_id) & FILTER_INCOMPLETE_SEQUENCES, )
[docs] def filter_category( data: pd.DataFrame, category: pd.DataFrame, cat_str: Optional[TargetPressureModality] = None, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Filter data based on category. The data frame data is filtered to only keep values for which the `'pressure-category'` is equal to the `cat_str`. The exception is when `cat_str == 'all'` where data is returned without filtering. Parameters ---------- data A dataframe typically obtained after applying the TransformStep : :class:`TransformPlateau`. category A dataframe with column ``'pressure-category'`` typically obtained after applying the TransformStep : :class: `TransformRefinedTargetCategory.` cat_str The pressure category indicating on which category the applied force is selected. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame The filtered version of the data frame data. """ if not cat_str: return data mask = category["pressure-category"] == cat_str return data[mask]
[docs] def rms_pressure_error( pressure_error: pd.DataFrame, category: pd.DataFrame, only_category: Optional[TargetPressureModality] = None, ) -> float: """Compute the Root Mean Square of `'pressure-error'` column. Parameters ---------- pressure_error A dataframe with column `'pressure-error'` typically obtained after applying the TransformStep : :class:`TransformPressureError`. category A dataframe with column `'pressure-category'` typically obtained after applying the TransformStep : :class:`TransformRefinedTargetCategory`. only_category The pressure category indicating on which category the RMSE is computed. Returns ------- float The Root Mean Square of the `'pressure-error'` column on the defined pressure category cat str """ data = filter_category(pressure_error["pressure-error"], category, only_category) return (data**2).mean() ** 0.5
def _hand_to_level_id(hand: HandModality) -> str: return f"{}-all"
[docs] class ExtractRMSPressure(ExtractStep): """An extraction processing step for pressure accuracy measures. Parameters ---------- hand The hand used to perform the test category The pressure category indicating on which category the RMSE is computed. plateau The plateau on which the extraction is to be performed """
[docs] def __init__( self, hand: HandModality, category: Optional[TargetPressureModality] = None, plateau: Optional[PlateauModality] = None, ): modalities: List[AV] = [hand.av] description = ( f"The measure of the distance between the ideal " f"target force and the actual force applied by the " f"subject for the {hand}" ) data_set_ids = ["pressure-error", "pressure-category"] if category: modalities.append(category.av) description += f" and {category} target force category" if plateau: modalities.append(plateau.av) description += f" and the plateau modality {plateau}" data_set_ids = [id_ + f"_{plateau.av}" for id_ in data_set_ids] description += "." definition = MeasureValueDefinitionPrototype( measure_name=AV("pressure", "pressure"), data_type="float64", modalities=modalities, aggregation=AV("root mean square error", "RMSE"), description=description, ) super().__init__( data_set_ids, transform_function=functools.partial( rms_pressure_error, only_category=category ), definition=definition, level_filter=LevelIdFilter(_hand_to_level_id(hand)) & FILTER_INCOMPLETE_SEQUENCES, )
[docs] def applied_force( detected_plateau: pd.DataFrame, category: pd.DataFrame, cat_str: Optional[TargetPressureModality] = None, ) -> pd.Series: """Select the applied force or partial 'detected-plateau' column. Parameters ---------- detected_plateau A dataframe with column 'detected-plateau' typically obtained after applying the TransformStep : :class:`TransformPlateau`. category A dataframe with column ``'pressure-category'`` typically obtained after applying the TransformStep : :class: `TransformRefinedTargetCategory.` cat_str The pressure category indicating on which category the applied force is selected. Returns ------- pandas.Series The applied force or the 'detected-plateau' column on the defined pressure category cat_str. """ non_null = detected_plateau["detected-plateau"] != 0 data = filter_category(detected_plateau[non_null], category, cat_str) return data["detected-plateau"] / data["refined-target"]
