Source code for

"""A module containing models for flags.

Flags are basically a structured way to mark the data contained in a certain entity as
deviating or invalidating assumptions while processing.
import operator
from abc import ABC
from collections import Counter
from copy import deepcopy
from dataclasses import InitVar, dataclass, field
from functools import singledispatchmethod
from typing import (

from import AbbreviatedValue as AV
from import AVEnum, DefinitionId
from dispel.utils import plural, raise_multiple_errors

[docs] class FlagType(AVEnum): """An enumeration for flag types.""" TECHNICAL = "technical" BEHAVIORAL = "behavioral"
[docs] class FlagSeverity(AVEnum): """An enumeration for flag severity.""" DEVIATION = "deviation" INVALIDATION = "invalidation"
[docs] class FlagId(DefinitionId): """The identifier of an entity flag for a task. Parameters ---------- task_name The name and abbreviation of the task. Note that if no abbreviation is provided the name is used directly in the id. flag_name The name of the flag and its abbreviation. flag_type The type of the flag. See :class:``. flag_severity The severity of the flag. See :class:``. Notes ----- The abbreviations of values are passed using :class:``. To generate the actual id the `.abbr` accessor is used. If one passes only strings, the class actually wraps those into ``AbbreviatedValue`` instances. Examples -------- >>> from import AbbreviatedValue as AV >>> from import FlagId, FlagType >>> FlagId( ... task_name=AV('Cognitive Processing Speed', 'CPS'), ... flag_name=AV('tilt angle', 'ta'), ... flag_type=FlagType.BEHAVIORAL, ... flag_severity=FlagSeverity.DEVIATION, ... ) cps-behavioral-deviation-ta """
[docs] def __init__( self, task_name: Union[str, AV], flag_name: Union[str, AV], flag_type: Union[str, FlagType], flag_severity: Union[str, FlagSeverity], ): self.task_name = AV.wrap(task_name) self.flag_name = AV.wrap(flag_name) # flag type if isinstance(flag_type, str): flag_type = FlagType.from_abbr(flag_type) self.flag_type = cast(FlagType, flag_type).av # flag severity if isinstance(flag_severity, str): flag_severity = FlagSeverity.from_abbr(flag_severity) self.flag_severity = cast(FlagSeverity, flag_severity).av id_ = "-".join( ( self.task_name.abbr.lower(), self.flag_type.abbr.lower(), self.flag_severity.abbr.lower(), self.flag_name.abbr.lower(), ) ) super().__init__(id_)
[docs] @classmethod def from_str(cls, value: str) -> "FlagId": """Create a flag id from a string representation. Parameters ---------- value The string from which the flag id is to be constructed. It ought to respect the following format ``<task_name>-<flag_type>-<flag_name>`` where the flag type should one of the enumerations defined in :class:``. Returns ------- FlagId The initialised flag identifier. Raises ------ ValueError If the flag string representation does not respect the required format. """ components = value.split("-") if len(components) != 4: raise ValueError( "Flag Id format is not respected. Please provide an id that follows " "the following format: ``<task_name>-<flag_type>-<flag_name>``" ) return cls( task_name=components[0], flag_name=components[3], flag_type=components[1], flag_severity=components[2], )
[docs] def format(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "FlagId": """Format an flag identifier.""" return FlagId( task_name=self.task_name, flag_name=self.flag_name.format(*args, **kwargs), flag_type=FlagType.from_abbr(self.flag_type.abbr), flag_severity=FlagSeverity.from_abbr(self.flag_severity.abbr), )
FlagIdType = Union[str, FlagId]
[docs] @dataclass class Flag: """A class for entity flag.""" #: The flag identifier (string or id format) id_: InitVar[FlagIdType] #: The flag identifier id: FlagId = field(init=False) #: The detailed reason for the flag reason: str #: Stop processing stop_processing: bool = False def __post_init__(self, id_: FlagIdType): if isinstance(id_, str): = FlagId.from_str(id_) elif isinstance(id_, FlagId): = id_ else: raise TypeError( "Flag id should be either a convertible string id or an " "FlagId class." ) def __hash__(self): return hash((, self.reason, self.stop_processing))
