Source code for

"""A collection of IO utility functions."""

import json
from json import JSONDecodeError
from os.path import exists
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple

import pandas as pd

[docs] def flatten(data: Dict, parent_key: str = "") -> Dict: """Return a flattened version of a nested dictionary.""" items: List[Tuple[str, Any]] = [] for key, item in data.items(): try: items.extend(flatten(item, "%s%s_" % (parent_key, key)).items()) except AttributeError: items.append(("%s%s" % (parent_key, key), item)) return dict(items)
[docs] def readable_file(path: str) -> bool: """FIXME: documentation.""" return exists(path)
[docs] def load_json(path: str, encoding=None) -> dict: """FIXME: documentation.""" with open(path, "r", encoding=encoding) as fh: return json.load(fh)
[docs] def readable_json(path: str) -> bool: """FIXME: documentation.""" try: load_json(path) return True except (JSONDecodeError, FileNotFoundError): return False
[docs] def readable_dict(value: Any) -> bool: """FIXME: documentation.""" return isinstance(value, dict)
[docs] def readable_data_frame(value: Any) -> bool: """FIXME: documentation.""" return isinstance(value, pd.DataFrame)