[docs] class ExtractAppliedForceStats(ExtractMultipleStep): """An extraction processing step for applied force measures. Parameters ---------- hand The hand used to perform the test. category The pressure category indicating on which category the applied force stats are computed. plateau The plateau on which the extraction is to be performed. percentile Compute the q-th percentile of the applied forces in the aggregation methods. """
[docs] def __init__( self, hand: HandModality, category: Optional[TargetPressureModality] = None, plateau: Optional[PlateauModality] = None, percentile: int = 90, ): def _function_factory(agg, agg_label): return dict( func=lambda x, y: applied_force(x, y, category).agg(agg), aggregation=AV(agg_label, agg), ) functions = [ _function_factory(agg, agg_label) for agg, agg_label in DEFAULT_AGGREGATIONS ] functions += [ dict( func=lambda x, y: variation(applied_force(x, y, category)), aggregation=AV("coefficient of variation", "CV"), ) ] functions += [ dict( func=lambda x, y: np.percentile( applied_force(x, y, category), percentile ), aggregation=AV(f"{percentile}-th percentile", f"{percentile}th"), ) ] modalities = [hand.av] description = ( f"The applied force is a normalized version of the " f"pressure, measured on plateaus for the {hand}, by " f"the target pressure on the same plateau." ) data_set_ids = ["plateau", "pressure-category"] if category: modalities.append(category.av) description += f" and {category} target pressure category." if plateau: modalities.append(plateau.av) description += f" the plateau modality {plateau}" data_set_ids = [ "plateau" + f"_{plateau}", "pressure-category" + f"_{plateau}", ] description += "." definition = MeasureValueDefinitionPrototype( measure_name=AV("applied force", "applied_force"), data_type="float64", modalities=modalities, description=description, ) super().__init__( data_set_ids, functions, definition=definition, level_filter=LevelIdFilter(_hand_to_level_id(hand)) & FILTER_INCOMPLETE_SEQUENCES, )
[docs] class ExtractMeanAppliedForceDiff(ExtractMultipleStep): """An extraction processing step for mean applied force difference (MAF). Parameters ---------- hand The hand used to perform the test. categories_to_diff The :class:`NamedTuple` CategoryToDiff containing the two pressure categories on which the MAF difference is compute. plateau The plateau on which the extraction is to be performed. """
[docs] def __init__( self, hand: HandModality, categories_to_diff: CategoryToDiff, plateau: Optional[PlateauModality] = None, ): def _mean_maf_diff( detected_plateau: pd.DataFrame, category: pd.DataFrame, categories_to_diff: CategoryToDiff, ): mean_maf_1 = np.mean( applied_force(detected_plateau, category, categories_to_diff.category_1) ) mean_maf_2 = np.mean( applied_force(detected_plateau, category, categories_to_diff.category_2) ) return np.abs(mean_maf_1 - mean_maf_2) functions = [dict(func=lambda x, y: _mean_maf_diff(x, y, categories_to_diff))] modalities = [ hand.av, categories_to_diff.category_1.av, categories_to_diff.category_2.av, ] description = ( f"Absolute difference between the mean applied force " f"(pressure normalized by the Target Force) on the" f" {categories_to_diff.category_1} and the mean " f"applied force on the {categories_to_diff.category_2}" f" for the {hand}" ) data_set_ids = ["plateau", "pressure-category"] if plateau: modalities.append(plateau.av) description += f" the plateau modality {plateau}" data_set_ids = [ "plateau" + f"_{plateau}", "pressure-category" + f"_{plateau}", ] description += "." definition = MeasureValueDefinitionPrototype( measure_name=AV("MAF difference", "maf_diff"), data_type="float64", modalities=modalities, description=description, ) super().__init__( data_set_ids, functions, definition=definition, level_filter=LevelIdFilter(_hand_to_level_id(hand)) & FILTER_INCOMPLETE_SEQUENCES, )
[docs] class ExtractThumbPositionVariation(ExtractMultipleStep): """An extraction processing step for thumb position on screen. Parameters ---------- hand The hand used to perform the test """