[docs] def format(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "Flag": """Format an flag.""" return Flag(*args, **kwargs), reason=self.reason.format(*args, **kwargs), stop_processing=self.stop_processing, )
[docs] class FlagAlreadyExists(Exception): """Exception raised when the same flag is added twice to an entity. Parameters ---------- flag The duplicated flag. """
[docs] def __init__(self, flag: Flag): message = ( f"If the flag to be added ({flag}) corresponds to another use case, please " "make sure to specify a different reason at least." ) super().__init__(message)
[docs] class FlagNotFound(Exception): """Exception raised when a flag is not found in the mix in. Parameters ---------- flag_id The flag id. entity The flag Mix-In entity where the flag was not found. message An optional error message to be added at the end. """
[docs] def __init__( self, flag_id: FlagIdType, entity: "FlagMixIn", message: str = "", ): complete_message = ( f"No flag with {flag_id=} has been found for {entity}. {message}" ) super().__init__(complete_message)
[docs] def verify_flag_uniqueness(flags: List[Flag]): """Check whether all provided flags are unique. Parameters ---------- flags The flags whose uniqueness is to be verified. Raises ------ FlagAlreadyExists Per non-unique flag. """ accumulated_errors: List[Exception] = [] counter = Counter(flags) for flag, _ in filter(lambda i: i[1] > 1, counter.items()): accumulated_errors.append(FlagAlreadyExists(flag)) raise_multiple_errors(accumulated_errors)
[docs] class FlagMixIn(ABC): """Flag Mix-In class that groups multiple flags."""
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._flags: List[Flag] = [] super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
@property def flag_ids(self) -> Set[FlagId]: """Get the unique ids of the flags in the mix in.""" return set(map(lambda i:, self._flags)) @property def flag_count(self) -> int: """Get the number of flags in the mix in.""" return len(self._flags) @property def flag_count_repr(self) -> str: """Get the string representation of the flag count.""" return plural("flag", self.flag_count) @property def is_valid(self) -> bool: """Return whether the flag mix in contains no flags.""" return self.flag_count == 0
[docs] def get_flags(self, flag_id: Optional[FlagIdType] = None) -> List[Flag]: """Retrieve flags from the mix in. Parameters ---------- flag_id The id corresponding to the flags that are to be retrieved. If ``None`` is provided, all flags will be returned. Returns ------- List[Flag] The flags corresponding to the given id. Raises ------ FlagNotFound If the given flag id does not correspond to any flag in the mix-in. """ if flag_id is None: return deepcopy(self._flags) flags = list(filter(lambda i: == flag_id, self._flags)) if len(flags) == 0: raise FlagNotFound( flag_id, self, f"Please provide one of the following ids {self.flag_ids} or nothing " "to retrieve all flags.", ) return flags
[docs] @singledispatchmethod def has_flag(self, value): """Return whether the flag is inside the mix in.""" raise TypeError(f"Unsupported type: {type(value)}")
@has_flag.register(Flag) def _flag(self, flag: Flag) -> bool: """Return whether the flag is inside the mix in. Parameters ---------- flag The flag whose existence is the mix in is to be checked. Returns ------- bool ``True`` if the flag exists inside the mix in. ``False`` otherwise. """ return flag in self._flags @has_flag.register(str) @has_flag.register(FlagId) def _flag_id(self, flag_id: FlagIdType) -> bool: """Return whether the flag id is inside the mix in. Parameters ---------- flag_id The flag id whose existence is the mix in is to be checked. Returns ------- bool ``True`` if the flag exists inside the mix in. ``False`` otherwise. """ return flag_id in self.flag_ids
[docs] def add_flag(self, flag: Flag, ignore_duplicates: bool = False): """Add a flag to the flag mix in. Parameters ---------- flag The flag to be added to the mix in. ignore_duplicates Set to ``True`` to ignore if a flag with the same id is already present. ``False`` will raise an ``FlagAlreadyExists`` Raises ------ FlagAlreadyExists If `ignore_duplicates` is `False` and the flag already exists. """ if (exists := self.has_flag(flag)) and not ignore_duplicates: raise FlagAlreadyExists(flag) if not exists: self._flags.append(flag)
