Source code for

"""A module containing models for levels."""

from functools import singledispatchmethod
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Union, cast

import pandas as pd
from packaging import version

from import Epoch, EpochDefinition
from import Flag
from import MeasureSet, MeasureValue
from import RawDataSet
from import DefinitionId, ValueSet

def _modalities_to_level_id(modalities) -> str:
    if not isinstance(modalities, (str, list)):
        raise TypeError(
            f"Modalities should be of type str or list but has type {type(modalities)}"
    if isinstance(modalities, str):
        modalities = [modalities]
    return "-".join(modalities)

[docs] class LevelId(DefinitionId): """Match evaluation code with level id. Parameters ---------- modalities One or several context information on which the ``LevelId`` is built. """
[docs] def __init__(self, modalities: Union[str, List[str]]): self.modalities = modalities id_ = _modalities_to_level_id(modalities) super().__init__(id_)
@staticmethod def _modalities_to_level_id(modalities) -> str: if not isinstance(modalities, (str, list)): raise TypeError( "Modalities should be of type str or list but has type" f" {type(modalities)}" ) if isinstance(modalities, str): modalities = [modalities] return "-".join(modalities)
LevelIdType = Union[str, LevelId]
[docs] class Context(ValueSet): """Contextual information for a level."""
[docs] class RawDataSetAlreadyExists(Exception): """Exception risen when a raw data set with an existent id is set in level. Parameters ---------- raw_data_set_id The identifier of the raw data set in question. message An optional message. """
[docs] def __init__(self, raw_data_set_id: str, level_id: LevelIdType, message: str = ""): self.raw_data_set_id = raw_data_set_id self.level_id = level_id self.message = f" {message}" if message else message super().__init__( f"Raw data set {raw_data_set_id} already exists in level " f"{self.level_id}.{self.message}" )
[docs] class LevelEpochMeasureValue(MeasureValue): """A measure value for a specific epoch. Parameters ---------- epoch The epoch for which the measure value was extracted. Attributes ---------- epoch The epoch for which the measure value was extracted. """
[docs] def __init__(self, epoch: "LevelEpoch", *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.epoch = epoch
def __hash__(self): return hash((self.definition, self.value, self.epoch))
[docs] def to_dict(self, stringify: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Optional[Any]]: """Get a dictionary representation of measure information. Parameters ---------- stringify ``True`` if all dictionary values are converted to strings. ``False`` otherwise. Returns ------- Dict[str, Optional[Any]] A dictionary summarizing measure value and epoch information. """ res = super().to_dict(stringify=stringify) if self.epoch.definition is not None: res["epoch_id"] = res["epoch_name"] = if stringify: res["epoch_start"] = self._to_string(self.epoch.start) res["epoch_end"] = self._to_string(self.epoch.end) else: res["epoch_start"] = self.epoch.start res["epoch_end"] = self.epoch.end return res
[docs] class LevelEpoch(Epoch, MeasureSet): """Level specific epoch with measures. This data model allows to store measures that are specific to a given time point during an evaluation. """ VALUE_CLS = LevelEpochMeasureValue
[docs] class Level(Epoch): """An entity to separate sub-task inside each test (Levels). FIXME: DOC Attributes ---------- context Contextual information about the level measure_set A :class:'' of a given Level Parameters ---------- id_ The identifier of a given Level. start The timestamp of the beginning of the level end The timestamp of the end of the level context Contextual information about the level raw_data_sets An iterable of :class:'' of a given Level measure_set A :class:'' of a given Level epochs An iterable of :class:`` to be added to the level. """