[docs] def __init__(self, hand: HandModality): def _thumb_variation(position: PositionModality): return dict( func=lambda data: variation(data[position.column]), modalities=[hand.av, position.av], position=position, ) definition = MeasureValueDefinitionPrototype( measure_name=AV("coefficient of variation", "cv"), data_type="float64", description="The coefficient of variation of the {position} for " f"the {hand}.", validator=GREATER_THAN_ZERO, ) super().__init__( "screen", transform_functions=list(map(_thumb_variation, PositionModality)), definition=definition, level_filter=LevelIdFilter(_hand_to_level_id(hand)) & FILTER_INCOMPLETE_SEQUENCES, )
[docs] def reaction_time_between_level(plateau: pd.DataFrame, level: Level) -> pd.DataFrame: """Compute the reaction time between the 8 different levels.""" contexts = level.context reaction_time = [None] * (N_SEQUENCE - 1) transition_time = [None] * (N_SEQUENCE - 1) transition_start = [None] * (N_SEQUENCE - 1) transition_end = [None] * (N_SEQUENCE - 1) _, pressure_category = target_pressure_to_category(contexts) # type: ignore transition_cat = [ tuple(pressure_category[it : it + 2]) for it in range(N_SEQUENCE - 1) ] for seq in range(N_SEQUENCE - 1): # find the current level mask = plateau["level-sequence"] == seq # find the next level mask_next = plateau["level-sequence"] == seq + 1 # identify the end of the level end_level = plateau[mask].index[-1] # identify the current level target curr_level = plateau.loc[mask, "refined-target"][-1] # identify the end of the next level end_next_level = plateau[mask_next].index[-1] # search for a change in refined-target mask_plateau = ( plateau.loc[end_level:end_next_level, "refined-target"] != curr_level ) # find the end of the plateau in_between = plateau.loc[end_level:end_next_level, "refined-target"][ mask_plateau ] end_plateau = in_between.index[0] if len(in_between) > 0 else end_level # add the reaction time reaction_time[seq] = (end_plateau - end_level).total_seconds() # transition time # find the start of the next plateau till_next_level_end = plateau.loc[end_plateau:end_next_level, "refined-target"] next_plateau = till_next_level_end != 0 end_transition = till_next_level_end[next_plateau].index[0] transition_time[seq] = (end_transition - end_plateau).total_seconds() transition_end[seq] = end_transition transition_start[seq] = end_plateau return pd.DataFrame( { "reaction-time": reaction_time, "transition-time": transition_time, "transition-start": transition_start, "transition-end": transition_end, "transition-category": transition_cat, } )
[docs] class TransformTimeRelatedInfo(TransformStep): """An extraction processing step for Time related measures."""
[docs] def __init__(self, level_id: str): super().__init__( "plateau", transform_function=reaction_time_between_level, new_data_set_id="time-info", definitions=[ RawDataValueDefinition("reaction-time", "Reaction time"), RawDataValueDefinition( "transition-time", "Transition Time between two plateaus." ), RawDataValueDefinition("transition-category", "Transition category"), RawDataValueDefinition( "transition-start", "Start time of each transition" ), RawDataValueDefinition("transition-end", "End time of each transition"), ], level_filter=LevelIdFilter(level_id) & FILTER_INCOMPLETE_SEQUENCES, )
[docs] class ExtractReactionTimeStats(AggregateRawDataSetColumn): """An extraction processing step for Reaction Time measures. Parameters ---------- hand The hand used to perform the test """
[docs] def __init__(self, hand: HandModality): definition = MeasureValueDefinitionPrototype( measure_name=AV("reaction time", "rt"), data_type="float64", modalities=[hand.av], description=f"The {{aggregation}} time taken to initiate force " f"adaptation when the new force target level is " f"displayed for the {hand} hand.", validator=TEST_DURATION_VALIDATOR, ) super().__init__( "time-info", "reaction-time", aggregations=DEFAULT_AGGREGATIONS, definition=definition, level_filter=LevelIdFilter(_hand_to_level_id(hand)) & FILTER_INCOMPLETE_SEQUENCES, )
[docs] class FilterTransition(FilterIncompleteSequences): """Filter incomplete sequences or level without the selected transition."""