[docs] def add_flags( self, flags: Union[Iterable[Flag], "FlagMixIn"], ignore_duplicates: bool = False, ): """Add multiple flags to mix in. Parameters ---------- flags The flags to be added. It can both an iterable of flags or an instance of ``FlagMixIn``. ignore_duplicates Set to `True` to ignore if a flag with the same id is already present. ``False`` will raise an ``FlagAlreadyExists`` """ if isinstance(flags, FlagMixIn): flags = flags.get_flags() for flag in flags: self.add_flag(flag, ignore_duplicates)
WrappedResultType = TypeVar("WrappedResultType", float, bool, int)
[docs] class WrappedResult(FlagMixIn, Generic[WrappedResultType]): """A wrapped result to carry potential flags. This class provides a convenient way to add flags to values from extract steps that are known to be invalid. This avoids having to write a separate flag step and is useful in cases where the information to flag a result is only accessible in the extract function. Parameters ---------- measure_value The value of the measure returned by the extraction function. Attributes ---------- measure_value The value of the measure returned by the extraction function. Examples -------- Assuming we wanted to flag measures directly inside a custom extraction function based on some metrics calculated, one can do >>> from dispel.processing.extract import WrappedResult >>> from import Flag >>> from typing import Union >>> def custom_aggregation_func(data) -> Union[WrappedResult, float]: ... result = data.agg('mean') ... if len(data) < 3: ... inv = Flag( ... reason='Not enough data point', ... flag_severity=FlagSeverity.INVALIDATION ... ) ... result = WrappedResult(result, inv) ... return result During processing, the class `ExtractStep` allows the transformation function to output ``WrappedResult`` objects. The extract step will automatically add any flags present in the ``WrappedResult`` object to the measure value. The ``WrappedResult`` class supports basic operations with other scalars or ``WrappedResult`` object: >>> from dispel.processing.extract import WrappedResult >>> res1 = WrappedResult(measure_value=1) >>> res2 = WrappedResult(measure_value=2) >>> melted_res = res1 + res2 >>> melted_res2 = res1 + 1 """
[docs] def __init__(self, measure_value: WrappedResultType, *args, **kwargs): self.measure_value: WrappedResultType = measure_value super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def _binary_operator( self, func: Callable[[WrappedResultType, WrappedResultType], WrappedResultType], other: Union[WrappedResultType, "WrappedResult[WrappedResultType]"], ) -> "WrappedResult[WrappedResultType]": """Perform binary operation on values.""" # Get measure value for both WrappedResult and float object if is_wrapped := isinstance(other, WrappedResult): value_other = cast(WrappedResult, other).measure_value else: value_other = other # Create a new WrappedResult object with the combination res = WrappedResult( func(self.measure_value, value_other) ) # type: WrappedResult[WrappedResultType] # Inherit flag from current objet res.add_flags(self, ignore_duplicates=True) # If other is also wrapped, inherit his flag as well if is_wrapped: res.add_flags(cast(WrappedResult, other), True) return res def _unary_operation( self, func: Callable[[WrappedResultType], WrappedResultType] ) -> "WrappedResult[WrappedResultType]": res = WrappedResult(func(self.measure_value)) res.add_flags(self) return res def __abs__(self): return self._unary_operation(operator.abs) def __add__( self, other: "WrappedResult[WrappedResultType]" ) -> "WrappedResult[WrappedResultType]": return self._binary_operator(operator.add, other) def __sub__( self, other: "WrappedResult[WrappedResultType]" ) -> "WrappedResult[WrappedResultType]": return self._binary_operator(operator.sub, other) def __mul__( self, other: "WrappedResult[WrappedResultType]" ) -> "WrappedResult[WrappedResultType]": return self._binary_operator(operator.mul, other) def __truediv__( self, other: "WrappedResult[WrappedResultType]" ) -> "WrappedResult[WrappedResultType]": return self._binary_operator(operator.truediv, other)