Source code for

"""ADS exclusive data model for the analysis library."""
from typing import Any, Iterable, List, Optional

import pandas as pd
from packaging import version

from import MeasureSet
from import Evaluation, Reading, ReadingSchema, Session
from import Device
from import Context, Level, Modalities
from import ValueDefinition
from dispel.utils import camel_to_snake_case

[docs] class ADSReading(Reading): """A data capture from an ADS experiment. Parameters ---------- evaluation The evaluation information session The session information levels An iterable of levels measure_set A list of measures already processed on the device schema The schema of the reading date The time the reading was recorded device The device that captured the reading """
[docs] def __init__( self, evaluation: Evaluation, session: Session, levels: Optional[Iterable[Level]] = None, measure_set: Optional[MeasureSet] = None, schema: Optional[ReadingSchema] = None, date: Any = None, device: Optional[Device] = None, ): date_ = pd.Timestamp(date, unit="ms") super().__init__( evaluation, session, levels, measure_set, schema, date_, device )
[docs] def get_snake_case_context_value(context: Context, key: str) -> str: """Find the context with its name into the list, converted in snake case. Parameters ---------- context A :class:``. key The desire levelType Returns ------- str The context value into snake case """ value = context.get_raw_value(key) return camel_to_snake_case(value)
[docs] class ADSModalities(Modalities): """An entity to match level context modalities with a ````. Specific to ADS Readings. """
[docs] def __init__(self, app_version: Optional[str]): mapping = { "6mwt": self.get_gait_level_from_context, "cps": self.get_cps_level_from_context, "drawing": self.get_drawing_level_from_context, "gripForce": self.get_grip_level_from_context, "mood": self.get_mood_level_from_context, "msis29": self.get_msis29_level_from_context, "passive": self.get_passive_level_from_context, "pinch": self.get_pinch_level_from_context, "sbtUtt": self.get_sbt_utt_level_from_context, } super().__init__(mapping, app_version)
@property def is_default_mode(self): """Return whether the app version is the default mode.""" return self.app_version > version.parse("0.2.8")
[docs] @staticmethod def get_cps_level_from_context(context: Context) -> str: """Find the level from context enumerating through the modalities. This function is specific to the ADS CPS test. Parameters ---------- context The context of the level in question. Returns ------- str The snake case level name. """ res = get_snake_case_context_value(context, "levelType") # overwrite old CPS identifier < Konectom 0.2.8 if res == "digit_to_symbol": return "symbol_to_digit" return res
[docs] @staticmethod def get_gait_level_from_context(_: List) -> str: """Find the only level of the ADS 6MW test.""" return "6mwt"
[docs] @staticmethod def get_passive_level_from_context(_: List) -> str: """Find the only level of the ADS Passive test.""" return "passive"
[docs] @staticmethod def get_sbt_utt_level_from_context(context: Context) -> str: """Find the level from context enumerating through the modalities. This function is specific to the ADS SBT-UTT test. Parameters ---------- context The context of the level in question. Returns ------- str The snake case level name. """ return get_snake_case_context_value(context, "levelType")
[docs] @staticmethod def get_drawing_level_from_context(context: Context) -> str: """Find the level from context enumerating through the modalities. This function is specific to the ADS CPS test. Parameters ---------- context The context of the level in question. Returns ------- str The snake case level name. """ name = get_snake_case_context_value(context, "levelType") hand = get_snake_case_context_value(context, "usedHand") return name + "-" + hand
[docs] def get_pinch_level_from_context(self, context: Context) -> List[str]: """Find the level from context enumerating through the modalities. This function is specific to the ADS Pinch test. Parameters ---------- context The context of the level in question. Returns ------- str The snake case level name. Raises ------ ValueError If the radius of pinch bubble does not correspond to any known radius interval. """ def _target_radius_to_modality(radius: float) -> str: if 50 <= radius < 65: return "small" if 65 <= radius < 80: return "medium" if 80 <= radius < 95: return "large" if 95 <= radius <= 105: return "extra_large" raise ValueError(f"target radius {radius} does not match any size") # For non default mode replace diameter with radius if not self.is_default_mode: context.set( value=context["targetRadius"].value / 2, definition=context.get_definition("targetRadius"), overwrite=True, ) # enumerate through the context to find usedHand and bubbleSize hand_modality = context["usedHand"].value target_radius = context["targetRadius"].value # check we have enough data if hand_modality != "": target_radius_modality = _target_radius_to_modality(target_radius) context.set( value=target_radius_modality, definition=ValueDefinition("bubbleSize", "bubble size modality"), ) return [hand_modality, target_radius_modality] raise ValueError("userHand has not been found in context")
[docs] @staticmethod def get_grip_level_from_context(context: Context) -> str: """Find the level from context enumerating through the modalities. This function is specific to the ADS GRIP test. Parameters ---------- context The context of the level in question. Returns ------- str The snake case level name. """ return get_snake_case_context_value(context, "usedHand")
[docs] @staticmethod def get_mood_level_from_context(context: Context) -> str: """Find the level from context enumerating through the modalities. This function is specific to the ADS MOOD survey. Parameters ---------- context The context of the level in question. Returns ------- str The snake case level name. """ return get_snake_case_context_value(context, "idMoodscale")
[docs] @staticmethod def get_msis29_level_from_context(context: Context) -> str: """Find the level from context enumerating through the modalities. This function is specific to the ADS MSIS-29 test. Parameters ---------- context The context of the level in question. Returns ------- str The snake case level name. """ return get_snake_case_context_value(context, "idMsis29")