[docs] def __init__( self, from_pressure: TargetPressureModality, to_pressure: TargetPressureModality ): self.from_pressure = from_pressure self.to_pressure = to_pressure
[docs] def repr(self) -> str: """Get representation of the filter.""" return ( f"filter complete sequences from {self.from_pressure} to " f"{self.to_pressure}" )
[docs] def filter(self, levels: Iterable[Level]) -> Set[Level]: """Filter for transitions.""" out = set() for level in super().filter(levels): transition = [self.from_pressure, self.to_pressure] if level.context is not None: _, target_state = target_pressure_to_category(level.context) for index in range(N_SEQUENCE - 1): if transition == target_state[index : index + 2]: out.add(level) return out
[docs] def compute_transition( data: pd.DataFrame, transition: Tuple[TargetPressureModality, TargetPressureModality], ) -> float: """Find all the transitions time of the selected transition.""" mask = data["transition-category"] == transition return data.loc[mask, "transition-time"].mean()
[docs] class ExtractTransitionTime(ExtractStep): """An extraction processing step for Transition Time measures. Parameters ---------- hand The hand used to perform the test transition A tuple indicating the two plateaus defining a transition. e.g.: {'low','high'} indicates a transition from the ``'low'`` plateau to the ``'high'`` plateau. """
[docs] def __init__( self, hand: HandModality, transition: Tuple[TargetPressureModality, TargetPressureModality], ): cat_from, cat_to = transition definition = MeasureValueDefinitionPrototype( measure_name=AV("transition time", "tt"), data_type="float64", modalities=[ hand.av, AV(f"from {cat_from} to {cat_to}", f"{cat_from.abbr}_to_{cat_to.abbr}"), ], aggregation="mean", description=f"The mean time taken to adjust the exerted force to " f"the next force target level from {cat_from} to " f"{cat_to} for the {hand}. It is calculated as the " f"time elapsed between the end of one plateau to the " f"beginning of the next one.", validator=TEST_DURATION_VALIDATOR, ) super().__init__( "time-info", transform_function=functools.partial( compute_transition, transition=transition ), definition=definition, level_filter=LevelIdFilter(_hand_to_level_id(hand)) & FilterTransition(*transition), )
[docs] def compute_overshoot( pressure: pd.DataFrame, _plateau: pd.DataFrame, time_info: pd.DataFrame, level: Level, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Compute pressure overshoot when changing pressure level.""" contexts = level.context pressure_overshoot = [None] * (N_SEQUENCE - 1) for seq in range(N_SEQUENCE - 1): t_start = time_info.loc[seq, "transition-start"] t_end = time_info.loc[seq, "transition-end"] t_cat = time_info.loc[seq, "transition-category"] next_plateau = get_target_pressure(contexts, seq + 1) if t_cat[0] <= t_cat[1]: pressure_overshoot[seq] = max( pressure.loc[t_start:t_end, "pressure"] - next_plateau ) else: pressure_overshoot[seq] = min( pressure.loc[t_start:t_end, "pressure"] - next_plateau ) return pd.DataFrame({"pressure-overshoot": pressure_overshoot})
[docs] class TransformOvershoot(TransformStep): """An extraction step to measure the overshoot/undershoot. Parameters ---------- hand The hand on which the overshoot is to be computed. """
[docs] def __init__(self, hand: HandModality): level_id = f"{hand.abbr}-all" new_data_set_id = f"{hand.abbr}-overshoot" super().__init__( ["screen_ts_resampled", "plateau", "time-info"], transform_function=compute_overshoot, new_data_set_id=new_data_set_id, definitions=[ RawDataValueDefinition("pressure-overshoot", "Pressure overshoot.") ], level_filter=LevelIdFilter(level_id) & FILTER_INCOMPLETE_SEQUENCES, )
[docs] class ExtractOvershootStats(AggregateRawDataSetColumn): """An extraction processing step for overshoot measures. Parameters ---------- hand The hand on which the overshoot measures are to be computed. """