[docs] def __init__( self, id_: Union[str, List[str], LevelId], start: Any, end: Any, context: Optional[Context] = None, raw_data_sets: Optional[Iterable[RawDataSet]] = None, measure_set: Optional[MeasureSet] = None, epochs: Optional[Iterable[LevelEpoch]] = None, ): if not isinstance(id_, LevelId): id_ = LevelId(id_) definition = EpochDefinition(id_=id_) super().__init__(start=start, end=end, definition=definition) self.context = context or Context() self.measure_set = measure_set or MeasureSet() # create dictionary of raw data sets self._raw_data_sets: Dict[str, RawDataSet] = {} # set raw data sets if arg is provided if raw_data_sets: for raw_data_set in raw_data_sets: self.set(raw_data_set) # create data frame for each epoch self._epochs = pd.DataFrame(columns=["definition_id", "start", "end", "epoch"]) if epochs: for epoch in epochs: self.set(epoch)
@property def id(self) -> LevelId: """Get the ID of the level from its definition. Returns ------- LevelId The ID of the definition provided via `definition`. """ assert self.definition is not None, "Require definition to access id" return cast(LevelId, @id.setter def id(self, value: Union[str, DefinitionId]): """Set the ID of the level's definition. Parameters ---------- value The ID to be set. """ assert self.definition is not None, "Require definition to set id" = value # type: ignore def __hash__(self): return hash( def __repr__(self): return f"<Level: {} ({self.flag_count_repr})>" @property def raw_data_sets(self) -> List[RawDataSet]: """Get all raw data sets.""" return list(self._raw_data_sets.values())
[docs] def has_raw_data_set(self, id_: str) -> bool: """Return ``True`` if the level contains the desired raw data set.""" return id_ in self._raw_data_sets
[docs] def get_raw_data_set(self, id_: str) -> RawDataSet: """Get the raw data set for a given data set id. Parameters ---------- id_ The id of the raw data set to be returned Returns ------- RawDataSet The raw data set with the matching id Raises ------ ValueError If the given id does not correspond to any existing raw data set within the level. """ if id_ not in self._raw_data_sets: raise ValueError( f'Unknown data set with id: "{id_}" for level_id == "{}" ' f"please provide an id within {list(self._raw_data_sets.keys())}" ) return self._raw_data_sets[id_]
@property def epochs(self) -> List[LevelEpoch]: """Get all epoch measure sets.""" return self._epochs["epoch"].tolist()
[docs] @singledispatchmethod def set(self, value, **kwargs): """Set a value inside a level.""" raise TypeError(f"Unsupported set type: {type(value)}")
@set.register(MeasureSet) def _set_measure_set(self, value: MeasureSet): self.measure_set += value @set.register(MeasureValue) def _set_measure_value(self, value: MeasureValue): self.measure_set.set(value) @set.register(RawDataSet) def _set_raw_data_set( self, value: RawDataSet, concatenate: bool = False, overwrite: bool = False ): if overwrite and concatenate: raise ValueError( "You cannot both concatenate and overwrite an existing raw data set. " "Only one of these arguments must be set to ``True``." ) if (id_ := in self._raw_data_sets: # pylint: disable=all if concatenate: value = value.concat(self.get_raw_data_set(id_)) elif not overwrite: raise RawDataSetAlreadyExists( id_,, "Use overwrite=True to overwrite" ) self._raw_data_sets[id_] = value @set.register(LevelEpoch) def _set_epoch(self, value: LevelEpoch): new_index = len(self._epochs) self._epochs.loc[new_index] = pd.Series( dict( if value.definition else None, start=value.start, end=value.end, epoch=value, ) ) @set.register(Flag) def _set_flag(self, value: Flag): self.add_flag(value)
[docs] class Modalities: """An entity to match level context modalities with a ````. Parameters ---------- mapping A dict composed of ``evaluation_code`` and level context information """
[docs] def __init__( self, mapping: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, app_version: Optional[str] = None, ): self.mapping = mapping self.app_version = None if app_version: self.app_version = version.parse(app_version)
@property def is_default_mode(self): """Return whether the app version is the default mode.""" return True
[docs] def get_modalities_from_context( self, evaluation_code: str, context: Context ) -> Union[str, List[str]]: """Map level contexts to level modalities from an evaluation code.""" if self.mapping is None: raise ValueError( f"No mapping has been provided for evaluation_code={evaluation_code}" ) if evaluation_code not in self.mapping: raise ValueError( f"{evaluation_code=} does not match any test in {self.mapping.keys()}" ) # find the modalities for the corresponding test in context modalities = self.mapping[evaluation_code](context) if not isinstance(modalities, list): modalities = [modalities] return modalities