Source code for

"""A data model to describe epochs in time.

When processing signals, one of the fundamental concepts is to describe specific
aspects of a signal in a defined period. :class:`Epoch` provides the basic mechanics.
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Any, Callable, Iterable, Optional, Union

import pandas as pd
from numpy import datetime64

from import FlagMixIn
from import DefinitionId

[docs] class EpochDefinition: """The definition of an epoch. Parameters ---------- id_ The identifier of the epoch. This identifier does not have to be unique across multiple epochs and can serve as a type of epoch. name An optional plain-text name of the epoch definition. description A detailed description of the epoch providing additional resolution beyond the ``name`` property. Attributes ---------- name An optional plain-text name of the epoch definition. description A detailed description of the epoch providing additional resolution beyond the ``name`` property. """
[docs] def __init__( self, id_: Union[str, DefinitionId], name: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, ): = id_ # type: ignore = name self.description = description
@property def id(self) -> DefinitionId: """Get the ID of the definition. Returns ------- DefinitionId The ID of the epoch definition. """ return self._id @id.setter def id(self, value: Union[str, DefinitionId]): """Set the ID of the definition. Parameters ---------- value The ID of the definition. The ID has to be unique with respect to the time points of the :class:`Epoch`, i.e., if an epoch has the same ID, start, and end, it is considered equal. """ if not isinstance(value, DefinitionId): value = DefinitionId(value) self._id = value
[docs] class Epoch(FlagMixIn): """An epoch marking a specific time point or period. Parameters ---------- start The beginning of the epoch. end An optional end of the epoch. If no end is provided, the epoch end will be considered in the future and the :data:`Epoch.is_incomplete` property will be `True`. definition An optional definition of the epoch. """
[docs] def __init__( self, start: Any, end: Any, definition: Optional[EpochDefinition] = None, ): super().__init__() self.start = start self.end = end self.definition = definition
@property def start(self) -> pd.Timestamp: """Get the beginning of the epoch. Returns ------- pandas.Timestamp The beginning of the epoch. """ return self._start @start.setter def start(self, value: Union[int, float, str, datetime, datetime64]): """Set the beginning of the epoch. Parameters ---------- value The start of the epoch. Raises ------ ValueError Risen if the provided value is null. """ self._start = pd.Timestamp(value) if pd.isnull(self.start): raise ValueError("Start date cannot be null") @property def end(self) -> Optional[pd.Timestamp]: """Get the end of the epoch. Returns ------- pandas.Timestamp The end of the epoch. `None`, if the epoch end has not been observed (i.e., was not set). """ return self._end @end.setter def end(self, value: Optional[Union[int, float, str, datetime, datetime64]]): """Set the end of the epoch. Parameters ---------- value The end of the epoch. If `None` is provided, the epoch end is considered to be in the future and :data:`Epoch.is_incomplete` is ``True``. Raises ------ ValueError If the `start` is after the `end`. """ self._end = pd.Timestamp(value) if self.start > self.end: raise ValueError(f"Start cannot be after end: {self.start} > {self.end}") @property def id(self) -> DefinitionId: """Get the ID from the definition of the epoch. Returns ------- DefinitionId The id of the :data:`Epoch.definition`. Raises ------ AttributeError Will be risen if no definition was set for the epoch. """ if self.definition is None: raise AttributeError("No definition was provided for epoch") return def __hash__(self): return hash((, self.start, self.end)) def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__name__}: {self.start} - {self.end}>" def _test_overlap_contain( self, other: Union["Epoch", datetime, pd.Timestamp], method: Callable[[Iterable[bool]], bool], ) -> bool: if isinstance(other, Epoch): return method((self.overlaps(other.start), self.overlaps(other.end))) assert self.end is not None, "Can only test with closed epochs" if isinstance(other, (datetime, pd.Timestamp)): return self.start <= other <= self.end raise ValueError("Can only test for datetime or Epoch values") @property def duration(self) -> pd.Timedelta: """Get the duration of the epoch. Returns ------- pandas.Timedelta The duration of the epoch. Raises ------ ValueError If the epoch has no end. """ if self.is_incomplete: raise ValueError("Cannot retrieve duration for incomplete epochs") return self.end - self.start @property def is_incomplete(self) -> bool: """Check if the epoch has an end date. An epoch is considered incomplete if it does not have an end date time. Returns ------- bool `True` if the end date time is unknown. Otherwise, `False`. """ return pd.isnull(self.end)
[docs] def overlaps(self, other: Union["Epoch", datetime, pd.Timestamp]) -> bool: """Test if `other` overlaps with this epoch. Parameters ---------- other The other epoch or datetime-like object to be tested. Returns ------- bool If an epoch is provided ``overlap`` will be ``True`` if either the ``start`` or ``end`` of the ``other`` epoch is within the ``start`` or ``end`` of this epoch. If only a datetime object is provided, the result is ``True`` if the time is between ``start`` and ``end`` including the boundaries. """ return self._test_overlap_contain(other, any)
[docs] def contains(self, other: Union["Epoch", datetime, pd.Timestamp]) -> bool: """Test if ``other`` is contained within this epoch. Parameters ---------- other The other epoch or datetime-like object to be tested. Returns ------- bool If an epoch is provided ``contains`` will be ``True`` if both the ``start`` and ``end`` of the ``other`` epoch is within the ``start`` and ``end`` of this epoch. If only a datetime object is provided, the result is ``True`` if the time is between ``start`` and ``end`` including the boundaries. """ return self._test_overlap_contain(other, all)