[docs] def __init__(self, hand: HandModality): level_id = f"{hand.abbr}-all" definition = MeasureValueDefinitionPrototype( measure_name=AV( f"{hand.abbr} pressure overshoot", f"{hand.abbr}-pressure_overshoot" ), data_type="float64", description="The {{aggregation}} overshoot. The overshoot is " "defined as the extra force being used when going" "from one target to the next one.", ) super().__init__( f"{hand.abbr}-overshoot", "pressure-overshoot", aggregations=DEFAULT_AGGREGATIONS, definition=definition, level_filter=LevelIdFilter(level_id) & FILTER_INCOMPLETE_SEQUENCES, )
[docs] class GripTremorMeasures(ProcessingStepGroup): """A group of grip processing steps for tremor measures. Parameters ---------- hand The hand on which the tremor measures are to be computed. sensor The sensor on which the tremor measures are to be computed. """
[docs] def __init__(self, hand: HandModality, sensor: SensorModality): data_set_id = str(sensor) level_id = f"{hand.abbr}-all" steps = [ RenameColumns(data_set_id, level_id, **USER_ACC_MAP), SetTimestampIndex( f"{data_set_id}_renamed", DEFAULT_COLUMNS, "ts", duplicates="last" ), Resample( f"{data_set_id}_renamed_ts", aggregations=["mean", "ffill"], columns=DEFAULT_COLUMNS, freq=20, ), TremorMeasures( sensor=sensor, data_set_id=f"{data_set_id}_renamed_ts_resampled" ), ] super().__init__( steps, task_name=TASK_NAME, modalities=[hand.av], hand=hand, level_filter=level_id, )
STEPS: List[ProcessingStep] = [] for _hand in HandModality: _hand_abbr = _hand.abbr _level_ids = [_hand_abbr] + [f"{_hand_abbr}-0{i}" for i in range(2, 9)] _level_id = f"{_hand_abbr}-all" # generic steps STEPS += [ # transformation ConcatenateLevels( _level_id, ["screen", "accelerometer", "gyroscope"], level_filter=_level_ids ), SetTimestampIndex( "screen", ["pressure"], "tsTouch", level_filter=_level_id, duplicates="last" ), Resample( data_set_id="screen_ts", aggregations=["pad"], columns=["pressure"], freq=FREQ_100HZ, level_filter=_level_id, ), TransformPlateau(_level_id), TransformRefinedTargetCategory(_level_id), TransformPressureError(_level_id), TransformTimeRelatedInfo(_level_id), TransformOvershoot(hand=_hand), # extraction ExtractRMSPressure(hand=_hand), ExtractAppliedForceStats(hand=_hand), ExtractMeanAppliedForceDiff( hand=_hand, categories_to_diff=CategoryToDiff( TargetPressureModality.HIGH, TargetPressureModality.VERY_HIGH ), ), ExtractReactionTimeStats(hand=_hand), ExtractThumbPositionVariation(hand=_hand), ExtractOvershootStats(hand=_hand), ] for _plateau in PlateauModality: STEPS += [ # Transformation # Time defined plateau definition scenarios TransformTimeDefinedPlateau(_level_id, plateau=_plateau), TransformRefinedTargetCategory(_level_id, plateau=_plateau), TransformPressureError(_level_id, plateau=_plateau), # Extraction ExtractRMSPressure(hand=_hand, plateau=_plateau), ExtractAppliedForceStats(hand=_hand, plateau=_plateau), ExtractMeanAppliedForceDiff( hand=_hand, categories_to_diff=CategoryToDiff( TargetPressureModality.HIGH, TargetPressureModality.VERY_HIGH ), plateau=_plateau, ), ] # add pressure category specific extractions for _cat in TargetPressureModality: STEPS += [ ExtractRMSPressure(hand=_hand, category=_cat), ExtractAppliedForceStats(hand=_hand, category=_cat), ] for _plateau in PlateauModality: STEPS += [ ExtractRMSPressure(hand=_hand, category=_cat, plateau=_plateau), ExtractAppliedForceStats(hand=_hand, category=_cat, plateau=_plateau), ] # transition specific extractions for _cat_to in TargetPressureModality: if _cat != _cat_to: STEPS += [ExtractTransitionTime(hand=_hand, transition=(_cat, _cat_to))] STEPS += [ GripTremorMeasures(_hand, sensor) for sensor in [SensorModality.ACCELEROMETER, SensorModality.GYROSCOPE] ] STEPS = [ProcessingStepGroup(steps=STEPS, task_name=TASK_NAME)] process_grip = process_factory( task_name=TASK_NAME, steps=STEPS, codes=("gripForce", "gripForce-test"), supported_type=ADSReading, )